How to protect from confusion


Hey there,
As title says: is there a way to prevent confusion ? I know unbreakable heart cures it, but if my cleric gets confused and can't cast it, it's no use ;)
Protection against evil only works against compulsion isn't it ?

Thanks lads

Confusion is a [compulsion] spell so technically it would make you immune.
I dislike that bit and have house ruled it out.

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

Confusion is a [compulsion] spell so technically it would make you immune.

I dislike that bit and have house ruled it out.

Good news, Bjørn! You didn't have to houserule it, Protection from Evil doesn't stop Confusion as Confusion doesn't allow the caster to exercise control over the target:

From the FAQ
CRB FAQ wrote:

Protection From Evil: Does this work against all charm and compulsion effects? Or just against charm and compulsion effects where the caster is able to exercise control over the target, such as charm person, command, and dominate person (and thus not effects like sleep or confusion, as the caster does not have ongoing influence or puppet-like control of the target)?

The latter interpretation is correct: protection from evil only works on charm and compulsion effects where the caster is able to exercise control over the target, such as command, charm person, and dominate person; it doesn't work on sleep or confusion. (Sleep is a border case for this issue, but the designers feel that "this spell overrides your brain's sleep centers" is different enough than "this spell overrides your resistance to commands from others.")

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to the OP:

- You can get sheltering stubborness. Thus the first round you are just dazzled (-1 to attack rolls and sight based perception) and can cast spells to prevent the ongoing confusion. can be combined with the Padma Blossom from bellow to negate the confusion (and save a spell slot) while not having to keep it in hand all the time.

- the Subconscious Ursurpation feat will cost one feat less, but you will have to be able to remove the confusion with a mental ability which would be harder to get.

- the fortunate trait will let you roll twice (once per day) and pick the better roll which would mean getting the 25% to act normally (and then remove the confusion via your own spells) has a higher chance of happening.

- grasping (probably take up a hand) the Padma Blossom make you Immune to confusion and other things while granting +3 to concentration (which should also be nice to cast spells in combat). downside it also make you immune to moral effects, most of which are bonuses (rage, bless, etc).

- the spell Nine lives last an hour per level and will let you overcome confusion among other things. 8th level clerical spell though.

Thanks bro, you rock

generally the condition is only gained/inflicted by by failing a spell's save, so ... don't be a target in the first place. There are many ways to foil targeting or Line of Effect and Obscuring Mist:C1 with a move action next is a classic as people like certainty rather than probability. Another is to move behind a wall/object and make a Stealth check.

Rather than a feat or an expensive consumable try basic stuff to increase your saves or give you extra saves. Cloak of Protection and an Aegis of Recovery springs to mind.
Martial types with poor will saves often opt for Iron Will feat.

Have a plan for when your character suffers a bad condition. Act Normally happens (25%)... Blur, Obscuring Mist, Darkness, Vanish, or Fighting full defense, retreat, etc...

Potion Calm Emotions:E2 works but you may not like the other effects.

Really, clerics tend to have good will saves...

Grand Lodge

Confusion is always a concern in campaigns I play in with my weekly round-robin PFS group, because we're all veteran players who know how to make combat-effective characters--i.e., exactly the kind of people you DON'T want confused while you're near them. ;)

I will have to share that FAQ with them, because I think we've played protection from evil as blocking all compulsions in the past.

My PC in our current campaign is an escapologist rogue. Her unfettered mind feature (gained at 3rd level; we're now 5th) has yet to be triggered, but I figure it's only a matter of time. It's a pretty steep DC (original save's DC +20!) so I've been bolstering her Escape Artist as much as I can as we go. And of course, every little increase also helps her ability to escape being grabbed/pinned/swallowed, which has happened to 1 or 2 of the other PCs, but her turn is coming, I'm sure...

@Azothath the padma Blossom is not a consumable rather a piece of magical jade with a constant effect while grasped (that can also cast calm emotion 2/day).

Dark Archive

the trait iron control let's you subtract 10 from the roll on confusion

The Exchange

I'm personally a big fan of the Azata's Whimsy. Combines very well with the Iron Control trait. Fun to use on yourself even if you don't have to.

The trait Offspring of the Ascension is great for a high-wisdom character. Of course, they are the least likely to need it in the first place. Combine with Sheltering Stubbornness to make a confusion spell practically ineffective at low levels.

