Bridger011 |
The cost for crafting something (for example, ship upgrades) is taken into account in its crafting requirments correct?
That being said if the players were unable to craft something themselves like ship upgrades would that mean they could commission an NPC to upgrade a ship at 3x the cost since crafting something yourself typically reduces the cost by 1/3 as per the core rulebook crafting skill rules?

OmniMage |
The market price is what you pay to buy something. If something is already made, you can just buy it. You just have to find the item in question.
If you are crafting it yourself, you pay 1/3 the price in raw materials. The downside to crafting yourself is it takes time to craft, time you don't spend adventuring. Adventuring tends to make more money than honest work. While crafting, you have to spend money on living expenses while you make your items.
If you commission someone else to craft something for you, then you will pay market price for the item and have to wait for the person to craft it. If its expensive, you may have to pay up front. The 2/3rds of the market price that isn't spent on raw materials go to profits, business expenses, and costs of living for the person making the item.
Spells like Fabricate and magic items like Amazing Tools of Manufacture can radically speed up the rate you craft things. You might need it. Trying to craft something like adamantine full plate armor in the normal way will take nearly a decade.

Claxon |

One thing I feel the need to clarify, the cost of 1/3 for crafting is only for non-magical items.
As to the heart of your question, can PCs commission someone to craft something. Absolutely, if they can find a person who is skilled in crafting the kind of thing they want. There's no reason you can't go to them and commission them for that thing. Does it cost exactly the price listed in the book? Maybe, that's a good default. It could cost more. Perhaps the crafter you're commissioning from is well known and has lots of work to do, if you want your thing soon you'll have to pay a premium to cut in line.

Bridger011 |
The market price is what you pay to buy something. If something is already made, you can just buy it. You just have to find the item in question.
If you are crafting it yourself, you pay 1/3 the price in raw materials. The downside to crafting yourself is it takes time to craft, time you don't spend adventuring. Adventuring tends to make more money than honest work. While crafting, you have to spend money on living expenses while you make your items.
If you commission someone else to craft something for you, then you will pay market price for the item and have to wait for the person to craft it. If its expensive, you may have to pay up front. The 2/3rds of the market price that isn't spent on raw materials go to profits, business expenses, and costs of living for the person making the item.
Spells like Fabricate and magic items like Amazing Tools of Manufacture can radically speed up the rate you craft things. You might need it. Trying to craft something like adamantine full plate armor in the normal way will take nearly a decade.
Well what I'm getting at is you cant just buy ship upgrades from what I'm looking at, theres just crafting requirements so if I assume the gold requirement is 1/3 the normal cost as per normal crafting rules then I can safely assume that if they higher an npc to make the upgrades for them then I could just triple the cost that's listed in the requirements right?

Mysterious Stranger |

This should be handled in the game based on the relationship the players have with those doing the crafting. If the players are simply hiring a faceless NPC to do what they want using the formula of 3x the crafting cost is fine. If the NPC doing the crafting is a follower of the player, the players probably only need to pay the crafting cost plus what they normally pay the NPC. If the players have a bad relationship with the NPC, the cost is going to be much higher, and the NPC may not even be willing to do the work at any cost. Another option would be for the players to do something for the NPC doing the work instead of or in addition to paying gold.

Azothath |
most book prices are purchase prices.
The way descriptions are written the price at the top is the purchase price then in the Requirement section at the end for magic items it is half. Even with Equipment - Alchemical Tools, Cost=purchase price.
I'm not sure what "upgrade" you are talking about.
AoN search on ship ...
Magic Item Upgrades
Adding cannon ports to a ship and cannons can be done. Adding iron sheathing to the hull can be done. I'm not seeing those options in the "ship" search and they may not be modelled for core PF1 or could be 3PP.
Propulsion systems are listed under vehicles. It is going to take a GM call after the PCs consult a character with the required skills as to whether a retrofit can be done or a new vehicle will be required.

OmniMage |
Well what I'm getting at is you cant just buy ship upgrades from what I'm looking at, theres just crafting requirements so if I assume the gold requirement is 1/3 the normal cost as per normal crafting rules then I can safely assume that if they higher an npc to make the upgrades for them then I could just triple the cost that's listed in the requirements right?
I'm not sure what you are doing. You're dividing the market price by 3 to get the price of raw materials, but then you are multiplying the raw materials by 3... to get the market price? No, you already know the market price. You get the price of raw materials from the market price, not the other way around.
Look. Your average NPC craftsman will craft an item for the market price. You shouldn't need to do any fancy math for that.
To get the time required however, you first need to get the market price of the item in sp. Then get the skill of the crafter, add 10 to that (you should be taking 10 when crafting otherwise you risk wasting time and money), and multiply it by the craft DC. That is the progress the crafter can make in a week. Then divide the market price (in sp) by the progress per week to determine the number of weeks required to craft the item you want crafted.
If you are still having trouble, it'd be helpful to show us an example of one of these upgrades. If you don't have a link, then a book name and page number could be used instead.