Playtest Character Concepts

Playtest General Discussion

Envoy's Alliance

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm super excited to playtest. and I can't help but start thinking about the characters I want to play.

I'm thinking I want to play an Envoy who is kind of a Social Media personality. Not like a "prank channel" but one of those "I think my career is kind of interesting so I will show it off" type things, like those real-estate brokers who give tours of amazing properties in foreign cities. Except his career is adventuring. Any suggestions on an Ancestry?

How about a Casatha? They sort of fell into adventure during their Tempering, and decided they enjoyed doing it and want to keep doing it, so now they're on what is effectively a life-long Tempering where they learn about new cultures and document everything to send back home, since not all Casatha will be able to roam as far as they have.

Barathu witchwarper is up there for me. My space jellyfish is going to be WEIRD! Another is a mercenary kasatha operative wielding a long-arm and a dagger (and a free hand for pocket sand). The last idea I wanna playtest is a vesk soldier named Chunk bc I wanna be a big beefy boy! My roommate is going to playtest a skittermander envoy named Captain Joyboi (he'll sound like Scott Malkinson from South Park).

Pretty much all my character concepts are for ancestries that won't be in the core book. I wanna do stuff with formians and grays and dragonkin, and maybe an astrazoan.

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Okay, I need to look up Kasathan Tempering, but that sounds cool!

And I love the weird! That's gonna be fun!

Perpdepog, I agree with you. I can't wait for them to bring the SRO's and Holograms, and Nanocytes forward, but until then, what do you want to play test? I know it won't be your favorite combination, but remember, you don't need to stick with just SF2e stuff. You can use a PF2e Ancestry, or class, or both just to see how the system handles such a thing.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I fully intend to randomly generate my ancestry and class during the playtest, because not only is that sort of thing fun for me, but it also seems like the best way to go in fresh and unbiased. That said, I do have some loose character concepts that I might eventually play, use as NPCs, or write about as a creative exercise to build setting familiarity:

- A human borai envoy and former military officer who is trying to figure out what to do with himself after receiving a medical discharge for his sudden, surprise undeath.

- An android criminal solarian who faked their Renewal to escape the law, and now lies subconsciously dormant beneath the kind, naive, and mildly amnesiac personality of a "new" soul.

- A crass, pessimistic Kasatha mystic who pointedly rejects her people's obsession with cultural preservation, and has taken to showing mouth the same way some people flip the bird.

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Given that I'll be the forever GM for SF2, I can't do PCs, but I can do recurring NPCs.

One I am planning on introducing is an android weapon merchant. He was the "interface" of an old, abandoned military ship AI whose systems were finally giving up the ghost. So it transferred what it could into this much more limited body, most of it heavily compressed in archives, hoping to eventually get a new "proper" body. Turns out that isn't as easy as it sounds, so he is currently in the arms business (among other things) to raise revenue. His goal is to just have a new ship custom-made.

Another is a bodysnatching AI engram of an old war criminal. He puts lesser versions of himself into people's cyberware or robots and eventually takes them over. Heavily inspired by Gershwin from Eden & Echo (on Royalroad).


Not sure what class would be best for this but thinking of playing a Shirren game designer obsessed with game options. Who is adventuring to help brainstorm new game ideas?

combat ends:
gamer shirren
"Wow! That was a cool fight! Is everyone ok?"
"Ok everyone's fine good, ok let do that again.

The rest of the party
"But they're all dead who are we going to fight."

gamer shirren
"Just pretend, I want to see what would happen if we came in through this door instead, and what if we didn't have our weapons drawn this time."

The rest of the party
"How about you play dead and the rest of us see what happens in the rest in the next room without you."

gamer shirren
"Great idea but how did I get killed?"

The rest of the party
"We killed you."

gamer shirren
"Any other options?"

The rest of the party
"No, We killed you."

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So two thoughts come to mind. Either the Witchwarper, because of their desire for a do-over. or the Mystic because they want to restore their party and run things again. Eitherway, I love the idea. And it does make sense that this would be a Shirren.

