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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So the Veiled Master has this ability called consume memory.

"When a veiled master bites a creature, it consumes some of that creature’s memories. The creature bitten must succeed at a DC 24 Fortitude save or gain 1 negative level. A veiled master has 5 hit points restored each time it gives a creature a negative level in this way, and it also learns some of the target creature’s memories (subject to the GM’s discretion). This is a mind-affecting effect. A veiled master can suppress this ability as a free action. The save DC is Charisma-based."

but it doesn't explicitly say that it erases the memory it has consumed. would it be right to assume that it erases whatever it consumes from the subject of the attack?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
OmniMage wrote:

The market price is what you pay to buy something. If something is already made, you can just buy it. You just have to find the item in question.

If you are crafting it yourself, you pay 1/3 the price in raw materials. The downside to crafting yourself is it takes time to craft, time you don't spend adventuring. Adventuring tends to make more money than honest work. While crafting, you have to spend money on living expenses while you make your items.

If you commission someone else to craft something for you, then you will pay market price for the item and have to wait for the person to craft it. If its expensive, you may have to pay up front. The 2/3rds of the market price that isn't spent on raw materials go to profits, business expenses, and costs of living for the person making the item.

Spells like Fabricate and magic items like Amazing Tools of Manufacture can radically speed up the rate you craft things. You might need it. Trying to craft something like adamantine full plate armor in the normal way will take nearly a decade.

Well what I'm getting at is you cant just buy ship upgrades from what I'm looking at, theres just crafting requirements so if I assume the gold requirement is 1/3 the normal cost as per normal crafting rules then I can safely assume that if they higher an npc to make the upgrades for them then I could just triple the cost that's listed in the requirements right?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The cost for crafting something (for example, ship upgrades) is taken into account in its crafting requirments correct?

That being said if the players were unable to craft something themselves like ship upgrades would that mean they could commission an NPC to upgrade a ship at 3x the cost since crafting something yourself typically reduces the cost by 1/3 as per the core rulebook crafting skill rules?