Wooden activation?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

Is the feat kinetic activation useless for the wood keneticist? Especially when in comes to staves and wands and other non-consumable magic items.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Why would it be?

If Fire Kineticist can activate a Scroll of Fireball - and it can, because that is the example given in the Kinetic Activation feat - then a Wood Kineticist can use it to activate a Wand of Lotus Walk.

Ed Reppert wrote:
Why would it be?

because there is no "staff of wood" there's even a "staff of metal" but not a staff with the "wood" trait.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

um. "Staves are also staff weapons." "This long piece of wood can aid in walking and deliver a mighty blow."

There's also personal staves.

breithauptclan wrote:
If Fire Kineticist can activate a Scroll of Fireball - and it can, because that is the example given in the Kinetic Activation feat - then a Wood Kineticist can use it to activate a Wand of Lotus Walk.

I guess? I forgot that wands can be "reusable" spell scrolls. But the other points stand. All other elements can use staves except wood. Was this an oversight?

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Yes. Personal Staves - which would be rather difficult for a Kineticist to create though.

But also homebrew staves and staves released in future books (including the Remastered core rulebooks) now that Wood is a primary element.

Wood only became a primary element in the cosmology with the release of Rage of Elements. Give it time.

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Dragonhearthx wrote:
Ed Reppert wrote:
Why would it be?
because there is no "staff of wood" there's even a "staff of metal" but not a staff with the "wood" trait.

Why would the staff need the wood trait?

All staves need are spells with the matching traits.

Wands and scrolls inherit the traits of their spells.

Ed Reppert wrote:

um. "Staves are also staff weapons." "This long piece of wood can aid in walking and deliver a mighty blow."

There's also personal staves.

staff of air , staff of earth , staff of water , staff of fire , staff of metal

These are what I am referring too.

Dragonhearthx wrote:
Is the feat kinetic activation useless for the wood keneticist? Especially when in comes to staves and wands and other non-consumable magic items.

It's future-proofing. It's highly likely there will be such a staff in a little while - just wait for the remaster. There are a lot of traits going on a lot of things - howling blizzard , the new cone of cold , is getting the air trait for instance.

But also, scrolls are a thing - I agree they're consumable, but they're decent.

Pirate Rob wrote:
Dragonhearthx wrote:
Ed Reppert wrote:
Why would it be?
because there is no "staff of wood" there's even a "staff of metal" but not a staff with the "wood" trait.

Why would the staff need the wood trait?

All staves need are spells with the matching traits.

Wands and scrolls inherit the traits of their spells.

is there a staff with only wood spells? I can't find one. And all other element staves have thier corresponding trait listed on them.

breithauptclan wrote:
Wood only became a primary element in the cosmology with the release of Rage of Elements. Give it time.

Seconded. Right now there is many more items, spells, etc. for the four 'classic' elements and the original PF2E damage types than there are for wood. This is because wood was just added in 2023. But I would expect material published from this point on to have wood items etc. in it.

Your GM can always reskin. It's pretty easy to say any scroll, staff, wand etc. that contains a pre-existing "nature-y" spell now has the wood trait. As the Plane of Wood becomes more connected to the material one, it begins to re-exercise it's authority over growing things yada yada...

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'm pretty sure the remaster will have a lot of classic spells replaced with new versions with these traits. If Long Strider can be turned into Tail Wind, things like Heat Metal and Protector Tree can get metal and wood traits.

Captain Morgan wrote:
I'm pretty sure the remaster will have a lot of classic spells replaced with new versions with these traits. If Long Strider can be turned into Tail Wind, things like Heat Metal and Protector Tree can get metal and wood traits.

Yeah, I was initially going to use the example of a Wood Kineticist casting Barkskin from a wand. But then I realized that Barkskin doesn't have the Wood trait.

For some strange reason.

And then I remembered that the strange reason is because Barkskin is from the CRB and was written many years before Rage of Elements made Wood a primary element and a trait to put on spells.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

It is more limited right now due to the wood trait being new. That said, the remaster is certain to change that and put it on a number of spells.

RoE had a number of wood spells and mentions some from SoM that should now have the wood trait. Talk to your GM as well, at my tables I'd allow anything with the plant trait to also be cast with that feat as well as those are almost certainly going to get the wood trait with the reprintings.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

While it's true that RoE is new, it's a little unfortunate RoE created a staff of metal but not a staff of wood.

Captain Morgan wrote:
I'm pretty sure the remaster will have a lot of classic spells replaced with new versions with these traits. If Long Strider can be turned into Tail Wind, things like Heat Metal and Protector Tree can get metal and wood traits.

At least according to AON, Protector tree has the wood trait

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Barkskin has already been replaced with Oaken Resilience, BTW.

Pronate11 wrote:
Captain Morgan wrote:
I'm pretty sure the remaster will have a lot of classic spells replaced with new versions with these traits. If Long Strider can be turned into Tail Wind, things like Heat Metal and Protector Tree can get metal and wood traits.
At least according to AON, Protector tree has the wood trait

Oh, they must have snuck some errata in via either RoE or the Core preview. Nice.

The more I am thinking about it, they may also change the name of it "staff of..." simply because "staff of wood" could cause confusion. A staff made of wood is different than a staff of wood. Catch the drift?

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

As long as a staff has at least one spell with the wood trait in it, a phytokineticist can use it, though not to cast spells that don't have the wood trait.

AFAIK the same does not apply to the plant trait, though I wonder why it shouldn't.

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The title of this thread is oddly horny.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber


Liberty's Edge

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Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
The title of this thread is oddly horny.

Oddly thorny.

Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
The title of this thread is oddly horny.

I do my best.

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Squiggit wrote:
While it's true that RoE is new, it's a little unfortunate RoE created a staff of metal but not a staff of wood.

Potentially because the verdant staff in the core rulebook is going to be the equivalent of a "staff of wood" in the remaster book.

thenobledrake wrote:
Squiggit wrote:
While it's true that RoE is new, it's a little unfortunate RoE created a staff of metal but not a staff of wood.
Potentially because the verdant staff in the core rulebook is going to be the equivalent of a "staff of wood" in the remaster book.

okay I can definitely see that. Plant trait will most likely become wood trait.

I did not know this existed. Mainly because I searched for "staff of..."

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