I know that I'm going to want to play a Soldier. It's definitely the "ooh, Shiny" to me. Not interested in going melee, but I will want something that's naturally pretty big and beefy. May well be Vesk. I know it's stereotypical, but I've decided I don't have a problem with that.

Focus (as much as possible on drawing hate, surviving hate, and handing out debuffs. Fit in whatever damage will fit around the edges once that's done. A lot of "I am the bullet-spraying bulwark that protects my friends" energy. If there's a feat or a piece of gear or something that lets me function usefully as a piece of hard cover for my allies, I'm definitely getting that. One of my friends peeks out from around the solid object that they're hiding behind to take a few shots, except instead of a wall or something it's my leg. Chef's kiss.

Envoy... it's going to depend. I'm going to want to take a look at what the next version of Envoy looks like before I commit one way or the other on that one. I really like the feel of the envoy, but the original implementation didn't quite do it for me. I'd love to play alongside one, though.

More in-depth characterization stuff... honestly, I generally start with the build and craft the characterization out from there. PF2 has a lot of shiny little widgets that make that easy and natural, though. (Backgrounds! Skill feats! Chosen divinity. *Lots* of stuff.) I'm not concerned.

Assuming that backgrounds like Icon make a return it could be fun to be a barathu soldier action star-turned action hero who makes money on the side advertising for various airship and other pleasure craft companies by making the aesthetics of their armor match the various schemes.

Envoy's Alliance

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So I had an idea for a character from another thread here. but it would be cool of the Theme/Background of "Prole" carried forward.

I'm a Skeleton who has spent the last 200 years working on Eox in exchange for unlife. Now since they can't have me be TECHNICALLY enslaved, because of the laws of the Pact Worlds, I have been getting paid for my work, but it went into an account I couldn't touch until I finish my service. Most undead flee, or return to true death before then, so I have managed to stick it out. I got a nice payout and am now free to pursue my own path. I've been taking online courses these last couple of years so I should be ready. Oh, the Job I was doing that caused so many to give up: I worked a customer service com-line for the planet's undead nobility. I am read to never seen a flouresant light again, I want to feel sunlight!

the idea is a Skeleton Solarion.

Zoken44 wrote:
I'm a Skeleton who has spent the last 200 years working on Eox in exchange for unlife.


That's actually a very solid start for a number of interesting character ideas, and there's some interesting digging to be done.

Like, who were you when you were alive? You would have been born relatively shortly after the Gap ended, most likely. How much do you remember from that time? What made you hate/fear death to the point that you wee willing to sign up for 200 years of drudgery? Why didn't you run away and/or off yourself? Are there still any descendants, organizations, or whatever from your living days that you still care about? Did you make any connections in Eox that you care about?

...and now that you've finally made it through the Suck Place, come out of it undead, free and clear... what's the payoff you were working towards? No one goes through 200 years like that without some idea that there's going to be a payoff at the end. Are you happy to just be able to continue your existence, or do you have some greater long-term plan that looks to leverage your now-indefinite lifespan?

...and then it's possible to make a bunch of other interesting characters by answering some of those questions differently, possibly having the character be one of those that *did* run away, changing up the nature of the unpleasant job they had to endure, and so forth.


I think I've got an interesting variant on the above.

I'm a Skeleton who has spent the last 200 years working on Eox in exchange for unlife. At the time I went in... okay. let's be honest. I was a bad dad. I was *somewhat* wealthy, and indulged in it by having multiple (ex)-wives and mistresses of varying degrees of acknowledgement, and getting every single one of them pregnant at least once. , I was a bit of a deadbeat, and as the who thing got to be a bigger and bigger soap opera mess, eventually I decided that I couldn't take it anymore and ran away to Eox. They said they'd stick me in a hole doing grunt labor for a couple centuries and when I got out... well, at that point all of these issues would be over one way or the other, right? I actually had the money to pay for the conversion straight-up, but that's not what I wanted. I wanted to just outlast the drama, and come back up once it was all over.

