Hoping the Animist can save 2e for me

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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The Animist sounds similar enough to the medium and shaman from 1e that I might choose it as my main class. While it will never replace the original wizard, at this point, I’ll take anything I can get. The class was perfect, so as long as they don't make any huge changes, it will certainly be great.

Well, let's see when the book comes out, or rather, when it comes out in Pathbuilder lol!I had some bad thoughts about the class, (COUGH COUGH Paizo, your fault...), but someone on Reddit pointed out some details that might make me look at it differently, or even choose.Normally every class I like doesn't use the basic attribute to hit, and as I'm not a big fan of spellcasters But I'm going to give Animist a chance, I hope I'm not disappointed (too much...) with the class. Yes, I'm a pessimist, after all, if you expect disappointment, you won't be disappointed when it comes.

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R3st8 wrote:
Hoping the Animist can save 2e for me

If not, it will at least let you talk to it after it is dead.

Finoan wrote:
R3st8 wrote:
Hoping the Animist can save 2e for me
If not, it will at least let you talk to it after it is dead.

it took me a few seconds to figure out what you meant , but I'm sure it will be fine so long as they don't butcher it.

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R3st8 wrote:
Finoan wrote:
R3st8 wrote:
Hoping the Animist can save 2e for me
If not, it will at least let you talk to it after it is dead.
it took me a few seconds to figure out what you meant , but I'm sure it will be fine so long as they don't butcher it.

Actually anything not soul-draining will do, I suppose.

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Sorry but if you're at the point where a single class can make or break the game for you, I'd suggest going ahead and packing it in.

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I also don't understand how a slightly more involved caster with some gimmicks would help when normal casters failed. It won't be a completely different gameplay, it likely would be an interesting class, but it's still a PF2 caster.
But whatever.


Yeah as Master Han said you're riding an awful lot on this. And even if it does "save" the system for you, it's one class. Whatever your problems are with the system, you're still going to have them when not playing as an animist.

I bet on disappointment being success! There is nothing more accurate than expecting something bad, if you do it, the impact will be smaller, or perhaps null.If something good comes along, then it's double the success and you won't lose out!You can criticize my methods, but never my results! Expecting a class to save the system is the same as expecting,(joke about us Brazilians), may Neymar guarantee us a World Cup! (personally I hate football!) But my real advice is this, do not put all the hope of the entire system in one class It is a very risky bet and such a risk is not worth taking.

while we are talking, OP, what *are* your problems with the system/appearently wizards?

Tactical Drongo wrote:
while we are talking, OP, what *are* your problems with the system/appearently wizards?

honestly for me its how samey all the casters feel

i miss when witches and oracles gave up a small bit of spellslot power for powerful unique talents or 6/9 casters who could more focus on a side concept like pets without being basically a martial with a sprinkle of spells or hell just mesmerist in general lmao

now every caster feels like they have the same chasis due to everyone basically becoming talent(class feats) focused fullcasters with slightly weaker spellslots, identical spell lists, and some selection of focus spell

psychic and animist feel like the only spellcasters who shake up the spellcasting feel while still being spellcasters unlike the magus and summoner

though i do think starfinder is doing a great job at this

mystic is my dream version of cleric in pf2es unique action economy especially if they had the option to do chip negative damage with rider debuffs instead of purely healing with rider buffs

and while i thought witchwarper was a bit clunky i think the idea of a casters main focus being on constant always on terrain manipulation is the kinda concepting for unique gameplay first caster designs i wish was here from the start

Tactical Drongo wrote:
while we are talking, OP, what *are* your problems with the system/appearently wizards?

This is more of an animist thread; we already have a thread about wizards, the "Could Class Archetyping Fix Wizard?" thread, so there’s no need for two. As for why I like the animist: it’s because you are not a slave to your spirit; it needs you as much as you need it, and it can always be replaced. This makes the relationship feel much more balanced than those of the cleric, druid and witch where someone or something can arbitrarily decide they don’t like you anymore and ruin your life. It also helps that it’s not a class you are born into or gain by luck, like the sorcerer.

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Ah, I've seen a few players who dislike having a magic "boss". You might be happy to know that Witch is getting a class archetype which solves the issue for them- Seneschal is for Witches whose patron has died or disappeared, and gradually turns them into a patron themself. Even if you don't enjoy playing under a mysterious patron, it can still make for a good backstory.

Animist seems like a nice blend of inter-day and intra-day flexibility, so yeah, I can see it solving the issues you're having. Getting four subclasses for different relationships with spirits is a nice change too. I know that a lot of my character concepts would really focus on a particular apparition.

As for one class saving the system for you, I can get that. I really started having fun when we got Thaumaturge, and Kineticist kept that going for me.

Anyway, I hope that it works well for you on the final release! It's not too long to wait now.

Animist and by extension War of Immortals is my most hyped release of all time for Paizo. I really hope it’s as good as it looked in the Playtest! It sounds like an absolutely perfect way to make a unique caster class, and as someone who’s favorite class is the pre-remaster Oracle, I am down for a unique caster!

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QuidEst wrote:

Ah, I've seen a few players who dislike having a magic "boss". You might be happy to know that Witch is getting a class archetype which solves the issue for them- Seneschal is for Witches whose patron has died or disappeared, and gradually turns them into a patron themself. Even if you don't enjoy playing under a mysterious patron, it can still make for a good backstory.

Animist seems like a nice blend of inter-day and intra-day flexibility, so yeah, I can see it solving the issues you're having. Getting four subclasses for different relationships with spirits is a nice change too. I know that a lot of my character concepts would really focus on a particular apparition.

As for one class saving the system for you, I can get that. I really started having fun when we got Thaumaturge, and Kineticist kept that going for me.

Anyway, I hope that it works well for you on the final release! It's not too long to wait now.

That sounds great specially if your patron was a devil or something then you can end up like Lina Inverse from slayers where her "patron" was sealed and can't collect the price "well there is a caveat but not spoilers", but is it common?

R3st8 wrote:
QuidEst wrote:

Ah, I've seen a few players who dislike having a magic "boss". You might be happy to know that Witch is getting a class archetype which solves the issue for them- Seneschal is for Witches whose patron has died or disappeared, and gradually turns them into a patron themself. Even if you don't enjoy playing under a mysterious patron, it can still make for a good backstory.

Animist seems like a nice blend of inter-day and intra-day flexibility, so yeah, I can see it solving the issues you're having. Getting four subclasses for different relationships with spirits is a nice change too. I know that a lot of my character concepts would really focus on a particular apparition.

As for one class saving the system for you, I can get that. I really started having fun when we got Thaumaturge, and Kineticist kept that going for me.

Anyway, I hope that it works well for you on the final release! It's not too long to wait now.

That sounds great specially if your patron was a devil or something then you can end up like Lina Inverse from slayers where her "patron" was sealed and can't collect the price "well there is a caveat but not spoilers", but is it common?

I'd be surprised if it's common rarity given the premise, but don't let rarity get in the way of having a good time. Talk to the GM about your concept. If the underlying problem is "I need my character to do everything I want without GM approval", that's probably a separate issue.

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