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keftiu wrote:

I trust the company that made the 2e Mwangi Expanse and Tian Xia books to treat Arcadia with similar levels of respect.

I also understand that Pathfinder 2e is largely a game about tactical combat to the death on a battle map, and so the continent needs bad guys to beat up on. Everything we've heard suggests modern Razatlan is at least a decent place to live, and we've seen Xopatl to be quite lovely... but we also know the Halana Theocracy is in thrall to a bunch of servants of evil sky gods, and that Ohachtsik has empowered no less than five undead Armies of Fire to rampage across the land.

If El Santo can get into brawls with terrifying mummies, then I think Arcadia can be permitted some gnarly cultist types without being read as a condemnation of Mexica religious practices. Likewise, I think there's a lot of room for a more-sympathetic fantasy take on something like the Andean 'mummies,' who could be something like guardian spirits or respected ancestors - nuance, as always, is key.

There is also some uncomfortable subtext in that the trope of the “bloodthirsty hedonistic cult” is itself based on colonialist imaginations of other culture’s spiritual practices including Judaism with blood libel

Here’s a post on ask historians about it

Jt being applied to anything associated with Mesoamerica has a lot of nasty baggage that I don’t think Laizo can handle.

This has real life effects in the USA Indigenous people where not allowed to practice their religions until the eighties on the basis of it being heathan superstitious.

You can have Villains that are not blood cults

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Souls At War wrote:
keftiu wrote:
Souls At War wrote:
Eeveegirl1206 wrote:

I really hope that if Lost Omens: Arcadia gets mentioned human sacrifice is never mentioned anywhere in the text.

The practice of human sacrifice in Mesoamerica was a complex history of theological based thought that continued for thosands of years.

It was not grabbing random civilians off the street and cutting their hearts up.

I never understood the idea that human sacrifice was practicality heinous but not killing people for worshipping the same G-D in the slightly different way like what happened in Europe

Arcadia is NOT pre-colonial Americas nor colonial Americas and isn't filled with savages.

The emphatic denial is kind of strange - sure, it isn't exactly the Americas, but we know enough to say it's textually inspired by them the same way Garund is an Africa-equivalent.

EDIT: Not advocating for human sacrifice or labeling anyone 'savages,' to be clear.

Isn't Arcadia kinda more advanced than Avistan.

and someone did point out the Evil cults doing human (and others) sacrifices thing, location be damned.

The issue is that Mesoamerican have long been smeared as Devil worshipers who did blood orgy rituals which was far from the truth.

The idea of a pure evil demon lord people worship to cause eternal darkness is also fake bullshit. Mesoamericans didn’t even have concepts of platonic good or evil.

Even the early frays had a hard time trying to teach the concept of "evil" in mesoamerican society because in nahuatl there isn't a word for "bad", there is only good "cualli" and not-good "ahmo cualli". Someone explained to me this with fruits: the fruit that is still immature is not good "ahmo cualli"; the ripe fruit is good "cualli", while the rotten fruit is not good "ahmo cualli" but neither of those states or phases are inherently "bad", the same applies to anything else, everything has its own time.

After stating this... the divinity that would carry the "evil" concept can be traslated to Tezcatlipoca and even so this god is also a protector of the poor and slaves. Although in modern times the word "chamuco" referring to the devil may have its roots in the god Oxomoco from the primal couple, the ancestors of the humankind.

keftiu wrote:

I mean, Szuriel's waving her sword around on the cover of War of Immortals... it feels like that makes things pretty clear.

EDIT: ...though now that I think on it, both Prey for Death and Curtain Call are part of this event. The former's about Achaekek devotees, the latter seems to have Norgorbor-following villains; that's two murder-gods in the air at the same time.

All of them are involve someway in mercenary/assassin work. So a collab for the right price is not out of the question.

The question is that divine murder is a very serious crime and a overstepping of bounds even more then Desna’s murder of Aolar and that almost started a interplanar war before Calistria used her seduction skills to cause the demon lords to fight amongst themselves.

It’s possible that it’s someone else disguised as Achaekek. As Achaekek is the Assassin god and Assassin tend not to kill people in the open in front of the whole multiverse. Trying to get people mad at Achaekek.

Of course exepctions apply. Like how Lincoln was murdered in a play.

It’s worth noting Gorum lived in Elysium and had a military defense pact with them. A attack of Elysiuem is an attack on the whole plane.

