Kineticist Question: Elemental Artillery

Rules Discussion

A quick question regarding the fun little overflow feat, Elemental Artillery. If the impulse is sustained on the second round, it continues to exist and other people can interact with it to load and prep the ballista. My question is, who can fire it? Only the Kineticist? Can the Kineticist use the sustain to help reload, another ally use another interact for the second and a third ally launch off the shot? Or does the Kineticist have to launch the shot on their turn with their sustain action? It feels like there is a lot of missing information.

Here is the information so people don't have to look it up.

Paizo wrote:

Spinning wood and metal together, you create a rugged wooden ballista. The ballista is Medium and appears in an unoccupied space within 30 feet. It immediately shoots a bolt with a jagged tip of elemental metal. Make an impulse attack roll against the AC of a target within 120 feet. The target takes 3d12 piercing damage on a hit (or double damage on a critical hit).

The ballista can be shot again, but it must first be reloaded with two Interact actions. The ballista lasts until the end of your next turn, and you can Sustain the impulse. Each time you Sustain it, you can roll the ballista up to 20 feet, shoot it if it's loaded, or contribute 1 action toward reloading it.

It looks like a real ballista at first: "you create a rugged wooden ballista", but then it doesn't have any normal stats, its attack is purely impulse attack (which allies obviously can't use), and all actions possible for it are 'you' actions. So no, this is purely a skin for a kineticist's impulse, allies can't interact with it (and also they don't have anything to reload it, all reloading things you evidently conjure yourself). Enemies can't too btw as it doesn't have any stats.

Errenor wrote:
It looks like a real ballista at first: "you create a rugged wooden ballista", but then it doesn't have any normal stats, its attack is purely impulse attack (which allies obviously can't use), and all actions possible for it are 'you' actions. So no, this is purely a skin for a kineticist's impulse, allies can't interact with it (and also they don't have anything to reload it, all reloading things you evidently conjure yourself). Enemies can't too btw as it doesn't have any stats.

Yeah looking at it again I am not sure where I got the ally part. Shame too because it makes it so you never really have a reason to sustain it outside of not needing to overflow again to shoot it. Having allies assist would help. I think for the kids at my table I'll allow allies to assist it though, as it would be a fun little interaction for the player. And also allow the enemy to destroy it too. Thanks for the second set of eyes!

Kilraq Starlight wrote:
you never really have a reason to sustain it outside of not needing to overflow again to shoot it.

By the way I also don't see overflow trait on it. Is it an AoN problem?

Kilraq Starlight wrote:
Shame too because it makes it so you never really have a reason to sustain it

Sustain could also be one of the actions to Reload, shoot or move it.

Errenor wrote:
Kilraq Starlight wrote:
you never really have a reason to sustain it outside of not needing to overflow again to shoot it.

By the way I also don't see overflow trait on it. Is it an AoN problem?

Kilraq Starlight wrote:
Shame too because it makes it so you never really have a reason to sustain it
Sustain could also be one of the actions to Reload, shoot or move it.

I don't have the book so I can't confirm either. I swore it did, but likely is also due to me just being used to most three action impulses being overflow (like walls).

Weird though, it feels like an overflow impulse. Has all the normal signs. Huh... Neat.

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It's also helpful for later rounds that you can basically split the action cost between rounds and not having to commit to a 3 action activity.

Later on that you get access to free action sustain every round it becomes even stronger.

Kilraq Starlight wrote:

I don't have the book so I can't confirm either. I swore it did, but likely is also due to me just being used to most three action impulses being overflow (like walls).

Weird though, it feels like an overflow impulse. Has all the normal signs. Huh... Neat.

Demiplane version also doesn't have the tag. ... And the book :)

Since the reloading only takes Interact actions, I take it you must have already summoned all the ammo you'll need when using the impulse initially. I don't see why allies couldn't be performing those Interact actions (hell, even Familiars with hands could), though they can't shoot it themselves as that actually requires Sustain.

"The ballista can be shot again, but it must first be reloaded with two Interact actions."

There's no explicit "you" requirement in there. Kinda hard to deny allies the ability to Interact upon the ballista, there's 0 text that indicates the ballista is Kin-only.

"You create a rugged wooden ballista" has a lot of implications, and honestly, if an ally can shoot a ballista (martial weapon prof), there's no reason to say they cannot use that one.

