Tree sentinel (Protector tree) Mechanical question

Rules Discussion

Mechanically how would it work in this situation:

A creature hits my teammate of lets say 30 AC with a normal hit, the tree then gets in the middle to soak the dmg of the strike, what happens to resolve the situation:

A) The attack was 30+ but not a crit on the teammate so it does normal DMG to the tree who soaks it as it was made against an AC of 30.

B) The attack critdamages the tree as it has AC 10 always, even thought it was a normal hit on the player.

Thats it, i can't find anywhere 100% legit as a response about that, i've read some reddit posts saying that its the A option but i came to the official forums to be sure 100%

Thanks for the help guys :)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Unless the enemy is targeting the tree directly (and not the player's character), the crit goes to the player, not to the tree. The tree absorbs as much of the crit damage as it can for its level and is either destroyed, or not.

AC 10 only matters when directly targeting the tree, and never even comes up when it's simply absorbing the damage as described.

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'A' is what I read to be correct.

The AC of the tree is only used if the enemy attacks the tree directly. If the enemy attacks an ally of the tree that is adjacent to the tree, then the AC of the ally is used because that is what the enemy is making the attack against.

If the enemy misses the ally's AC, then the attack misses and both the ally and the tree go on with the battle none the worse.

If the enemy hits the ally's AC, then the enemy rolls damage against the ally. At that point the Protector Tree steps in and takes as much of that damage as it can.

The same type of idea is used for Share Life. If the caster is protecting an ally and an enemy attacks that ally, then the ally's AC is used to determine if the attack hits, not the spellcaster's. And if the enemy does hit, they roll damage against the ally, not the spellcaster. The spellcaster just takes the amount of resulting damage in place of the ally.

Thanks for the responses guys.

Ill wait for more just to have a bigger sample but i guess it is like that,


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In general, in cases like these that you get a couple of responses agreeing and getting upvoted, most posters won't keep spamming the thread with the same answer over and over again.

But yeah, unless the tree gets attacked directly, you don't use its AC.

Yeah, I agree with the others.

It's as the others have said.

shroudb wrote:

In general, in cases like these that you get a couple of responses agreeing and getting upvoted, most posters won't keep spamming the thread with the same answer over and over again.

But yeah, unless the tree gets attacked directly, you don't use its AC.

You better smurf'in believe it!

I came back just to confirm that everyone is correct.

Nope. It's the other way around. Everyone is wrong, and I'm the only one that is right.

Also, Dork S. and shroudb were clearly mistaken in their assertion that people don't post just to agree with the prevalent (incorrect) opinion.

Just look at any social media post! Herd mentality at its finest!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The Contrarian wrote:
Nope. It's the other way around. Everyone is wrong, and I'm the only one that is right.

Not you again! Go away with that nonsense!

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Ravingdork wrote:
The Contrarian wrote:
Nope. It's the other way around. Everyone is wrong, and I'm the only one that is right.
Not you again! Go away with that nonsense!

Don't you know? Trolls have regeneration.

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