btmaja's page

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inara14 wrote:
Not that Im trying to de-rail the thread but how often to PF humble bundles pop up? Is there a pattern to it?

So I've actually made a (possibly not exhaustive) list to try and predict when the next one will happen and what it will include:

Hell’s Rebels: February 24-March 9, 2016
Iron Gods: January 11-January 25, 2017
Shattered Star: February 20-March 6, 2019
2e beginner’s bundle: July 15-August 5, 2020
Monster Lore: December 9, 2020-January 4, 2021
Exctinction Curse Bundle with a physical copy of the Bestiary: May 20-June 10, 2021
Starfinder: July 29-August 26, 2021
Beginner Box/Abomination Vaults: December 9 2021 - January 8 2022
PF1e Player Options with physical copy of the World Guide: March 12-April 9 2022
Starfinder Armory: May 21-June 11, 2022
Strength of Thousands: August 22-September 7, 2022
Pathfinder/Starfinder Holiday Bundle including Quest for the Frozen Flame: November -December 2022

As you can see, they used to do about one a year, until the past couple of years when they've ramped it up to 3/4. Though keep in mind that last year a part of the reason why they did so many is because it's a big anniversary year for Paizo. Nonetheless, about 2 per year contain a full AP, and it's not always the best way to predict what will or won't get a hardcover release. Abomination Vaults got bundled the same year it got a hardcover release, so Paizo is clearly ok with making humble bundles out of APs that they also intend to compile in hardcover form.

Personally, I'd love a Quest for the Frozen Flame one! I hope to run that someday and it'd be nice to have at the table. I could also see you guys getting creative with it, seeing as Mammoth Lords don't seem to use traditional forms of currency.

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He immediately seems sketchy as hell, and I think my players would immediately think he killed Wipa's husband if they heard his backstory (which I feel like would be common knowledge for members of the tribe). Also he's so openly antagonistic to them that I have a really hard time believing they wouldn't just kill him the moment they're alone with him. Thoughts?

He immediately seems sketchy as hell, and I think my players would immediately think he killed Wipa's husband if they heard his backstory (which I feel like would be common knowledge for members of the tribe). Also he's so openly antagonistic to them that I have a really hard time believing they wouldn't just kill him the moment they're alone with him. Thoughts?

So I know this is probably a long shot, but are there any details on the Test of the Starstone?

Info on the Sandpoint Devil?

How much info is there on the surrounding island(s), including cities like Escadar and Diobel?

Also, how much stuff is there on the aeon orb that's supposedly in Absalom?

Basically, I'm curious regarding how useful this book would be to the Extinction Curse campaign I'm currently running.