Dwarftr |
So our group has decided that we will play Iron Gods after our current game is finished. I have a few ideas already for characters, but one im having trouble deciding on is the "Psychic".
I was planning to play a Psychic with the "Mindtech" Dicipline and take alot of "Psi-Tech" powers instead of "Phrenic Amplifications". Havent found a Archetype that i think will suit Iron Gods so ill prob be a plain Psychic.
My big questions are.....
*Best Race*
*Best Spells to think about*
And all round what would be best game wise.... **Please NO Spoilers**

Zwordsman |
oh that is fun. Off hand
Human I think is nice. Samsaran gets points for getting you force spells. Which are lovely for psychics, very thematic and they have a class option that gives it a boost
I am a big fan of force spells. Batterin blast if you got it from Samsaran would be a gem.
Technologist is a good feat if no one ielse in your group is using it. Though I typically say two would be good to have. One whose just smart and one who likes tech loot (psychic is 1/2 bag and busy casting after all).
Be sure to get a good mix of mind effecting and not mind effecting stuff. Given the title Iron Gods and all.
I'd actually suggest a lot of feats that solidify your base. Psychers are pretty potent in their own right. I always value building with an eye to increasing saves or rerolls of saves. Damage mitigation (either through debuffs or long term prebuffs), and feats like toughness, and die hard.
That isn't for everyone though.
If you look up guide to guides there are some great generic guides to psychics.

Dwarftr |
I ended up going Human for now..... And did take the Technologist feat.
I tried to look for the Samsaran stuff about force spells and the bonuses for em but found nothing...? Is that piazo stuff or 3rd party?
As for multiclassing..... i currently not planning on it as i want the lvl 20 capstone for Psi-Tech.
Artificial Ascension (Occult Realms pg. 12): You can upload your consciousness into a robot, becoming an artificial intelligence. Performing this ascension requires uninterrupted access to a construct with the robot subtype and at least 10 Hit Dice for 24 hours, during which time you cannot perform other tasks. Any interruptions cause the upload to fail. At the end of the 24 hours your consciousness is successfully uploaded into the robot. If the robot is not willing, it must attempt a Will save (DC = 1/2 your psychic level + your Intelligence modifier). If it is successful, the robot rejects your consciousness, rendering you staggered for 24 hours and unable to perform the ritual again during this time.
If your consciousness is successfully uploaded, the robot’s consciousness is destroyed and your physical body immediately dies and can’t be raised, resurrected, or otherwise brought back to life. Your creature type changes to artificial intelligence, and your robot body gains the aggregate template (Technology Guide 59), with all the adjustments made in the template’s description.
As a full-round action, you can attempt to upload your consciousness to any other robot within 30 feet that has 10 Hit Dice or more. If the robot is not willing to serve as your vessel, it receives a Will save as above, except if it succeeds, your current robot body is staggered for only 1 minute. If it fails, you move from your current body to the new host body, granting it the aggregate template. Your previous robot body is immediately destroyed by the transference.
If the robot you inhabit is destroyed, you are destroyed along with it. You cannot be brought back to life by any means. You must be 20th level to select this discovery.

Zwordsman |
Off hand. When it comes to level 17-20 planning. I always ask the GM if they plan for the game to go that long.
Samsaran is a race, first party. It has a racial trait that lets you add other classes' spells to your spell list. (you still have to choose them and such).
but human is still quite good. Just depends what you want out of life~
Psychic straight up will still be very fun. Just be sure to have options for things that are immune to things. I.e. if you like mostly mind effecting ,be sure you get options that aren't just that.

Azothath |
However, you must consider that the psychic gets the most awesome spell in the game, Explode Head, one level earlier than the Diviner. :D
but a psychic needs to be 10th level to cast 5th level spells whereas the diviner casts 5th level spells at 9th and Exp Head:K6 at +1 DC at 11th (due to it being 6th level). Then there's Sure Casting:D1 and a plethora of wizard spells... I think a dazing Fireball is more devastating than Exp Head but best of luck with the late combat castings...