Which would make a better feint fighter? Dandy Ranger or fey trickster mesmerist?


Silver Crusade

Honestly there are arguments for both, but i kinda wanted insight since mesmerist gets so few feats and wants so many.

Ranger is a full BAB with bonus feats that ignore prerequisites. The deceptive combat style from ultimate intrigue has a lot of the feint combat feats in it. The mesmerist is a ¾ BAB class with limited weapon proficiencies. When it comes to combat the ranger is going to almost always be the superior choice. While the mesmerist gets a huge bonus to bluff the ranger is going to be able to actually do something after the feint takes place.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

If you want to focus on feinting, vexing daredevil mesmerist is probably a better option (for the bonus feats) than fey trickster. Possibly with a one level dip in swashbuckler, as well.

A snakebite striker brawler might also make a good choice for a feinting character with Snake Feint and Sneak Attack.

Is there a particular reason you want to be good at feint?

Dark Archive

Melkiador wrote:
Is there a particular reason you want to be good at feint?

Blistering feint + flaming weapon?

feint as a move AND a standard, deal fire damage each time maybe?

Silver Crusade

Melkiador wrote:
Is there a particular reason you want to be good at feint?

Honestly it doesn't have to be feint in particular. Just a charisma focused fighting style that may or may not be..."Suggestive" in nature. Not necessarily explicit but more like swaying movements to throw people off and then blindside them before they knew what happened like a dance.

A dervish dancer bard would seem the obvious choice for what you seem to want.

I also built a virtuous bravo of Sarenrae that worked fairly well. Take a trait to get intimidate as a class skill to take advantage of menacing sword play. You are using your obvious skill to intimidate your opponent not brute force. DEX based paladins work really well because their combat stat ends up boosting their week save, and touch AC.

A Rostland Bravo Swashbuckler can feint as a swift action. If the Fey theme is important to you, there’s always VMC Cavalier (Order of the Blossom), which not only grants sneak attack but also gives you a great—and unnamed—bonus to Bluff. By 8th level, you could be tacking on +2d6 damage per attack on top of your precise strike deed, etc.

Alternately, Serren’s Masterstroke allows you to tack on some damage to your feinting. It’s not the best feat (It only applies to one attack per round), but the Rostland Bravo satisfies half the feat requirements.

You want one level of Warrior Poet Samurai for the Flourish called Kitsune's Mystique... which gives you both Improved Feint and the ability to feint someone as part of a move action. From this single level dip, you also get Weapon Finesse, and can use it with Katanas and Glaives and Naginatas.

Then three levels of Snakebite Striker for Snake Feint.

Online by level 4, full BAB up to this point, and both classes are D10 hit dice... +5/+3/+1 base saves.

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