New Character Advice


A couple of years ago, I appealed to the Hive Mind to come up with a Gestalt character idea that had good synergy for a new campaign we were about to start. The Results was an Exploiter Wizard/skald, which I have to say was an extremely enjoyable character to play. So much so, that I have fallen in love with the exploiter wizard.

Now, once again I am asking for suggestions for a Gestalt character for our next campaign, I would love to start with the Exploiter Wizard and pair with something that had similar synergy to the Skald, but I really don't want to replicate the same character, so Skald and Bard are off limits.

What are your recommendations?


While it may sound simplistic, a vanilla hunter would mesh well... A companion in place of a familiar... I mean, the usual purpose of the gestalt is to mix combat prowess with utility capabilities, so obviously a combat class is ideal, and this fills the gaps most adequately imho.

if you have the attributes to run it, a monk (unchained preferably) and a wizard can be overwhelmingly resourceful. both classes are built to overcome problems in different ways and heaving the options to use both spells and monk abilities can give you an edge.

the wizard spells can augment the monk in so many ways that if you don't have enough attribute points to go around, i'll recommend to go with minimum int to gain the spells to cast and use spells to ether buff or ones that don't offer a save to begin with (touch attacks\smart illusions and battle ground spells like walls\pits).

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