I really hope that if Lost Omens: Arcadia gets mentioned human sacrifice is never mentioned anywhere in the text.

The practice of human sacrifice in Mesoamerica was a complex history of theological based thought that continued for thosands of years.

It was not grabbing random civilians off the street and cutting their hearts up.

I never understood the idea that human sacrifice was practicality heinous but not killing people for worshipping the same G-D in the slightly different way like what happened in Europe

keftiu wrote:

For myself, I'd love to just go down the list of nations:

Rahadoum: I'm honestly very happy with this nation; it's one of my favorites on Golarion, and I like that their atheism has been presented as a respectable belief system in 2e materials so far. Seeing Rahadoumi magical studies and nonmagical healing blossom opens up so many interesting characters! I'm also super compelled by the potential for environmentalist plotlines, as characters aid state efforts against desertification; that scares me a lot more than orcs or demons these days, as a Californian. The violent oppression of religion I could take or leave.

Thuvia: Has always felt a little one-dimensional to me (it's the Sun Orchid place!), and it's mercantile wealth has always felt thematically redundant with Katapesh so nearby. I feel like there's a lot of potential to make the individual city-states feel more distinct - have they been written about more somewhere?

Osirion: Hooooo boy. Osirion is my single least-favorite place on Golarion. If you want Fantasy Vikings, you get a lot of variations on that flavor in the northern Avistan, but here Fantasy Egypt literally just is Fantasy Egypt. It's always felt hokey to have an Earth Pantheon here worshiped intact and unmodified, but to have it be in a place full of pyramids and mummies... it feels like a Hollywood set, not a place people live. I'd really like to see this place lean harder into being only three generations free from thousands of years of imperial rule for Ravounel and Vidrian to look to, as a symbol of what nation-building after a revolution really gets going can be like (and don't remind me that the Pharaoh's name is literally the Ancient Egyptian name for Egypt). This is a nation founded with the blessing of the god of magic, a place that birthed one of the greatest necromancers in Golarion's history - let that magical pride be a cornerstone! And if we can see some indigenous archaeology, trying to replace pulpy colonial tomb looting in favor of people reclaiming their own...

It’s worth noting that for land that is “naturally” a “dessert” trying to make it far worse. A dessert is it own unique ecosystem as valid as a forest.

Also Rhamoun was never portrayed all that badly expect for the state enforced antitheism. Much better then Satan worshiping land.

zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Jan Caltrop wrote:
Eeveegirl1206 wrote:
W E Ray wrote:

LOL -- and Szuriel is Gavrilo Princip waving his Nationalism Flag in the air: 'My country/ethnicity/religion is greater than yours!'

(It even *feels* Daemonic.)

Szuriel feels like she was responsible for the Balkans conflict and World War 1.

How will Szruiel be involved?

I generally shy away from "supernatural evil was the cause for real-world disaster"; so I choose to believe the incredibly entertaining instead possibility of "Szuriel had nothing to do with the start of WWI, and alternated the whole time between mentally kicking herself for not thinking of it first, and taking notes for stuff she can do in the future".
The association of Szuriel with the First World War doesn't come from nowhere. Her writeup was published in Rasputin Must Die!, after all. At the same time, neither she nor any of her followers play any role in that adventure or in the Reign of Winter Adventure Path. Although given some of the characters that took leading roles in the Russian Civil War, particularly in the Far East (Semyonov, Sternberg, et al.), one would be hard-pressed to say Daemonic agents, witting or otherwise, had no hand in events.

It comes from how Szuriel is associated with the most pointless and bloody of wars with no glory in them. Like World War 1 is commonly associated with. It is seen as a pointless land struggle that got out of hand and infected most of the world.

W E Ray wrote:

LOL -- and Szuriel is Gavrilo Princip waving his Nationalism Flag in the air: 'My country/ethnicity/religion is greater than yours!'

(It even *feels* Daemonic.)

Szuriel feels like she was responsible for the Balkans conflict and World War 1.

How will Szruiel be involved?

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Is Gorum the archduke Ferdinand of the setting?

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Szuriel being on the cover and Gorum dying seems bad.

Is Szuriel doing a Lamshutu?

Szuriel is on the cover of War of the Immortals shit.

Does she have something to do with the death of Gorum?

Also since he lives in Eslyum under a military pact killing him is a attack on the entire plane of Eslyum.

Including Calsitia and Desna. People known for being scary when mad.

