Help with Polymorph Any Object

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I'm in a difficult situation as I mistakenly used Polymorph Any Object on my fighter companion, causing them to transform into a mouse permanently. We must find a way to reverse this, as we need our fighter. Can anyone assist me in finding a solution? Your help would be greatly appreciated.

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The duration is permanent not instantaneous, so dispel magic should work. You can keep trying until you succeed in the caster check. Unless the spell was cast from an item the character who cast it should have a fairly good chance to dispel his own spell.

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Dispel magic always succeeds when used on a spell by the same caster.

Limited Wish should also work.

It also states that it functions like Greater Polymorph, which Functions like Polymorph, which is dismissible.... so talk to your GM

just cast Dispel Magic if you can't wait. Done. Otherwise cast Poly Any Object again and go for Charda, a Medusa, or heavy war(advanced) Centaur. *-<8^)

Dumbwizard wrote:
I'm in a difficult situation as I mistakenly used Polymorph Any Object on my fighter companion, causing them to transform into a mouse permanently. We must find a way to reverse this, as we need our fighter. Can anyone assist me in finding a solution? Your help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm curious, why did you turn your fighter into a mouse in the first place?

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Valandil Ancalime wrote:
Dumbwizard wrote:
I'm in a difficult situation as I mistakenly used Polymorph Any Object on my fighter companion, causing them to transform into a mouse permanently. We must find a way to reverse this, as we need our fighter. Can anyone assist me in finding a solution? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm curious, why did you turn your fighter into a mouse in the first place?

Was it a mouse-take?

na, they were doing the mandatory hot springs session and some1 had to go check on the girls to make sure no-one is peeping on them...

He was turned evil against us. Was trying to stop him. I forgot about the rules. In the heat of the battle I did something fast not thinking of the consequences.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
The duration is permanent not instantaneous, so dispel magic should work. You can keep trying until you succeed in the caster check. Unless the spell was cast from an item the character who cast it should have a fairly good chance to dispel his own spell.

How long will it take for the permanent status to take place?

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In the game a duration of permanent means there is an ongoing magical effect that last until it is dispelled or removed. The magic can last indefinitely, but once you get rid of the magic the effect goes away. With a duration of instantaneous the effect creates a permanent effect that cannot be dispelled or removed. Dispel magic does not work because the magic made a permanent change to the target.

Let’s say the spell creates an object of some sort. A permanent spell will create the object, but it will detect as magic and a dispel magic or similar spell will get rid of the object. An instantaneous that creates an object will create an object, but it will not detect as magic and cannot be gotten rid of with a dispel magic or similar spell.

The duration of Polymorph Any Object is listed as Permanent if you are 9+ on the chart. That mean it last until dispelled or removed. As long as you can cast dispel magic or a similar spell you can get rid of the spell and the fighter will resume his normal form. The game term permanent has a slightly different meaning than the normal usage in the English language. The duration of instantaneous matches the normal English language usage.

Dumbwizard wrote:
He was turned evil against us. Was trying to stop him. I forgot about the rules. In the heat of the battle I did something fast not thinking of the consequences.

If you're playing a CG Wizard, you did the right thing (but used a sledgehammer where a rubber mallet might have been better). Rather an evil mouse than an evil armed fighter that might want to kill the party and cause all kinds of issues(personal and financial). Toss out some cheese and cage the evil vermin then deal with it later. The fighter got a "save or suck" with going Evil and got the suckage. At least he didn't get away so it's fixable and you'll all have a good laugh later. Learn from Bavmorda and Circe and go for PIG next time. They're bigger with a low damage attack in the Game(Melee bite +1 (1d4)) plus rather tasty. I think Kunekune are the cutest ones and mostly herbivores.

Azothath wrote:
just cast Dispel Magic if you can't wait. Done. Otherwise cast Poly Any Object again and go for Charda, a Medusa, or heavy war(advanced) Centaur. *-<8^)

so learn and adapt. The fighter needs a better Will save. PCs need a Protection from Evil when in these situations (baddies with spells).

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