Any unlisted stats should default to the Ballista, while any listed stats, such as using the Kin's impulse attack, are overwritten.

Unfortunately, there's a whole big section on Siege Weapons, which means there's a fair bit that the GM needs to determine in regard to what's overwritten without explicit mention, but by consequential necessity.

For example, E Artillery creates a Ballista, but that's got a crew 2 requirement. Technically, the Kin should not be able to operate it alone. While the first shot happens even w/o a GM overriding that crew:2 into a crew:1, no single PC should be able to use it alone (aside from the specific sustain actions).

(perhaps that crew change can be ruled in part due to the E Art Ballista being a Medium while the default is a Large?)

That one change would make the rest of the default Ballista usable without much fuss.

Kinda interesting to note that the default Ballista is a L5 item that does 4d12 damage, meaning the Kin needs to be L9 to match that damage.


One fun note about the impulse is that the Ballista can help body-block due to occupying a square and having stats to be attacked. You also really don't want your target to move, as Aim is it's own action, lol.

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Nah, that's where it gets too janky for me. The impulse ballista does not equal the siege weapon ballista just because they happen to share a name, their mechanics have nothing to do with each other. The impulse simply does what it says it does, it doesn't expect you to know the stats of unrelated items or replace anything or require a crew or whatnot.

yellowpete wrote:

Imo, the text is rather straightforward with its instruction. The impulse creates a temporary ballista on the spot, and it's up the GM to adjudicate that.

It is not a coincidence that the impulse so closely matches the stats of the ballista item. It's 100% apparent that the impulse expects the GM to use the stats of the ballista siege weapon, there's not really any room to argue the opposite.

If that was not the case, then the impulse would need to provide statistics that we know the impulse inherits from the ballista item, such as HP, Hardness, etc.

And once we recognize that the impulse is definitely inheriting from the base ballista item, we also know that the impulse inherits the rules explaining how the base item functions.

As far as I can tell, not only is the usage of it as a siege weapon RaI, but RaW.


I don't see using the impulse as a ballista as something that could create any real problems at a table, and even if it were to end up as fun flavor that only gets used in that way once per campaign, I see that fun use of the impulse as worth whatever minor hassle might arise from needing to check the siege weapon rules for something.

As such, I lack even a pragmatic reason to disallow that use.


All that "I disagree" having now been said, to each their own, no worries.

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>Imo, the text is rather straightforward with its instruction.

This is true

>The impulse creates a temporary ballista on the spot, and it's up the GM to adjudicate that.

No. The complete instructions are in the impulse text. No interpretation or adjudication is necessary

>And once we recognize that the impulse is definitely inheriting from the base ballista item

Except it's clearly not?

Elemental Artillery: "The ballista is Medium..."

Item 5
Uncommon Large Mounted

You are making wrong assumptions and then declaring a conclusion to be foregone based on those wrong assumptions

Tbf, I'd allow others to help with loading the ballista itself:

A)since the impulse creates a tangible actual item, and

B)since that's an actual action given to do so that doesn't mention that only the caster can do.

I can only surmise that anyone can use said Interact action.


The act of actually shooting or moving the ballista would still be needed to be taken by the Caster since he's the only one given an action that does that (sustain).

Baarogue wrote:

>And once we recognize that the impulse is definitely inheriting from the base ballista item

Except it's clearly not?

Elemental Artillery: "The ballista is Medium..."

Item 5
Uncommon Large Mounted

You are making wrong assumptions and then declaring a conclusion to be foregone based on those wrong assumptions

Dude, that literally helps proves my point. I do not know why you think that disproves it.

The reason the impulse specifies Medium is precisely because that is a stat of the ballista they wish to change for the impulse. There are many of those, from the impulse removing exactly 1 dmg die, to altering the range of the shot.

Because there are necessary statistics that the impulse left unwritten to inherit from the base item, such as HP and Hardness, the impulse is nonfunctional on its own. The GM needs to pull stats from somewhere to make the impulse function, and the text outright tells you where to look.

To rephrase/crystalize this down:

The presence of a creature size, but lack of mandatory creature statistics, AC, HP, etc, is proof that the text:

"You create a bastilla [...]" does in fact mean
"You create a bastilla, as in the bastilla item, [...]"

and is pulling the stats (and rules) from the bastilla siege weapon.

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Paizo typically identifies a page number when you need to access another book for rules.

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