AceofMoxen wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
AceofMoxen wrote:
If creating a cake is art, then creating a mini is art. Art is automatically protected at creation. "Beak-Bear," to the extent it is copyrightable, belongs to the mini guy.

I do not believe that is correct. The art that is protected by copyright in your scenario is (only) that specific sculpture. "Beak-bear" is uncopyrightable, because it is an idea. So one could not take a cast of the sculpture and start cranking out copies, but one would be entirely free to create one's own sculpture of a conceptually identical creature.

Generally speaking, copyright protects expression, while trademarks protect creations. Think of it this way: copyright stops me from selling copies of The Sorcerer's Stone, while it is trademark protections which prevent me from writing a book about the wizard Harry Potter.

Note: I am not a lawyer, but I did survive business law as an undergrad (i.e. back in the before times).

I did say "to the extent it is copyrightable." I'm very curious where the line is for any type of bird-bear hybrids, but establishing that the idea predates Gygax is an important part of that.

Are not Balors basically the Balrogs from Lord of the Rings with the last letter changed?

Alongside Halflings being Hobbits.

The Owlbear itself was based on a cheap figurine Gygax’s and his pals had.

The idea of Hell and Demons is based on folklore.

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Perpdepog wrote:
I hope that, at minimum, the Tarrasque's moniker gets applied to something new that might show up in the lore. "The Armageddon Engine" is an objectively cool name.

My headcannon is based on the original folklore a good aligned cleric managed to covert the Tarrasqe to the Dawnflower proving eveything can be redeemed where they then left Golrion to get away from Tarry’s now angry dad and have adventures across the multiverse and martial plane.

Spawn of Rovhug can’t be killed but nothing was said about them being able to change their mindsets.

Raksha are based on Indian folklore. So I think they are safe. So are most types of Outsiders.

But yes it seems like the Abyss existed before the current realty.

I’d like Golems to be based more on their folkloric origins and be automatons giving life by the divine.

Yes Koshci the deathless was basically the proto llich

Also leaked-cards

A man who leaked some Magic: the Gathering cards had the Pinkertons sent by Wizard of the Coast.

It looks very Japanese with the copy of Character Guide and the reference to Kaiju and Kami. Both Japanese things.

But it looks cool

This is so great I’m glad for your success.

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Yes people definitely were not happy with a drop in DND beyond subscriptions.

Plus all the sales their competitors were getting.

They are still trying to turn DND into a micro transactions Hell. But we don’t have to pay attention

WAAAAAHG!!!!!!!! We did it boys

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The mortality clause is pretty insidious as it’s Hasbro who decides what counts as bigoted.

They were the same ones who published Curse of Strahd 5E which turned the Vistani back into racist caricatures of the Roma after earlier editions moved away from that characterization.

But they get to decide what counts as hateful.

ryric wrote:
Raynulf wrote:
... which by all accounts is exactly what happened with the 4E playtest.
As a 4e playtester, whose group submitted 50-70 pages of feedback after each session of the playtest, I was later told at GenCon by WotC people that any playtest feedback that went against their preconceptions was largely ignored. Our group identified most of the issues the fan base ended up having with 4e and it was all tossed aside.

That reminds me of movie focus groups where they want a specific type of feedback and ignore other feedback that is not it.

I think this is false people at WOtC do pay attention to surveys.

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UnArcaneElection wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:

If they want to create a new license [which shouldn't be called an OGL, because it ain't open] that's one thing. Rock on I guess.

If they can somehow find a way to force 1.1 to be applied to 5th edition content, whatever. There's probably some legal room to maneuver there.

But to try to overrule 3rd edition's Open Gaming Status, and suddenly claim exclusive control over that OGL content and content derived from it?

I can't imagine a legitimate court in the country that would honor that lol.

Glad you mentioned that last part. Look at who dominates the Supreme Court. Whatever else they have wrong with them, one thing is clear: They are very pro-BIG-business.

Yes the American legal system has always been pro huge corporations. Anti little guy

Yep especially when Nocticula became the goddess of Outsiders overcoming their nature.

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It almost seems that the US legal system is set up a way where big companies can use money to SLAP smaller targets out of legal action.

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mikeawmids wrote:
Xyxox wrote:
I think they underestimate the fan base, especially where the loyalties really lie.

I'm not so sure. Folk posting on this forum were already skewed against WotC, as evidenced in the 'Do you also play D&D?' thread, where everyone shat on 5e.