Well... didn't work out that way. Turns out that over the past few generations, my descendants have spread into a wide variety of niches in a wide variety of different places, and they pretty much *all* have issues... along with occasional vague stories about their famous deadbeat of a progenitor. Worse yet, grunt labor in a hole for 200 years when you're one of the ancestries that thinks of exhaustion as something that happens to other people gives you a lot of time for self-reflection. I came back with some guilt, you know. I came back wanting to do *better* for my family, whatever was left of it.

There was a *lot* left of it.

Practically speaking, this just hands the GM a great big pile of story hooks and some easy emotional plays, as the character sort of wanders around the universe trying to make things better for his family. They've mostly moved on by now, though which stories they've heard will certainly adjust how they respond to his unexpected offers of assistance. He hasn't.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My first character is going to be the mother hen Mystic Shirren. He'll be constantly telepathicly communicating with his bond mates with annoying mother henish comments. Such as, "Did you clean your room?", "Make sure to eat all your vegetables". He will also be very fond of music, and often telepathicly sing to his bond mates.... At 6:00 AM in the morning. His favorite song, "Never going to give you up". On one hand, he heals you, on the other, you kinda want to murder him! :P

Envoy's Alliance

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

before unlife I was an Elf. Not of some noble family, not of some mystic heritage... just an ordinary Elf. I worked in customer services for 30 years when I discovered... I was sick. I was not going to live to see my first century. My family was embarrassed by this, my work felt I wasn't pulling my weight... and that's when I met Horg. A zombie Orc in acting as a Corpse Broker. He offered me money for my family to be mindless, or I could be intelligent, in exchange for 200 years of work... 200 years... I'm an Elf, Even as young as I was my perspective on 200 years was that I could do that easy...

I came back as a Skeleton, the disease of my flesh removed. I was given a small apartment to rest in, and a cubicle, phone, and computer to provide customer service in. I Originally thought this would be easy. And there was the carrot of pay at the end. I didn't need to eat, my residence was paid for. I didn't need the pay, until I completed my 200 years... according to the company.

Long days of being berated by the callers demanding I fix problems that, in general, they had caused. and taking their frustrations out on me, with a minimum necessary "pleasant ness" index. It was grueling. The rest of those who'd been raised along side me ended. They petitioned to return to death, or they escaped, forfeiting their pay, and technically breaking their contracts. While the Bone Lords can't have them dragged back to complete their labor, under the Pact WOrld's labor laws, they do have Process Server hunting them down to hit them with law suits.

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Once formians are back in the game I'm looking forward to rebuilding Xikzichiq, my formian mystic who acts like she's everybody's hippy aunt ant.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The class that appealed to me the most so far is actually the soldier, I like the idea of the suppression mechanic, the others are cool too though and the solarion wormhole ability Thurston showed off has me vibrating.

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The-Magic-Sword wrote:
The class that appealed to me the most so far is actually the soldier, I like the idea of the suppression mechanic, the others are cool too though and the solarion wormhole ability Thurston showed off has me vibrating.

Another thing that has me excited about soldier is the con main stat, incentivising me to get a +2 in str AND dex for switch hitting with big weapons. A little behind in to hit but I'd catch up quick enough. Spraying down a charging front line with a rotolaser before whipping out a dhoshko is pretty metal. Equally proficient in bonks and pews with Con DC AOEs for both. I've never been this excited for a tank/bruiser

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The-Magic-Sword wrote:
The class that appealed to me the most so far is actually the soldier, I like the idea of the suppression mechanic, the others are cool too though and the solarion wormhole ability Thurston showed off has me vibrating.

1. Be a solarian.

2. Stand next to windows and starship portholes.
3. Attune to gravitons.
4. Create wormhole, one inside, one outside.
6. Profit.

Perpdepog wrote:

1. Be a solarian.

2. Stand next to windows and starship portholes.
3. Attune to gravitons.
4. Create wormhole, one inside, one outside.
6. Profit.

