olimar92 |
Not expecting much of a response, but I just want to know exactly how that feature works. Mummy has no Hunger, Ghost has a goal and Lich is just reading.
Do you go by starvation or thirst? Or do you just ignore it because they don't need food? Undead already have the chance of drowning, so I want to be extra clear on this.

Loreguard |

I would think it wouldn't be out of line to have your recuperating gotten from your state of quiescence could be dependent on sating your hunger within a certain amount of time. (i.e. you haven't 'eaten' for a weak... you find you are no longer healing as you rest, or reduce how much you recover each day)
I easily see how this would be something to go over with the involved players ahead of time so they can work out ahead of time how they plan to work through such requirements, and verify they would work with the GM. Things like 'void' healing might reset the recuperation clock, for instance, even if it technically doesn't reset their hunger. It might allow PCs to work out a schedule that allows them to operate, even without resorting to frequent sating of their hunger. Since they are already dead, the lack of food would not 'kill them' but simply keep them from recovering.
In some games you might even implement where extended hunger might cause an enfeebled, clumsy, or stupefied condition for the character if they go a rather extended amount of time. Especially, if the character otherwise might be granted more that the typical abilities due to fully enabling certain immunities not normally granted to undead PCs and such to give the player an alternate 'weakness' of sorts. If, of course, it makes sense for the campaign, and the players are good with it.