Most people who started roleplaying since 5e hit its stride, and who - in all likelihood - play nothing but D&D5e, won't care one whit what happens to Paizo or other smaller 3P creators.

I doubt the majority of those players are even aware of what is happening right now with the OGL.

As someone on the EN World forums said, WotC will get maybe a month of moaning online, then it'll be back to business as usual.

Obviously that doesn't account for any other predatory practices that are still in the pipeline for 2023 and beyond.

I really hope not. As it is in large part queer teens who do not like corporate greed and old gronards

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captain yesterday wrote:
Eeveegirl1206 wrote:
Coridan wrote:
Most likely it's whoever in charge of WotC wanting to impress their bosses in Hasbro. This happens a lot in game studios where a studio head will be in a meeting with the big boss (like EA) and the big boss starts singing the praises of one branch who brought in x money with microtransactions and live services, them goes to the other studio head "so what have you guys got coming up" and the guy who heads a studio known for epic single player RPGs then comes up with Anthem on the spot

This sounds exactly what happened when corporate busy bodies who know nothing of the industry decide they want to increase profits.

I hope this fails.

That 1980s cartoon had way more DND feels than this generic movie. They should bring back it.

Or Record of the Locosss which was a DND campaign.

Not to be That Guy, but have you watched the old TV show recently? It was incredibly episodic, played incredibly loose with the source material, and has not aged well.

If anything, the new movie looks exactly like the old TV show.

The cartoon had all that 80s cartoon cheese and played fast and loose with the material.

But I think it was a better adaptation than generic Hollywood movie.

Plus are not many DND campaigns episodic?

It’s more how generic the movie looks.

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willfromamerica wrote:
It’s not really a “D&D movie” from the looks of it. It’s a generic big-budget action-adventure fantasy movie with a side of MCU humor set in the Forgotten Realms.

Yes it looks so generic and Hollywoodized like that Giver movie.

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Coridan wrote:
Most likely it's whoever in charge of WotC wanting to impress their bosses in Hasbro. This happens a lot in game studios where a studio head will be in a meeting with the big boss (like EA) and the big boss starts singing the praises of one branch who brought in x money with microtransactions and live services, them goes to the other studio head "so what have you guys got coming up" and the guy who heads a studio known for epic single player RPGs then comes up with Anthem on the spot

This sounds exactly what happened when corporate busy bodies who know nothing of the industry decide they want to increase profits.

I hope this fails.

That 1980s cartoon had way more DND feels than this generic movie. They should bring back it.

Or Record of the Locosss which was a DND campaign.

That whod be fun I’d love going to Basrakai and seeing the inhabitants

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Xyxox wrote:
Coridan wrote:
Dancing Wind wrote:
Coridan wrote:
I absolutely believe they will try to fight it, and the first step would be an injunction against WotC to keep the 1.0 in place while the legal battle ensues. Precedent is entirely on their side.

Here's what Paizo has actually said about what they're going to do

Paizo Inc., publisher of the Pathfinder RPG, one of D&D’s largest competitors, declined to comment on the changes for this article, stating that the rules update was a complicated and ongoing situation.
That's them declining to comment until A - Wizards actually announces what they intend to do (remember this is just a leak) and B - They have (several) meetings with their attorneys to discuss the situation. That's a statement of nothing at the moment.
I would point out, Paizo benefits from third party creators who use OGL 1.0a licensing to create products compatible with Pathfinder 2E, so they have more skin in the game than simply agreeing with Hasbro.

It’s almost like the way the American legal system is set up is directly in support of big companies who can afford legal expenses or something.

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kyrt-ryder wrote:
Belafon wrote:

The people who come up with these plans are the real-life equivalent of RPG “rules-lawyer” players.

Isn’t that what all Lawyers are supposed to do? At least corporate lawyers. Figure out loopholes so they can save 0.2 cents by dumping toxic waste in the ocean.
Please don't lump rules lawyers in with this sort of excrement.

It still isn’t good because even if Pazio can continue smaller companies without the resources to fight against Hasbro’s legal team.

They should be challenged in court by people with resources instead of SLAPs on small companies.

Because if you learn more about Critical Legal Theory you would understand that the laws are made by powerful and rich people so that they keep being powerful and rich.

I mean Daemons are so bad that Devils and Azata team up to guard against them soul poaching.

