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After years of inactivity, I’ve dusted off this profile in the hopes of finding some PF1E pbp.
As there doesn’t seem to be much recruiting going on, I had an idea to throw out and get some feedback on, though I’m not expecting many to be into it (for a lot of reasons that occurred to me very quickly, but it keeps knocking around my head so let’s put it to rest).
I am an obsessive character maker, and it’s escalated to the point of regularly building entire pre-fab parties for specific APs or modules.
The odds of me getting to play even a fraction of these characters is extremely low, however I am quite fond of some of them.
So what do folks think about playing through an AP with a pre-generated party. The nuts and bolts of their backstory and their first level build would be set for you, but you’d be free to develop their personality and progression (both fluff and crunch-wise) from there.
Assuming anyone is interested in this idea, I figured I’d hold recruitment via short RP-writing submissions, then the selected group of four could vote on the list of complete APs I own and the pre-crafted party associated with each AP.
What do you think? Anyone interested in indulging me, or is not making your own character as unappealing an idea as I suspect it might be?

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I think it would depend a lot on the variety of options and what AP, but I'm intrigued.
Oh good point, I’ll expand on that a little bit:
The complete APs I have for selected players to choose from is:
Rise of The Runelords
Curse of The Crimson Throne
Carrion Crown
Iron Gods
Strange Aeons
The Ironfang Invasion
Hell’s Rebels
I’ll have a pre-crafted (with emphasis on thematic and mechanical tie-in to the associated AP) party of four adventurers for each AP, and the four selected players will decide amongst themselves which character each will take on.

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How far and wide have you gone with your characters? For example is the much 3rd party stuff?
Zero 3rd party, not a fan.
From a starting point, the most recent iteration of any Paizo-published material is on the table, though I reserve the right to final review and may veto something I feel could be problematic.
I tend to favor flavorful/interesting archetypes and concepts, though do my best to optimize the character within the concept. Everyone is built on 20 point buy, with one campaign trait and a second trait appropriate to fleshing out the character. I tend to follow (though not 100% strictly) a party makeup philosophy of 3 CRB race characters and one character being something more exotic. Class-wise, I try to have one 9th level caster for arcane and divine (though sometimes I’ll do two sixth-level arcanes and one 9th-level divine or vice-versa), someone to handle traps and/or skill monkeying, and at least one full BAB class.

Ridge |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yep. DEFINITELY interested. I think my AP preferences would be Curse of the Crimson Throne, or Rise of the Runelords. I was in two campaigns that died early on the vine with those. But i hear great things about Hell's Rebels and Ironfang invasion too.
It might be a fun challenge to take your characters and make them our own. If you go with this, I would definitely enter the 'try outs' ;)

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Yep. DEFINITELY interested. I think my AP preferences would be Curse of the Crimson Throne, or Rise of the Runelords. I was in two campaigns that died early on the vine with those. But i hear great things about Hell's Rebels and Ironfang invasion too.
It might be a fun challenge to take your characters and make them our own. If you go with this, I would definitely enter the 'try outs' ;)
Glad to hear! We will see what comes of it.

Monkeygod |

Hmm, I don't suppose I could twist your arm into one of the pre-gens for Curse or HR being a member of House Aravnxi? I'm working on fleshing out their roster for my own homebrew setting, so it would be super cool to play in either of those APs.
If not, am still interested in those, Rise, CC, and II.

Tazo |

Sounds fun to me! I like the prospect of taking on a character that seems interesting and that I probably wouldn't have thought to create myself. Would go for any of these:
Carrion Crown
Iron Gods
Strange Aeons
Hell’s Rebels
I probably would want to apply with the hopes of playing a specific character in mind among the options you're suggesting.

Ridge |

Thinking about it more, the best part about Strange Aeons is that your background is shrouded mystery anyway. So now I'm definitely voting for that as a preferred choice!
I'm not as fond of Lovecraftain stuff as most gamers, so maybe i'm biased, but that aside, I do wonder if starting out as amnesiacs might defeat the purpose? I mean, it might be a bit harder to develop the character's personality with no foundation provided at all at first, only to hope it remotely matches up later?
That said I'll go with whatever AP Orannis favors and hope we have a blast with it :)

