Listing of upcoming hardcover adventure path collections?

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

I'm looking to get most of the adventure paths eventually, but I absolutely want to wait for any that are getting the hardcover collection treatment, ala Abomination Vaults, rather than getting a bunch of paperback ones. Do we know what Paizo is planning?

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Fists of the Ruby Phoenix is the only upcoming one we know of.

It's hard to tell whether an AP will get a hard cover or not because those are special editions, and Paizo only does those if an adventure does especially well in sales and/or is particularly iconic somehow.

Didn't Strength of Thousands do really well? And maybe they can convert their best-selling ones from 1e as well, similar to Kingmaker. But thanks for the info, too bad Ruby Phoenix is the only one I'm completely uninterested in (Mortal Kombat and medieval RPG don't really go together in my mind, also why I'll never play monk class).

Shadow Lodge

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bmardiney wrote:
Didn't Strength of Thousands do really well? And maybe they can convert their best-selling ones from 1e as well, similar to Kingmaker. But thanks for the info, too bad Ruby Phoenix is the only one I'm completely uninterested in (Mortal Kombat and medieval RPG don't really go together in my mind, also why I'll never play monk class).

Pathfinder's setting has never meaningfully drawn from any part of the medieval period, either in terms of its span of time (about 500 to about 1500 AD) or in terms of where that periodization is applicable (northern Europe and the Mediterranean world in a broad sense). Very broadly speaking it draws more from the early modern and revolutionary periods.

And the trouble with the well-selling and/or iconic adventure paths getting hardcovers are that they already have, or mostly have. Kingmaker is perhaps the most iconic 1E adventure path, and the iconic adventure paths of the 3.5 era (Rise of the Runelords and Curse of the Crimson Throne) already got hardcover-ported to 1E. The only other 1E adventure path that might have the cultural clout necessary to get ported to 2E is Wrath of the Righteous, and that's probably contingent on the video game selling well.

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Wrath might have the awareness from the video game, and I think the original AP sold well, but it would also be the hardest 1e AP to update to 2e due to the need for mythic rules. And any mythic/mythic like system for 2e would likely be extremely different, to the point that everything monster stat/DC related would need a large amount of rework.

Wrath has sold very well on PC. So here's hoping.

And I'm fine with Ruby existing. I just have no interest in Asian-themed locales or stories. I also can't stand anime, so there's that :p

FotRP is full of anime-esque goodness, that's for true.

Paizo might also be experimenting with other ways to sell bundled APs that people like. There was a Humble Bundle, well, bundle for Strength of Thousands a bit ago that had the adventure entire, and also all the 2E Mwangi-inspired material.

Perpdepog wrote:

FotRP is full of anime-esque goodness, that's for true.

Paizo might also be experimenting with other ways to sell bundled APs that people like. There was a Humble Bundle, well, bundle for Strength of Thousands a bit ago that had the adventure entire, and also all the 2E Mwangi-inspired material.

Yeah I think I actually bought that. Still, I like me some hardcover books. One of the main thing that separates PC games from tabletop is feeling the materials in your hands.

Liberty's Edge

I feel bundle and hardcover collection are antithetical. Hence why I bought the Strength bundle. Because its mere existence convinced me that the AP would not get the collected edition treatment. Same for Quest for the Frozen Flame.

The Raven Black wrote:
I feel bundle and hardcover collection are antithetical. Hence why I bought the Strength bundle. Because its mere existence convinced me that the AP would not get the collected edition treatment. Same for Quest for the Frozen Flame.

I think a company will monetize anything and everything they can. Besides, just because someone bought the PDF doesn't mean they won't buy the hardcover as well. I'm a perfect example of that. I've bought 2 (maybe 3?) Pathfinder bundles but I also own all the hardcover books released for 2e so far.

The Raven Black wrote:
I feel bundle and hardcover collection are antithetical. Hence why I bought the Strength bundle. Because its mere existence convinced me that the AP would not get the collected edition treatment. Same for Quest for the Frozen Flame.

Is there a bundle for Frozen Flame?

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Perpdepog wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
I feel bundle and hardcover collection are antithetical. Hence why I bought the Strength bundle. Because its mere existence convinced me that the AP would not get the collected edition treatment. Same for Quest for the Frozen Flame.
Is there a bundle for Frozen Flame?

There was a while back, some months ago now.

Ah. Well darn, sounds like I missed it. Frozen Flame isn't my cup of tea by a fair stretch, but I'd have happily grabbed it in bundle form.

Not that Im trying to de-rail the thread but how often to PF humble bundles pop up? Is there a pattern to it?

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inara14 wrote:
Not that Im trying to de-rail the thread but how often to PF humble bundles pop up? Is there a pattern to it?

So I've actually made a (possibly not exhaustive) list to try and predict when the next one will happen and what it will include:

Hell’s Rebels: February 24-March 9, 2016
Iron Gods: January 11-January 25, 2017
Shattered Star: February 20-March 6, 2019
2e beginner’s bundle: July 15-August 5, 2020
Monster Lore: December 9, 2020-January 4, 2021
Exctinction Curse Bundle with a physical copy of the Bestiary: May 20-June 10, 2021
Starfinder: July 29-August 26, 2021
Beginner Box/Abomination Vaults: December 9 2021 - January 8 2022
PF1e Player Options with physical copy of the World Guide: March 12-April 9 2022
Starfinder Armory: May 21-June 11, 2022
Strength of Thousands: August 22-September 7, 2022
Pathfinder/Starfinder Holiday Bundle including Quest for the Frozen Flame: November -December 2022

As you can see, they used to do about one a year, until the past couple of years when they've ramped it up to 3/4. Though keep in mind that last year a part of the reason why they did so many is because it's a big anniversary year for Paizo. Nonetheless, about 2 per year contain a full AP, and it's not always the best way to predict what will or won't get a hardcover release. Abomination Vaults got bundled the same year it got a hardcover release, so Paizo is clearly ok with making humble bundles out of APs that they also intend to compile in hardcover form.

Liberty's Edge

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Note that AV also got a 5e edition. I think it was so successful that it became prime fodder for experimentation.

However, the virtual offers given for those who had the collected edition not being available for those who had bought all 3 parts separately (including subscribers obviously) raised some complaints.

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Reign of Winter might be a path that could work well for a PF2 conversion to a hardcover. Possibly with some class archetype boosts for the PF2 witch.

It has classic (Brothers Grimm, Russian) fairy-tale bits, dragon-riders, (advanced) firearms that don't require actions to reload after each shot, and several engaging NPCs as allies/frenemies/foils/foes.

Maybe Paizo could also expand a bit on the Heldren/Waldsby similarities in a Dark Archives fashion...

I would love it if every Adventure Path got the Collected Hardcover treatment. But that probably isn’t possible considering the costs.

Maybe if Abomination Vault sells well?

We would see more hardcover bundles. I’m not privy to economics

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I would absolutely love a shelf full of all the adventure paths in hardcover form from first and second edition. My little completionist soul loves the idea, for the same reason I'm trying to fill in the gaps in my collection of first edition adventure paths (28 books to go!). I don't know if we're ever going to see that, though, especially for adventure paths where the originals are still being sold on the website.

I do think the three volume adventure that we have now lends itself better to hardcovers, though, so I'm hoping as time goes on we can see more of the new stuff being released in hardcover.

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