So it isn’t hard to think of a reason why you would want to fight them.

They want to eat souls and destroy existence. Almost any other creature opposes them.

I actually find them kind of bland because of how simplistic they are. But I can understand that their “shtick” as it where is their self loathing. They hate themselves just a little bit less then they hate existence. So they want to be the last thing in existence before they off themselves.

Demons, Devils and other Fiends don’t seem to hate themselves they love being evil. But Daemons have a sense of self loathing which they project into everything else.

But it is probably going to need a better hook than that. Maybe I had this idea in my head that Deamons are responsible for the existence of Golarion.

The order goes an old Horseman was experimenting with Larvae in the Abyss. Makes the first Demon. The Abyss decides they like Demons because the Abyss is sapient and before you know it they become like rabbits in Australia.

Leading to the Qlippoth the previous dominant life forums of the Abyss to go underground as they fight outnumbered against the Demons this leads to the Qillppith god Rovagug wanting to destroy everything. Which lead to the gods building Golarion as a prison to hold him.

The reason I say all this is I had the idea of Geryon or another Jerry deity setting up a cult of Daemon worshippers who give thanks to Daemons for life and worship them with fertility rituals and creating new life.

This infuriates the Horsemen so much that they decide they want to Destroy Golarion. As their whole thing is life is bad

But they did help to create it.

Or something like that. Maybe have it end with the PCs with the help of Axiomites, Aeons, Protans, Devils, Demons, Anchrons, Azata, and Gurdinals who all where able to team up to make a defiant strike against Abandon and take back the souls that belong to them. In a epic Interplanar adventure which ends with Trillions of souls being taken back from Abandon

With the PCs having to help gain Allies with disparate groups for the invasion of Abanndon and going all around the Great Beyond. So they can stop the plan to destroy Golarion.

So the basic events is some Hersey fiends decide to have a cult that gives thanks for the Horseman for creating Golarion. This pisses then off so much that they decide they will destroy Golarion. The PCs then have to gather unlikely Allies like in Mass Effect Three for an invasion of Abandon.

Traveling all across the Great beyond to recruit some of every type of non Deamon outsider to stop the destruction of Golarion and a massive change to the river of souls. All while trying to keep peace amount their Allies.

I mean I think the Divine are beyond time somewhat.

But a full on time travel hijinks adventure.

Here’s a article by a IP lawyer pen-gaming-license-ogl-581312d48e2f

TL DR the $750,000 threshold is gross revenue not profits. Profits is what you get when you subtract the costs of making and selling a product from the gross revenue

It seems to revoke the original OGL and it may be able to be challenged in court.

More like there are deep systemic issues with our economic system and not mean old Hasbro. Through Hasbro isn’t good as they recently got told how they devalued MTG and instead of thinking of how to fix it they announced that DND was undermontized.

Making it appear like they are a parastoid on to their next host after the previous one died.

Also I doubt the PBS article was a hit price by Hasbro as PBS is government funded. There is an issue within the OSR community. Which we shouldn’t get into on here.

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You shouldn’t even blame the higher ups. Blame the way public companies are legally required to be constantly increasing profits for their shareholders

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I would like to remind you that In Pathfinder Devils do not change the terms of a deal. So Hasbro is acting worse than literal Devils.

It’s not enough to make money they have to squeeze every possble profit that they can get to appease the shareholders.

I’m not even blaming Hasbro as this is a structural issue

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kyrt-ryder wrote:

Note to self: start backing up the PF1 sections.of Archives of Nethys, D20pfsrd and Libraryofmetzofitz just in case Paizo decides to bail on the OGL rather than defend it.

I couldn't blame them if they took the path of least resistance, court battles are incredibly expensive and it's not like 2E absolutely needs the OGL to exist, though it would require serious revision.

Literal and figurative ecosystems.

It reminds me it’s not enough for publicly traded companies to make lots of money when they could be having all of the money. Even giving the barest amount to your competitors is seen as bad.

Even if they don’t have legal rights they will use their Hasbro money to bully smaller companies into accepting the deal.

Eww I can see allying with Demons or Devils as they have actual motivation then the end of everything. But deamons do nothing but kill things and eat souls.

Which Devils and Demons also do but they also have other motivations.

Another note apparently the other three good elemental lords got freed off screen after it took a entire season of the Pathfinder Society to free one.

The Pathfinder Society freed the lord of air, and then in quick succession, the other elemental lords were freed”,

So we didn’t get to have a adventure of them getting free?

