Dairfaron |

Yes, mounted combat in pathfinder is a jumbled mess. Yes, that's exactly the reason why I'm making this thread. Yes, I hope to get a little more enlightenment from it than I got from using forum search and google-fu.
1) You and your mount all have their separate sets of actions. So your mount can move while you make a ranged full attack (at a penalty). Special: You only get to make a single melee attack if your mount moves more than 5 ft because you need to "wait for it to reach the enemy". If an enemy is in front of me, can I full-attack and let the mount run away after that?
2)Mounted Charging: If you charge, both you and the mount charge. So both of you charge as a full-round action.
2.1) I have coordinated charge and my ally charges. Now I would get to charge as an immediate action, but since my mount doesn't have the feat, I'd have to charge on foot, right?
2.2) I use a horsemaster's saddle to grant my mount the coordinated charge feat. Since now both me and my mount have the ability to charge as an immediate action under certain conditions, can I use the feat while mounted?
3) Pounce: You can make a full-attack at the end of a charge.
Can I just pounce at the end of a mounted charge or do I need Mounted Skirmisher to overcome the "single attack only if mount moves over 5 ft" rule?
4) Ride-By Attack: Charge + move after charge
Does it even work? You can use this set of actions on a charge, because you have the feat, but your mount doesn't. So your mount charges as a regular full-round action and has no movement left after reaching the target of your charge. So you'll have to take the second move on foot or what? Is there any way at all to move after a mounted charge? What about combining this with pounce?
5)Trick Riding says you can negate a hit as per Mounted Combat twice per round. But that's an immediate action. You only have one immediate action per round. How does this work at all?
6)If both me and my mount have the Escape Route teamwork feat, the both of us never provoke AOO from movement again since we move in each other's squares?
EDIT: 7) If you're medium sized and ride a large mount, do you threaten 5 ft around your mount's 10ft-square or do enemies have to be within your mount's squares to be threatened?
There are probably a lot more things unclear about mounted combat, but those were the ones that bothered me the most right now. Let me know if you stumble over other uncertainties.

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1) You and your mount all have their separate sets of actions. So your mount can move while you make a ranged full attack (at a penalty). Special: You only get to make a single melee attack if your mount moves more than 5 ft because you need to "wait for it to reach the enemy". If an enemy is in front of me, can I full-attack and let the mount run away after that?
No. "If your If your mount moves more than 5 feet, you can only make a single melee attack." If you take a full-attack at the start of your turn you have limited your mount to 5' of movement.
2)Mounted Charging: If you charge, both you and the mount charge. So both of you charge as a full-round action.
2.1) I have coordinated charge and my ally charges. Now I would get to charge as an immediate action, but since my mount doesn't have the feat, I'd have to charge on foot, right?
Yes, and you'd actually have to be on foot when the ally charges. You can't dismount to use the feat. (Even if you can easily make the ride check to fast dismount as a free action, you have to have a move action available to attempt it.)
2.2) I use a horsemaster's saddle to grant my mount the coordinated charge feat. Since now both me and my mount have the ability to charge as an immediate action under certain conditions, can I use the feat while mounted?
3) Pounce: You can make a full-attack at the end of a charge.
Can I just pounce at the end of a mounted charge or do I need Mounted Skirmisher to overcome the "single attack only if mount moves over 5 ft" rule?
You only need pounce. That overrides the single attack rule.
4) Ride-By Attack: Charge + move after charge
Does it even work? You can use this set of actions on a charge, because you have the feat, but your mount doesn't. So your mount charges as a regular full-round action and has no movement left after reaching the target of your charge. So you'll have to take the second move on foot or what? Is there any way at all to move after a mounted charge? What about combining this with pounce?
It works, but if you try to be hyper-literal about the Charge rules it sometimes wouldn't. The way this works is that you continue your move past the target of your charge. You move in a straight line that includes a square where you threaten your target, make your attack there, then continue your movement in a straight line. So if your mount has 60' of movement during a charge and you are charging with a shortsword, you could aim at a square just to the side and in front of a medium enemy 40' away, attack it there, then continue in a straight line another 20'. If you had to move 60' just to attack the enemy you would stop after the attack since your mount has no movement left.
You can't be superliteral about this because of two basic charge clauses. You have to charge "directly toward the designated opponent" and "you must move to the closest space from which you can attack the opponent." While it is occasionally possible to find a Ride-By lane that exactly meets those two clauses it's pretty rare. So instead you have to interpret it as "directly to the closest space from which you can make a Ride-By Attack."
People can argue about this one all day. I suggest looking for some of Sean K. Reynolds' posts (one of the original PF1 designers) on the subject. Many of them have some variation on "It works because that's what it's supposed to do. Use common sense, people."
5)Trick Riding says you can negate a hit as per Mounted Combat twice per round. But that's an immediate action. You only have one immediate action per round. How does this work at all?
Known issue with language. No FAQ or designer commentary that I know of but the sane interpretation is that the second use wouldn't require an immediate action. (But the first one did use up your immediate.)
6)If both me and my mount have the Escape Route teamwork feat, the both of us never provoke AOO from movement again since we move in each other's squares?
That is indeed how the feat is worded. It's almost certainly NOT supposed to work that way but there has never been a designer comment or FAQ on it. GM decision, I do not allow it.
7) If you're medium sized and ride a large mount, do you threaten 5 ft around your mount's 10ft-square or do enemies have to be within your mount's squares to be threatened?
"For simplicity, assume that you share your mount’s space during combat." (CRB page 202) It's assumed that you are in all of those squares and so you threaten every space around your mount (assuming your weapon has a normal 5' reach). It also means you are threatened by any enemy who can reach any square of your mount.