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I'm honestly very surprised I'm getting this much interest! The moment this popped into my head I found it very unlikely that folks would be interested in playing four nerds that I came up with.
Though I do suppose it gives it a smidge of a video game "choose your fighter" vibe.
So! I'm going to give this another day or two to get noticed by anyone else who's intrigued, then I'll move to the first stage of figuring out what we're going to play and who we're going to be.
Firstly, I've decided to curate the list of available APs to something much smaller, in order to make "voting" easier and more likely to result in a clear winner. Based on expressed interest so far, I think the three choices to go with are:
Rise of The Runelords
Curse of The Crimson Throne
Strange Aeons
As such, if you choose to apply, be certain that you're happy to play any of those three APs. I'll select four players based on a (short) writing/RP example.
Lastly, the four selected players will vote (I'm thinking the best way to do it is ranked-choice) on which AP to play in. I'll have posted the accompanying pre-generated party members to select from for each of those three APs by that point.
Any additional feedback over the next day or two is appreciated!

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This is neat. Do you have any requests / prompts for the writing example?
Nothing particularly strict. Something in a fantasy-esque setting, character focused.
If you like, you can even copy/paste something from a past/current PbP you're particularly proud of.
Mostly just trying to get a feel for everyone's texture/tone and level of investment.

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I would certainly consider joining, and I feel I can play a pre-gen of most classes/races/etc.
I have played Rise of the Runelords, not the other two.
Would you be reporting the games to PFS, thus earning us chronicle sheets for other PCs?
No PFS, sorry.
Never really managed to get into it, and don't really know how it works either.

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I tend to be mechanics-crunchy in nature. Like the idea, but would totally depend on the character.
I'd flip it... Post links to the parties/characters, and see who's interested in playing them.
Rise of the Runelords for me out of those three.
Would one be free to multi-class, at level 2 onwards?
You are free to multi-class as you like. I won't enforce any sort of hard rules (other than no 3rd party and Unchained flavor Summoner only), but I would appreciate if we had a handshake agreement to keep with the spirit of the character (including how they may develop once they're out of my hands!).
If you're big on crunch/optimization, this might not be the group of pre-generated characters for you. In fact, this may be a good time to hit this home for everyone:
Important Note: While I built these characters to the best of my ability within their concept, many are built with what would be consider "sub-optimal" archetypes, concepts, etc. Because I just like to build characters I think are interesting and/or something I haven't messed around with before.
To emphasize this point: one of the three parties you'll be looking at has a Cloistered Cleric in the lineup. I'll trust your gut reaction to that information to help you decide whether this is the game for you.

Dragoncat |

Not sure how this submission is supposed to work, but here's a sample of my writing for your perusal regardless.
The villagers were too drained to cheer to their victory; too many bore scars, broken limbs, broken bodies. Others were holding their loved ones close, trying to stem the tide of blood dripping into the thirsting sands beneath. The monstrous beings that sought to burn their village to ash--gith, some called them--had been repelled, but even a cursory glance around would have told Sarona that the cost of doing so had been steep, indeed.
The priestess stepped forward, instructing those villagers who could still walk to gather the gith corpses and pile them into a pyre. An offering was to be made. The Eternal Flame was to be repaid for lending Its strength in their time of need.
As the pyre slowly took shape, Sarona busied herself with tending to the wounds of those she could still save. Orange firelight danced across her fingertips, its shine and spark reflecting in her coal-black eyes as it leapt onto carved-open bodies. The flesh it touched knitted itself together, muscle and bone reconstructing themselves in a searing burst of heat. Normally, a flame was meant to leave a scar on those it touched--but Sarona's guidance kept it from doing so. Enough scars had been cut into body and soul this night.
The villagers gathered, the pyre of wood and body alike piled together. Sarona's hands slid into the grey folds of her desert robes, along the grey scales of her armour, and drew forth a corked flask. The cork popped free with a twist of her wrist, and she strode around the pyre emptying its clear contents upon it.
"Eternal Flame, this night you have granted these beloved people strength in their time of great trial." Sarona began, her flaming-red hair starting to fly about her face as a breeze picked up. "For this, we offer you the lives and souls of those who sought to harm them--those now fit only to feed Your unending hunger."
Her eyes turned skyward, and her hands followed. "May this offering please you, you who seek to rebuild this world that it may be consumed anew."
She started to climb the pyre.
"May Your flame be a beacon to the lost--"
Another step.
"--a ward against the cold--"
She reached the centre. The villagers' eyes widened and a collective murmur swept through them.
"--and a shield against those who would harm us." Sarona's eyes were wide, the pure black of them now dancing with an inner spark.
"May Your power be seen and witnessed, that those who look upon it KNOW that Your gifts are not to be abused."
A spark fell from her fingertips. It caught on the wood and raced around, leaving a trail in its wake. Soon, the pyre's light blazed skyward, the roaring flames and smoke causing the gathering to gasp in fear and awe.
Sarona's silhouette could barely be glimpsed through the inferno, but her voice cut through with ease.
"Glory to The Eternal Flame!" She chanted.
The chant soon leapt from everyone's tongues. Timidly at first, then with fervour. Cheers rippled through the crowd. Praises were offered.
Sarona stepped down from the pyre, her eyes blazing with renewed purpose. The flame would not touch its own this night.

