aquatic creatures vs land

Rules Questions

how long can an aquatic creature survive on land without water like how long can it breath air??

Aquatic creatures can't breathe air.
I would go by the holding breath rules. 2 rounds/ point of CON.

Dark Archive

how long can an aquatic creature survive on land without water like how long can it breath air??

suffication rules

how long can an octopus survive on land ??

An Octopus has a CON of 14 that means they can hold their “Breath” for 28 rounds. After that it has to make a DC 10 CON check each round, with a +1 to the DC for each round. When it fails this CON check it starts suffocating and dies 3 rounds latter. This assumes it is not taking a standard or full-round action. If it takes a standard or full round action that reduces the rounds it can hold its breath by an additional round.

So, probably on the average it will be able to survive about 19-33 rounds but could be longer or shorter depending on how active it is and how well it rolls for the CON check. Worst case scenario is 17 rounds.

how long can an octopus survive on land ??

This is the Rules section, but an important thing to remember is that every creature is potentially different than any other creature, in ways that are too small or detailed to require adding notes or giving abilities. The rules Name Violation posted are the general rules for suffocation. Like Mysterious Stranger noted, a Con of 14 will allow 28 rounds of breathing for most creatures that are holding their breath. Half that for strenuous action. They didn't give it the Hold Breath ability, so in most cases, that's the answer.

Space Saver:
In this case, however, we also look at what we do know about octopuses. They can survive out off water anywhere from 20–60 minutes. The devs did not go into a lot of detailed rules for real-world animals or other things that they (reasonably) believed people could look up if they wanted. They didn't waste wordcount on every breed of dog or cat or types of cats, just a couple baselines. Same reason they didn't go into all the types of wood, some harder, some softer, some burn easily etc. They just have a category for wood.

It is perfectly acceptable for a creature to have a trait that isn't 'the norm'. And also in this case, the creature isn't holding its breath. It's trying to breathe. Fish and cephalopods do breathe oxygen, so it could breathe the air, but they have gills adapted to filtering it from water. An octopus can absorb some oxygen through its skin, but it's not efficient and probably gets worse as the air dries out its skin. It also does have a small reservoir or at least capability of containing some within its body as it moves.

If we try and work within the rules, knowing that an octopus can survive outside of water for anywhere from 20–60 minutes, we could see that under the suffocation rules, we can use slow suffocation to account for this. A typical Medium creature can survive about 6 hours in a 10x10x10 ft area (1,000 cu. ft.). If we reduce that to 5 feet on a side (125 cu. ft), that's a reduction of eight times. That would drop 6 hours (360 minutes divided by 8) to about 45 minutes. It's not exact (nor do I think the devs want it to be), and obviously that's a Medium-sized creature, in a 5 foot space, but... assuming the octopus has a small reservoir of water and an ability to process oxygen (even though it's inefficient), using that as a rubric or argument is probably not a bad point to attempt (assuming you need to justify yourself to anyone).

Short answer: The creature isn't technically holding its breathe, it's trying to breathe, just not able to process the abundant oxygen around it efficiency. I think using slow suffocation (with its own personal or 5-foot space) is a fair guideline, with Con checks taking place. But again, there's Rules, and there's actual things that are known and able to be looked up.

wat if the octopus has an air bubble spell??

I think he would need a 'water bubble' spell instead. air bubble would harm it (and i think as a 'harmless spell' he would resist and auto succeed in not accepting it)

wat if the octopus has an air bubble spell??

Then it can load its firearms (assuming it keeps its powder dry) and fire them underwater. Kidding, it would have to be on the gun.

If you mean, 'Will air bubble stop it from breathing?', then technically it would keep water from the creature's head (which is where the bubble forms). Since the octopus' gills seems to be along the side of their head or 'mantle', the bubble would probably cover them. So the octopus would be in bad shape, for 1 minute/level.

An octopus can breath through its skin, which is what it does when it isn't moving around a lot, but most of that surface area would be their head, which would be covered by the air bubble.