5. Create a fantastic closed-room mystery about your own death?

Sanityfaerie wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:

1. Be a solarian.

2. Stand next to windows and starship portholes.
3. Attune to gravitons.
4. Create wormhole, one inside, one outside.
6. Profit.
5. Create a fantastic closed-room mystery about your own death?

More like creating amazing closed-room mysteries about your enemies' deaths. While I unfortunately can't find the text to copy down, from what I understand the Wormhole feat, taken at level 12 or 14, allows you to suck an adjacent creature inside of one wormhole, which then spits them out the opposite wormhole, if they fail a save.

Attuning to photons allows anyone who goes through to be concealed for a turn after exiting.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I was looking at PF2 races that overlapped already with SF1, and ended up with my initial dabbling being with a Ghoran Envoy. I went with the Lead From The Front mentality where he was actually going to be more in the thick of things, and ended up with Deputy Sumac "Mac" Cornwall, a giant stalk of corn that is a cowboy old west lawman.

Envoy's Alliance

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

yeah, I'm doubling down. My Skeleton Solarion has spent two centuries in a cubicle farm with no actual access to the outside. Now, he just wants to feel the sun on his bones as often as possible, hence he will focus on the Photon side of the Solarion.


Perpdepog wrote:
Sanityfaerie wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:

1. Be a solarian.

2. Stand next to windows and starship portholes.
3. Attune to gravitons.
4. Create wormhole, one inside, one outside.
6. Profit.
5. Create a fantastic closed-room mystery about your own death?

More like creating amazing closed-room mysteries about your enemies' deaths. While I unfortunately can't find the text to copy down, from what I understand the Wormhole feat, taken at level 12 or 14, allows you to suck an adjacent creature inside of one wormhole, which then spits them out the opposite wormhole, if they fail a save.

Attuning to photons allows anyone who goes through to be concealed for a turn after exiting.

I found an image of the text for the Wormhole feat

Wormhole feat.

Envoy's Alliance

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'm imagining "Sunny Bones" (yes I'm calling him that) is just shopping when the big disaster of Cosmic Birthday starts, and is swept up.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
WWHsmackdown wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
The class that appealed to me the most so far is actually the soldier, I like the idea of the suppression mechanic, the others are cool too though and the solarion wormhole ability Thurston showed off has me vibrating.
Another thing that has me excited about soldier is the con main stat, incentivising me to get a +2 in str AND dex for switch hitting with big weapons. A little behind in to hit but I'd catch up quick enough. Spraying down a charging front line with a rotolaser before whipping out a dhoshko is pretty metal. Equally proficient in bonks and pews with Con DC AOEs for both. I've never been this excited for a tank/bruiser

Yes! I actually wanted it for the Guardian for the same reason (with some other changes to accommodate ofc.)

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So for my Envoy I'm imagining a Pahtran Freedom fighter, who was making Vids to send to the pact worlds to raise awareness for their fight, when they actually won independence. So now, he's still streaming, but is a merc for hire. Noble person and all, but just a little lost in what to do with himself now that the cause he was prepared to dedicate himself toward... is already won.

For the Witchwarper I would use a human who just APPEARED suddenly in a laboratory on Absalom station. all readings indicate he was thrown through time in a time-travel experiment originating during the Gap. Unfortunately despite escaping the Gap, he is still effected by it and has no idea what is going on. He knows some basic fact, like he is from the Island of Absalom part of the Inner Sea Union. But has no personal memory, no idea of any history during the Gap, and is rather distressed to find all of Golarion GONE!

I've got another one for the people who aren't on reddit:

This is purely an NPC, but I'm creating an AI or ghost that possesses a literal tank. Maybe even multiple if I make them an antagonist.

I'll call them T.H.O.M.A.S. :D

Not sure how that will work out, a tank would probably feel wrong without (too) significant resistances. So maybe some less well protected? A light spider mech would be cool...

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