ValkaS63 |

I am the first-time GM of Mummy's mask in Osirion. The Paladin in the game has taken a Camel as his Mount. He wants to ride the camel into buildings and fight from the camel's back (hump). Are there specific rules for this scenario?
If the interior of the building has 10' ceilings I would assume fighting from the back of a camel in this scenario would be at a negative.
If the door to get into the building is a double door at a typical height I would assume the Paladin can not ride through the door.
If the door and subsequent corridor is only 5' I would think squeeze rules apply and the Paladin could also not ride in this situation, the Camel's movement would be 10' per square, it would have a -4 to AC and can not attack.
All this I have only gleaned from what I can find and with others assistance.
Please Help! Are there actual rules that apply to a 10' x 10' mount in a building?
Thank you

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I am the first-time GM of Mummy's mask in Osirion. The Paladin in the game has taken a Camel as his Mount. He wants to ride the camel into buildings and fight from the camel's back (hump). Are there specific rules for this scenario?
riding the hump is just flavor. Rules say you occupy all the mounts squares. on the hump, hanging from its neck, standing on its head, mechanically is the same.
If the interior of the building has 10' ceilings I would assume fighting from the back of a camel in this scenario would be at a negative.
attacks from the high ground, like riding a large mount and attacking a medium enemy, actually get a +1 to hit.
also see squeezing rulesIf the door and subsequent corridor is only 5' I would think squeeze rules apply and the Paladin could also not ride in this situation, the Camel's movement would be 10' per square, it would have a -4 to AC and can not attack.If the door to get into the building is a double door at a typical height I would assume the Paladin can not ride through the door.
again squeezing rules
squeezing doesnt remove the ability to attack
Each move into or through a narrow space counts as if it were 2 squares, and while squeezed in a narrow space, you take a –4 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty to AC.the mount can ignore most of the negatives if it takes the feat narrow frame (link)

ValkaS63 |

ValkaS63 wrote:I am the first-time GM of Mummy's mask in Osirion. The Paladin in the game has taken a Camel as his Mount. He wants to ride the camel into buildings and fight from the camel's back (hump). Are there specific rules for this scenario?riding the hump is just flavor. Rules say you occupy all the mounts squares. on the hump, hanging from its neck, standing on its head, mechanically is the same.
If the interior of the building has 10' ceilings I would assume fighting from the back of a camel in this scenario would be at a negative.
attacks from the high ground, like riding a large mount and attacking a medium enemy, actually get a +1 to hit.
also see squeezing rulesIf the door and subsequent corridor is only 5' I would think squeeze rules apply and the Paladin could also not ride in this situation, the Camel's movement would be 10' per square, it would have a -4 to AC and can not attack.If the door to get into the building is a double door at a typical height I would assume the Paladin can not ride through the door.
again squeezing rules
squeezing doesnt remove the ability to attack
Each move into or through a narrow space counts as if it were 2 squares, and while squeezed in a narrow space, you take a –4 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty to AC.the mount can ignore most of the negatives if it takes the feat narrow frame (link)
Thank you I appreciate your input.