Worldbuilding Help

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I am not sure if this is where this thread would go, but I would like to reach out for some help trying to come up with a "main" epithet for one of the main prime deities of a homebrew world I am making. I tried to take inspiration from various sorts of fictional dwarven pinnacle deities, mainly Torag, but right now I want to try and come up with names for the unique identity I am trying to make for him.

His general stuff is:

Portfolio: Forges, weapons, protection, strategy and mountains.
Domains: Artifice, Law, Good, Earth and Protection.
Subdomains: Construct, Industry, Defense, Caves, Fortifications and Metal.

And his other epithets include things like Forge Suzerain, Baron of Arms, The First Smith, Keepmaker, Earthbreaker, Father of Dwarvenkind and Bergentrückung. What I am struggling with is his first one, the one that he would most commonly be known by. Since I would rather not opt into the cliche with titles like "Allfather" and what have you.

Would anyone be able to help?

If you tell us his name, and a brief version of his central myth, we might be better able to offer suggestions.

Father of Dwarvenkind sounds like it should be the main epithet. Soulforger might also work, but it all depends on how this deity fits into your pantheon. I find it interesting that as the seemingly prime Dwarven Deity, he is only the "Baron" of Arms.

language and culture tend to go hand-in-hand especially when you are transitioning out of the bronze age or into technology. There are several markers for technological progress - kiln temperatures and environmental controls, printing presses (relatively cheap dissemination of knowledge), etc. Amusingly scientists just recreated roman concrete last year.

So it comes down to picking a time, culture, and thus language (real or created).

Heya all!

If it would help, the general most commonly known myth and, in essence, birth of the god can be summed up as so,

"Narrinolf (pronounced NERR-en-ULF), is the most obstinate and reclusive of the Firstborn since the time before the cosmos. He is the patriarch of the Dwarven pantheon and patron deity of the race, the penultimate of craftsmanship and staunch security. While his elder brother and sister toddled out of their mother’s bedchamber, he became fascinated with the glimmer of the loom and reached out to take hold of a single thread. It was snapped off in his steely grip and wound about his arm until it glimmered brighter than any star. But it was not until after sundering the first mountain, breathing the first forge to life and dipping his other arm into the first metal did he become the god of present day."

He is one of the surviving eight "firstborn" deities, and he was the one to fashion a weapon by which a destroyer god could be slain. I hope that helps some.

The "Architect"
The "Creator"
The "First" (or "First Father")
The "Forefather"
The "Founder"

There's a quick handful... let me know where I'm at... warm/cold, any of those anywhere close? I can think of more, just want feedback on which direction to go...

it's not a big constructed language but some words are listed, the source material is small and resembles consonant only written languages.


Architect and World Forger both resonant with me, those ones seem like they hit closest to home.

I really latched on to your description of his arms. One wrapped in glistening thread, the other coated in the "first" metal. I don't know if it should be the primary epithet, but something like "shining arms" or "glinting" seems appropriate. I can't think of a more archaic word for arms, but that might fit better. I'm thinking of this the same as "Grey-eyed Athena" or "Milky-armed Hera".

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The Ironweaver
Combining the thread/loom and metal/forge...

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