Haides |
I need a bit of help; this is a simple question, but i have doubts about if it has been answered anytime or not:
I am lvl 3 and i've got CRAFT WONDROUS ITEMS; i've got Spellcraft 8 and i want to create an Ioun stone. THe item has those requirements (apart from gold):
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be 12th level;
The question is... Can i increase in a bare +5 the Spellcraft check to avoid the "12th lvl" requirement? Or do i need to wait until lvl 12, not matter how much Spellcraft (and gold) can have...?
Melkiador |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
So, an FAQ confirms it:
Crafting and Bypassing Requirements: What crafting requirements can you bypass by adding +5 to the DC of your Spellcraft check?
As presented on page 549 of the Core Rulebook, there are no limitations other than (1) you have to have the item creation feat, and (2) you cannot create potions, spell-trigger, or spell-completion magic items without meeting their spell prerequisites. So racial requirements, specific spell requirements, math requirements (such as "caster level must be at least three times the enhancement bonus"), and so on, are all subject to the +5 DC rule.
Haides |
Gods... i've been reading those FAQs this afternoon; and i've been reading about 2 hours, between the Core FAQs, the Ultimate Magic FAQ and the Advanced Player's Guide... i've been reading some forums, i've been watching things in pfsrd, and in d20srd.org...
How could i miss THAT!!?? It's clear, completely clear, in front of me!!
Thank you, very much u_u i should have found that. ANd Thank you too for the explanation about how to use the skill; once known that it can be bypassed with a +5, i'm sure i won't have any problems with that.
Well... that's all said; asked and answered. THank you!! : )
Joesi |
If you're level 3 you would have only 3 ranks in Spellcraft. That is the limit (1 per level), and I think there's no mechanics in the game that ever change it. I'd say that it's misleading to say that you have 8 Spellcraft, particularly since someone here even seemed to interpret it as having 8 ranks.
+8 Spellcraft, or +8 total to Spellcraft (ideally) would be the way to say it to help avoid confusion.
This means that you'd be 4 away from being able to craft the ioun stone [reliably], and hence will/should need to find a way to increase the bonus before crafting it.
Also keep in mind that certain bonus types (such as circumstance or enhancement) do not stack with others of the same type, only other bonuses
Azothath |
it's clear he only has 3 ranks at most (being 3rd level), total=8 -3 class, -3 level = +2 bonus for INT, or there abouts as it could be 2 ranks and +3 ability bonus. Taking 10 will only go to 18...
Basically you'll need to wait another few levels to make it practical or use Crafter's Fortune, Luck bonuses, etc.
My suggestion is to look at the "Items that can save you" list and choose a low cost item and craft that. Aegis of Recovery will help.