Interest Check For A Likely Unpopular Idea [1E]


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I'm working on my submission. I may just steal some of my gameplay from the Kingmaker game I'm running. I'll post something here by tomorrow evening, though.

For Strange Aeons, I'd like to play Oona or Lusian. For Curse of the Crimson Throne, I'd enjoy Wira. And for Rise of the Runelords, I'd prefer Vin. I'm open to any characters, though.

Liberty's Edge

Ridge wrote:
but I also like Murdock Beltram even if I seldom play LN types.

For what it's worth, LN is pretty much my least favorite alignment. But at a certain point characters start writing themselves and I knew Murdock was a Rules Guy at heart.

And starting the campaign out with him pushed to the point of considering extra-judicial means of dealing with Gaedren makes for some nice character tension.

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Orannis wrote:
Ridge wrote:
but I also like Murdock Beltram even if I seldom play LN types.

For what it's worth, LN is pretty much my least favorite alignment. But at a certain point characters start writing themselves and I knew Murdock was a Rules Guy at heart.

And starting the campaign out with him pushed to the point of considering extra-judicial means of dealing with Gaedren makes for some nice character tension.

Oh, I get it. Sometimes a character tells you 'no no, not like that, like this' and you realize the character is right..crazy as that sounds ;)

He's an interesting fellow regardless. And while I'm not always good at the alignment, one of my favorite rouges was LN. Instead of following the laws of the kingdom he was in, he followed the guild's code, and didn't violate it. Paid his dues, looked out for fellow members even if he didn't much like them, never squealed.
Murdock sounds more traditionally LN in that he tries to respect the system, but yeah, I could see him being all the more infuriated when the system was ignored or failing due to folks who acted in bad faith.

Liberty's Edge

Hello everyone! I am still planning on closing this at about 8pm central, but we're under a tornado watch. Not likely to have any real serious trouble but winds are strong enough that internet outages are a possibility. So if you're running late and you haven't seen me do a "we're closed" post, you still have some time - just can't promise you how much!

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Be safe!

Liberty's Edge

Just realized I haven't updated anything on this old profile since I dug it up. I live in Oklahoma now, in case anyone checked my location and thought there were tornadoes in northern California, haha!

Here's a submission from me!

GM Sample (Kingmaker):
Oleg rolls his eyes. ”Those cursed politicians didn’t bother to so much as tell you what you were walking into, did they? I included details in my letter. There’s at least a dozen of them in Kressle’s band, and she aint collecting taxes for herself. They call their boss the Stag Lord, but I think only Kressle’s met the b@$$*%$ myself.”

Svetlana ladles a bowl of stew out, passes it to Alyssa, then fills one for Oleg, the rest of the party, and herself. She sits heavily in one of the few chairs in what’s obviously Oleg and Svetlana’s kitchen, sighing and rubbing her back for a moment, then starts off. ”Let’s start with introductions, travelers. I’m Svetlana Leveton, née Obriensk, and my husband is Oleg.” She pauses to let the party introduce themselves.

Once introductions have happened, Svetlana continues, speaking quickly, an edge to her voice. ”The bandits started coming here in Kuthona, on the first of the month. Then, they had a full dozen, but the two that stood out were Kressle, a big woman with a pair of hand axes on her hips, and a cloaked man with a longbow who didn’t talk. Kressle told us if we didn’t give up our furs and what we’d traded from the trappers and hunters, she’d kill Oleg, burn the post down, and take me hostage.” Svetlana shudders, touches her stomach quickly, then continues, tears in her eyes. ”We p-paid. Oleg didn’t want to, but he didn’t have a choice. She even t-took the wedding ring Oleg had made for me…”

”The cloaked man came back with six of the bandits on the first of Abadius, and again on the first of Calistril.” Oleg interjects.

”Yes, but that time, he only had four men with him.” Svetlana smiles at her husband, but the smile has a lot of strain in it. ”In any case, they were supposed to be here this morning. The weather must be holding them up. They like to arrive within a half hour of sunrise, so I imagine they’ll be here tomorrow.”

Player Sample (Skull and Shackles):
Melli has to physically bite her tongue to stop herself from protesting the keel-hauling. Is Bloody Hour a daily activity? Pirating isn't all I've been led to believe! Nevertheless, she stays quiet and accepts her share of the food, drinking the rum as fast as possible before quickly chasing it with her meal. Before she can say anything, one of her fellow press-ganged would-be pirates tosses her drink overboard.

"It's rum, and it's terrible, even by most Shackles taverns' standards. If you're not going to drink your share, I'd be happy to have it in the future."

When the halfling walks up, Melli sizes her up. "Well, if we're not fighting right now, I'm happy enough to be friends. I'm Melli. Where'd you two get picked up?"

Liberty's Edge

Hello everyone! No tornadoes last night, but the Paizo site did go down. I got sleepy before they came back up, hence the announcement being pushed until this morning.

I'm going to level with you: deciding this off of writing submissions may have actually been more difficult than selecting based on character submissions. I had an absolute delight of a time reading each and every one of your writing samples.

However! I have to make the call, and I am excited to say that...

The Lobster

...have been selected for the game!

To those who were not selected: I don't have any immediate plans to run anything else, but let's just say I'll keep an eye out for you on the boards.

To my four players: we have one more thing to do in this thread before I move us over to a campaign thread: selecting the AP!

We're going to do weighted, ranked-choice voting since we have a small number but even number of voters and a smaller selection of APs. So, vote for the three APs in order of interest. The Path that gets the overall highest votes is the one we will go with.

Once we nail down the AP, I'll link you to a "recruitment" thread where I'll hand out full character sheets, we'll suss out who everyone will play, and I'll give you a couple small tasks to make the characters a bit more "your own" before we get started.

Huge thank you to everyone who showed interest and/or submitted!


1. Strange Aeons
2. Curse of the Crimson Throne
3. Rise of the Runelords

Thanks for choosing me! I'm pretty excited for this.

Congrats on those selected.

Thanks for the pick, I am interested in each equally but since I do gotta pick, my votes follow Elfriede's order also

Woot, thank you!

My votes:

1. Curse of the Crimson Throne
2. Rise of the Runelords
3. Strange Aeons

Thanks for picking me!

Runelords first, Crimson Throne second, Aeons third.

Looks like Crimson Throne wins by my math (9 cotc, 8 sa, 7 rotr)

Oh well. I was looking forward to playing the samsaran cleric.

Liberty's Edge

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Hey everyone! Looks like Crimson Throne has it. Apologies for the radio silence, had a couple things come up. Additionally, I’m a bit of a Luddite and need to transfer the character sheets from a physical notebook to a google drive.

So! Might be a couple days before I get things moving. When I do, I’ll send each of you a PM with a link to the campaign.

Excited for some urban adventure!

Looking forward to it!

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