It took an entire Pathfinder society season to free the Air guy and know the others just got freed off screen. Massive elemental themed adventure where Air guy tasks players to free his counterparts while being hounded by the evil elemental lords seems really cool.

I hope we see more on Feronia what’s her relationship with her son? What about her other kids?

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Yes it does feel like corporate economic thinking that ignores that people have emotions and are complex

Like most mainstream economics. It’s scary how profit driven corporate thinking can lead too

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Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:

In a completely not-surprising turn, WotC just forbid any discussion of OGL 1.1 on the official D&D Discord.

They really want to burn the bridge they are standing on, I'm having the feeling that some boomer exec who doesn't understand the hobby came down on Wizards and told them to shift things up and get rid of that Paizo thing, this will be a fun catastrophe to watch.

That sounds exactly what corporations would do. Get rid of competitor because we lose profits. Without any understanding of how things workZ

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Xyxox wrote:
H2Osw wrote:

My thoughts on this. Wotc wanted this version leaked so when the real one drops it'll be terrible but less so and people can say, see looks it's better than what was leaked and just go along with it.

**takes off tinfoil hat**

I'd say that is highly likely.

That sounds about right something so bad that you seem reasonable is pretty common.

It’s funny that WOTC is doing this when so many parts of the IP are blatenly from other fantasy stories like Balors

This has happened after the Bank of America itself announced that that Hasbro was devaluing MTG their reaction say how DND is undermontized.

So like a vampire they will wring another IP dry.

I don’t think legally they have much to enforce it. But laws are made for people with the most money.

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I want to have a AP entirely focused on the Planes and exploring the Great Beyond.

My idea for one is helping Shamira ascend to Demon Lord while thwarting a plot by Socothbenoth to take vengeance on his sister. Helped along with Pazuzu who joined him in the “our GFs become goddesses and left us behind like dirt” club. With Belial as Socothbenoth‘a Sugar daddy/mommy helping to weaken the Abyss and for their amusement.

Because I’d love to see the Lower Plane Poltics after Nocticula ascended.

Any Fiends taking her message to heart and breaking free from their base natures?

See what it is like in the other planes know with Her message that Outsiders should Abandoned their jobs.

Abanndon is the least hospitable of all the major planes do. In Hell and the Abyss you may be able to survive and walk around. In Abddaon everything wants you dead.

I could see it working if the PCs had one of the Four Horsemen as patrons. Which would afford them some matter of protection.

I would love it if every Adventure Path got the Collected Hardcover treatment. But that probably isn’t possible considering the costs.

Maybe if Abomination Vault sells well?

We would see more hardcover bundles. I’m not privy to economics

It’s not like Brigtir has anything against the PCs if they leave her alone.

I’d love to see more on how the handle losing their colonies. What type of propaganda they have.

Alongside showing not everyone in Cherlix is a lawful evil Dibolic devil binder.

I’m kind of miffed the Vidrian revolt happened off screen as it seems like it would have been cool.

Yes maybe Asmodus himself gets miffed that Cherliex isn’t living up to the investment. Which would be incredible horrifying for the whole planet basically.

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Anyone want a Adventure Path focused on the Lower Planes (Hell, the Abyss, Abaddon)

Reading Book of the Dammed I got Fascinated with being of the Lower Planes I would like to see more of how they work.

What the relations are, day to day “life” all that shit. Along what the reaction is in the Abyss and other Planes to Nocticula’s Ascension.

My idea is that Socothbenoth pissed that his Sister/previous GF became a goddess and left him behind conspires with Pazuzu whose previous lover also became a goddess and left him behind and Belial who is Socothbenoth’s Sugar Mommy/Daddy and probably finds him struggling amusing to destroy Shamria in revenge as she ascends to the new Demon Lord in Nocticulia’s absence. Hell is also interested because Devils turning good isn’t good for them either.

It’s up to the PCs to navigate the deadly politics of the lower Planes and the scheming of power of Fiend Demigods.

Probably for high level Evil/Neutral PCS. In it we see more of MI after Noct left and maybe see her Divine Realms.

I also toyed with a Celestial who was responsible for helping victims of sexual assault and wants Nocticula to properly atone for her many actions before being allowed to hang out in Eseylum gets used as a pawn.

Because I’d love to have more detail on the Abyssal Realms and Layers of Hell.

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