The Exchange

I thought there was something else (a feat? a class ability?) like Iron Control that let you reduce the result of your confusion roll by 10. Or maybe it was on a whole category of rolls. I can't find it, though I did find Sylirican lemons. That's not a huge bonus, but it's also super-cheap. Like 6 to 9 gold a month to season enough meals.

Even if the cleric gets confused, everyone can carry a potion of calm emotions. All you need is to get "act normally" once and you can remove the confusion from yourself.

And if you're really worried about the confusion spell in particular, there's always the ring of counterspells.

@ Belafon - there are 2 traits that reduce 10 from the roll when you are confused. the one you brought and the campaign trait Foe of the Strange since these are not trait bonus rather an effect having both traits should reduce 20 from the roll.

The Exchange

zza ni wrote:
@ Belafon - there are 2 traits that reduce 10 from the roll when you are confused. the one you brought and the campaign trait Foe of the Strange since these are not trait bonus rather an effect having both traits should reduce 20 from the roll.

Nah, I know about that one.

I was at several PFS tables where a player had an Azata's Whimsy and was deliberately confusing himself as a free action at the end of each round, hoping to get "babble" as his result. He was getting a -10 on his roll. I know he wasn't making a mistake (he's very, very good at rules). As a gnome he couldn't take Iron Control, and Foe of the Strange is not PFS legal. Not sure what else it could be, though. Maybe his gnome was Adopted to get the half-orc trait.

Suppress Charms and Compulsions. In advance of the fight, a casting is good for a +4 morale bonus. Once there are victims of the charm/compulsion due to failed saves, the caster of this 2nd level spell will allow the would-be victim[s] to act normally, but the caster as to use a standard action [concentration] each round to maintain that freedom for the would-be victims.

This was a big problem for us in our Iron Gods game. Early on we had a few encounters where multiple party members failed against confusion and it nearly wiped out the party. The worst was probably when the Bloodrager and Gunslinger got confused while adjacent to one another and just fought to the death for 5 rounds or whatever - luckily the rest of our rolls were as bad as our saving throws so nobody actually died, we just ended up unconscious.

I ended up taking a level of DUAL-CURSED ORACLE on my Bloodrager (Mostly for flavour reasons, he died vs the end-boss in book 2 - also because of Confusion - so I took a level in Possessed/Lame Oracle to represent his injuries, and the fact that "something" came back with him when he was resurrected) and the Misfortune Revelation was amazing for saving party members from these kinds of compulsions. It only works once per day per person, and you can only use it on one person per round, but it can be the difference between 3 party members failing and only 2, which can save you from a TPK. Obviously it doesn't help if my Bloodrager gets confused, so I had to ward myself and up my will saves, but that's true of any Bloodrager, it just became a slightly higher priority for me.

That might not be the best solution, but the idea is that even the Martial characters should probably have some way of reversing the effecfts of confusion on their allies, that way even if the Cleric and the Bard get confused someone can still help save the party.

Protection from Evil (or from Whatever) and its larger version, Magic Circle Vs. Evil, won’t block confusion but will still grant the +2 resistance bonus if the caster is evil.

Meditation Tea (30 gp) is helpful as a preventative or a treatment, and Nostalgia Oil makes that treatment more effective.

If you are a druid, the Moonlight Summons feat makes your critters confusion-proof. As you are instead a cleric, try summoning mindless critters like vermin or bringing undead you animated. Giant Vermin lasts a minute per level; if the GM lets you cast this standard-action spell at a distance, a giant scorpion (10’ reach with two grabs) can ruin an adjacent caster’s day, and giant spiders can entangle with ranged touch attacks.

MrCharisma wrote:

This was a big problem for us in our Iron Gods game. ...

That might not be the best solution, but the idea is that even the Martial characters should probably have some way of reversing the effecfts of confusion on their allies, that way even if the Cleric and the Bard get confused someone can still help save the party.

see my post above.

• PCs should take basic steps to improve their saves and lower the probability of Bad Things™ happening. There are several 'spells in a can' (potions) that can help and the aegis is very helpful.
• There are basic ways to obscure targeting or cut line of effect but you rely on a perceptive and competent caster.
• Better strategy: There's nothing in confusion spell that prevents you from withdrawing/retreating 30+ft & 10ft from others on round of normal action and that allays the other possible bad effects as well as diminishes the chance of successful attacks from foes and only involves the 'magic of sensibility'.
Sprs Chrm & Cmpl:A2 might be a good spell to learn and cast if needed through a bonded object/mnemonic vestment. Temporary fascination, hold, sleep, exhaustion, invisibility, etc are also options.

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