All day spell duration?


Are there any options available (not third party tho) that will allow some spells to last all day?

I understand Extending a caster level 12 1 hour/CL duration spells will be all day. (or basic variations of that)

But magic gear, or anything, that allows something like a 10 minute/Caster Level duration, or even less, spell last all day?

EDITED TO ADD: As well as third party, I'm not interested in things like custom magic items or whatever. Those rules are dodgy, and I never want to use them as a player.

There is one item that does what you want, but sadly it's very overpriced and very bad. The Ring of Continuation is an absurdly expensive item, only works on personal target spells, and the effect is automatically replaced if you ever cast another personal target spell. Overall it's just not usable.

There is the Eternal Potion alchemist discovery, but that's only for level 16+ Alchemists and is limited to 3rd level spells that are legal choices for potions. So Haste, basically...

Most other spell extension effects are limited to doubling the duration and don't stack with other similar effects, which means you aren't going to get 10 minute/level to last all day. If the spell has a continuous magic item that provides its effect or is a legal choice for Permanency, you're probably better off going down those roads.

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durations lessened going from DnD3.5 to PF1. It was part of powering down wizards.

There are a few spells with long durations.

Permanancy is generally a player option to extend effect. Otherwise metamagics for 2* duration...

Contingency spell and similar allow a spell to activate based on a condition. Observable conditions increased in PF1 but no guidelines ever made print.

Expending charges off wands is effective but can get costly.

The standard magic item crafting table can be used to create on demand(use activated, command) or continuous items... all part of RAW.

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The Hierophant mythic ability Enduring Blessing changes the duration of a spell with a duration of 10 minutes per level to 24 hours. It does require you to be a tier 3 mythic character with the Hierophant or trickster (Path Dabbling) path. If you are on the Hierophant path it can be taken again at tier 6 which will allow it to affect spells with duration of 1 minute per level.

Considering how powerful mythic abilities are, it is unlikely that you are going to find anything else outside of third party that duplicates it.

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A sorcerer with the shapechanger bloodline has Mutable Flesh to increase transmutation spells with at least 1 minute per level up to 10 minutes/level (3rd), and 1 hour/level (9th).

As Unarcane pointed out to me, the half-elf spell Paragon Surge is a transmutation spell.

Scarab Sages

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

The Hierophant mythic ability Enduring Blessing changes the duration of a spell with a duration of 10 minutes per level to 24 hours. It does require you to be a tier 3 mythic character with the Hierophant or trickster (Path Dabbling) path. If you are on the Hierophant path it can be taken again at tier 6 which will allow it to affect spells with duration of 1 minute per level.

Considering how powerful mythic abilities are, it is unlikely that you are going to find anything else outside of third party that duplicates it.

Why do Heirophant's get the "Enduring Blessing" option but not archmages who you'd think would make sense to extend spells to all day? Is it a balance reason do you know?

Divine casters tend to be better at support and buff spells than arcane casters. If an arcane caster really wants enduring blessing there are ways to get it. Dual Path into either Hierophant or Trickster will allow you to pick it up. The Trickster path actually has a few decent path abilities for arcane casters. Subtle Magic is incredibly good for an illusionist or enchanter.

The path abilities of the Archmage Path tend to be more aggressive than the Hierophant. They have a couple of path abilities that allow you to add your tier to your caster level for specific types of spells. The Hierophant path does not have anything like that that I am aware of. So, I guess it is kind of a balance issue.

Senko wrote:
Why do Heirophant's get the "Enduring Blessing" option but not archmages who you'd think would make sense to extend spells to all day? Is it a balance reason do you know?

I can't answer that, but what I can tell you is that the Dual Path mythic feat allows you to pick a second mythic path, grants you its 1st-tier ability (in this case, divine surge), and lets you select a path ability from it (or the list of universal path abilities) each time you gain a new path ability.

Scarab Sages

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

Divine casters tend to be better at support and buff spells than arcane casters. If an arcane caster really wants enduring blessing there are ways to get it. Dual Path into either Hierophant or Trickster will allow you to pick it up. The Trickster path actually has a few decent path abilities for arcane casters. Subtle Magic is incredibly good for an illusionist or enchanter.

The path abilities of the Archmage Path tend to be more aggressive than the Hierophant. They have a couple of path abilities that allow you to add your tier to your caster level for specific types of spells. The Hierophant path does not have anything like that that I am aware of. So, I guess it is kind of a balance issue.

I suppose that makes sense like healing being largely kept out of arcane casters hands. I was aware of dual pathing (though I've no idea what path ability you'd take with no animal companion or divine spell list) was just wondering if there was a reason hierophant's got it rather than archmages.

Beast’s Furry works on an animal companion, cohort, eidolon, familiar, or bonded mount. So, an arcane caster with a familiar could use it on the familiar or eidolon. For a summon focused arcane caster the Hierophant path also gives you access to Mighty Summons. Blessed Companion would also work on a familiar or eidolon.

Scarab Sages

Interesting I read that as animal companion i.e. the mechanically distinct pet druids and rangers get. Didn't realize it also applied to all those other options especially a cohort.

Have you considered adventuring in planes or locations that have shorter days?

I took that list from the description of the ability. A lot of the abilities on various paths specify it only works on certain things, but a lot of them work on more than you would think.

Beast's Furry can is also a Guardian call.

Just for your information the 10th tier Hierophant ability Divine Vessel is not limited to divine spells, but the 10th tier Archmage ability True Archmage is limited to arcane spells.

Shadow Lodge

Just to add a bit of history:
In D&D3.0, there was a '+4 Spell Levels' metamagic feat that buffed the duration of a personal spell to 24 hours (I believe it was 'Persistent Spell'). Using this feat on Divine Favor (which had a +6 cap at the time) was pretty popular with 'CoDzilla' clerics.

In D&D3.5, there was a general nerf of both spell power (a lot of '+1 / 3 lvls' buffs became '+1 / 4 lvls' or '+1 / 5 lvls') and duration (most hour/level buffs became 10 min/lvl), and this Metamagic feat was reprinted with a heftier '+6 Spell Levels' cost.

In PF1, there was another general duration nerf (many 10 min/lvl spells became 1 min/lvl) and this particular metamagic feat was never converted over (though the Persistent Spell name was used for a different effect). The general idea of a 24 spell duration was reintroduced in the form of the Ring of Continuation but with significant caveats (it's an fairly expensive item, it only works on a spell with an already fairly lengthy duration, and casting another 'personal' spell would end the effect prematurely).

Being able to easily boost a spell with a short duration to last all day is going to dramatically alter the balance of the game. I have built a couple mythic characters with enduring blessing, and it is very powerful even for a mythic game. In a normal game it could become overpowering.

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