New pilot feats to make reckless pilot

Playtest General Discussion


I was watching Star Wars, The Clore Wars. There was another spaceship crash, and Obiwan said to Anikin, who was piloting the ship, "Another fine landing."

So I wanted to make a pilot character that always crash landed their ship, or was just in general a reckless pilot. Someone that can ace a maneuver when it counts but at great risk to the ship. I figured Space Goblin would be the perfect species for this, but it could be fun with any species. To do this, we would need a few feats.

Reckless maneuver: You get +4 on your next pointing check. After that action is completed, a random ship system takes critical damage from the stress of the maneuver.

Push your luck: You get +2 on your next piloting check. Your next piloting check, you get -2.

I got this: As a reaction, you may add +4 to a piloting check after it is rolled. The next time you land the ship, it takes 1d6 points of hull damage, and one random ship system takes critical damage. Once you use this feat, you can not use this feat again until after this Ship has landed.

Risk it all: You get -5 on your next piloting check. If you succeed, you get an extra piloting action this turn with + 2 to the check. If you fail, the stress of the attempted maneuver causes two random ship systems to take critical damage.

Yeah, playing Launchpad McQuack would be cool.

The recommendations for the feats need translated though. PF2 doesn't give static bonuses very often, bonuses that large even less commonly, and never untyped bonuses.

Remember, beating the DC by 10 will become a critical success. A +4 bonus is almost halfway there all by itself. Same with failing a check by 10 causing a critical failure. So a -5 penalty would be catastrophic.

So PF2 style I am thinking:

Reckless Maneuver: If you would get a success on your next piloting check, you get a critical success instead. If you fail the check, your ship takes additional damage from the maneuver.

Push your luck: You gain a fortune effect on your next piloting check and a misfortune effect on the check following that. This might be better done the other way around - the misfortune first and then the fortune. And have them linked like with Oracular Warning so that the misfortune effect can't be cheesed away.

I got this: (frequency once per hour) - If you fail, but not critically fail a piloting check, as a reaction you can reroll the check. This is a fortune effect. The ship takes damage as a result.

Risk it all: You gain a +1 status bonus to the piloting check. If you would get a success, you get a critical success instead. If you would get a failure, you get a critical failure instead. No other effects apply that would normally adjust the outcome of the roll. This is very similar to Tempt Fate


If it flies like a duck and lands like a rock, it's a...

Great suggestion!

I think your version of Risk it all could be its own feat.
My version does likely needs some adjustments. I gave it the -5 because it's not uncommon for higher-level pilots to get so good at piloting that they almost never fail a check. And keeping the ship damage init makes it feel like you're pushing the ship to do more than you should to do the maneuver you're trying. But now I'm seeing an issue with Risk it All. It costs an action to Risk it All to get an action back at +2

Driftbourne wrote:
I gave it the -5 because it's not uncommon for higher-level pilots to get so good at piloting that they almost never fail a check.

That is not possible in PF2. The d20 always has the final say.

That is, in fact, the very thing that all of the PF1/SF1 powergamers get bent out of shape about with switching Starfinder over to the PF2 engine. The risk of failure is always looming.

It is a bit more complicated than that. There are feats and such that will give auto-success. And if you are taking on challenges that don't scale to level-appropriate (climbing a basic wall at DC 20, for example), those will become trivial after a few levels.


breithauptclan wrote:

The risk of failure is always looming.

That certainly helps with the flavor I was going for with this.

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