All in all, not a good place to be for the octopus, granted air bubble allows a save. Technically, air bubble doesn't stop someone from drinking or using a potion as far as I can tell. While an octopus probably won't have a jar of water on them, they are intelligent and good problem-solvers (keeping their Intelligence in mind). So if it can find a bucket or gather water, it could legitimately wash it into their mantle cavities realistically (as opposed to dunking themselves into it). There aren't really rules for that, but the spell doesn't prevent drinking if you bring the bottle or cup to your mouth from what I read, if it did prevent potion use, I like to think it would be important enough to note. Using a water fountain might be a problem.

how long can an octopus survive on land ??

I'm curious, why do you want to know "how long can an octopus survive on land"? How about a suit like the fish in Megamind?

wat if the octopus has an air bubble spell??

better to ask about how the grain futures in Absalom using Campaign Rules affects window washers in Druma.

The Exchange

Valandil Ancalime wrote:
how long can an octopus survive on land ??
I'm curious, why do you want to know "how long can an octopus survive on land"?

Presumably the OP is wanting to take an aquatic familiar or animal companion.

Unless the creature has some way (magic, tech, or the amphibious quality) to breathe air, being in the air would be treated like the Drowning rules on page 445 of the CRB.

How about a suit like the fish in Megamind?

Replenishing Aquarium Ball (or even the non-magical version) is the standard transport for water-breathing familiars. You can always rig up something for an octopus animal companion (which doesn't fit in the aquarium ball) if you need to move across land. But there is a reason why many of the PF1 books caution against taking aquatic companions in any campaign that is not almost entirely water-based.

The Exchange

wat if the octopus has an air bubble spell??

Air breathing is the equivalent of water breathing for aquatic creatures. By the time you hit CL6 and add in a lesser Extend rod, it lasts 24 hours. It does not, however, give them a land movement speed.

Just for completeness, life bubble probably works for water breathers.

If it's for a familiar, then that's why we have the non-magical aquarium ball.

Liberty's Edge

Belafon wrote:
wat if the octopus has an air bubble spell??
Air breathing is the equivalent of water breathing for aquatic creatures. By the time you hit CL6 and add in a lesser Extend rod, it lasts 24 hours. It does not, however, give them a land movement speed.

Octopuses have a land speed:

Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft., jet 200 ft.

The Exchange

Diego Rossi wrote:
Belafon wrote:
wat if the octopus has an air bubble spell??
Air breathing is the equivalent of water breathing for aquatic creatures. By the time you hit CL6 and add in a lesser Extend rod, it lasts 24 hours. It does not, however, give them a land movement speed.

Octopuses have a land speed:

Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft., jet 200 ft.

Sigh, yes they do.

However most aquatic creatures (the subject of the thread title) do not. So even if you give them air breathing. . .

if they have the Amphibious ability they can breath on land right ?

if they have the Amphibious ability they can breath on land right ?
Creatures with this special quality have the aquatic subtype, but they can survive indefinitely on land.

Liberty's Edge

Belafon wrote:
Diego Rossi wrote:
Belafon wrote:
wat if the octopus has an air bubble spell??
Air breathing is the equivalent of water breathing for aquatic creatures. By the time you hit CL6 and add in a lesser Extend rod, it lasts 24 hours. It does not, however, give them a land movement speed.

Octopuses have a land speed:

Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft., jet 200 ft.

Sigh, yes they do.

However most aquatic creatures (the subject of the thread title) do not. So even if you give them air breathing. . .

The main argument has moved to octopuses with post 4.

That said:

Roughly half of the aquatic monsters have a land speed.

Four familiars out of 75 lack it: the Lamprey, the Popoto Dolphin, the Pufferfish, and the Vampire Squid (with the really strange value of Speed 0 ft., swim 20 ft). Plenty have acceptable land and swimming speeds.

There are more animal companions without it, but changing them requires only 24 hours of prayer.

So, getting an aquatic animal companion or familiar with an acceptable land speed isn't exactly a problem.

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