MontCestMoi |

This first writing sample is from the Strange Aeons game I've just started running, which suggests a campaign I wouldn't be pulling for if I was selected. I'm proud of doing a spooky bit good in it. The bolded words are the names of the PCs, and it's who is seeing / experiencing the text below it (as they've split up, always the best idea).
Cole and Vano
The fire of Cole briefly brings clarity for the two in the fog, revealing the lurking shape that they start to flee from to an extent. It is tall (at least twelve feet), looming over them. Its mouth is lipless, and filled with rows of curved, razor sharp teeth. Either its eyes are covered, or it has no eyes. Its skin is lacerated, possibly burnt, and it is covered in rags.
No. Not rags. Rags don’t move like that. The torn and layered fabric of ragged strips whips and curls around the lanky giant, each strip of cloth moving and swaying like a hungry serpent, tasting the air, searching for prey. Dozens of the strips key off the fiery blast, and come about to face the duo which dared venture the fog.
And they strike.
Allera, Demrakas, Erebus, and Simza
There is a flash of light from within the dense fog behind you, briefly showing the outlines of three humanoids in the miasma which you are running away from. Scant seconds after, there is a susurration that multiplies rapidly into the snapping, whipping violence of flags being blown in a gale force storm.
From the fog comes hurtling a shape, which hits the cobblestones in the fogless clearing with such force that it spatters the grimy walls with streaks of blood.
It is the body of Cole. He’s covered in hideous cutting wounds, and he lies motionless, unmoving and obviously dead. Perhaps it is just a trick of the light, or the shock of the sudden death, but the spattered blood on the wall seems to form an uncanny similarity to the word ME daubed in a hasty, shaking hand.
Another shape comes hurtling, and another body hits the surface of the alleyway, skipping twice, again splattering blood on the alleyway walls. This body is Vano’s, just as mauled, just as dead. And just as Cole’s blood spelled out one word, Vano’s blood seems to spell out the word HELP.
Cole and Vano
Pain. A symphony of pain. You can feel your skin break, and your body lashed as you are battered by a series of lightning fast blows, struck with such force that your bodies fly out of the fog bank, crashing to the cobblestones of the alleyway.
You are dead.
… and yet, you remain very much in your bodies. Your souls do not fly to any afterlife, glorious or grave. You don’t even have the satisfaction of being ectoplasmic vapors, drifting out of your slack, lifeless mouths. Your consciousnesses remain, locked inside prisons of dead, unresponsive meat.
This second sample is from a chat-based L5R game I was part of years ago; in it, the character I was playing was about to get involved in a duel on the battlefield, and he's uh, pretty proud of his heritage. It's mostly here because it's a demonstration of my ability to commit to a bit (which is vital), and because I only ever got to use the character's lineage spiel a couple of times, and I'll be blasted if I don't take this chance to copy/paste it.
Tadakatsu has been buoyed on the surface of the battle, vaster than anything he could have imagined from his only taste of real conflict at the small village of Biei the week before. Looking up from the ashigaru at the challenger, the Koritome youth flourishes his three-pointed magari-yari at the impudent Crane and responds in a resonate baritone, “ I am Koritome Tadakatsu, spearman of the Matsu, student of the Lion Elite Spearman School, son of Koritome Tadakatsu, son of Koritome Murashige, son of Koritome Ujiyuki, son of Koritome Tokuhime, daughter of Koritome Yoshiaki, son of Koritome Tadaoki, son of Koritome Katsuie…”
“ … son of Koritome Hidetada, son of Koritome Tadakatsu, son of Koritome Takatora, son of Koritome Tametoki, son of Koritome Toshiie who distinguished himself at the Battle of Golden Fields with great valor, son of Koritome Noritaka, son of Koritome Moritoshi, son of Koritome Chizuki, daughter of Koritome Tadakatsu, son of Koritome Toshimitsu, son of Koritome Furihime, daughter of Koritome Yorifusa…”
“ … son of Koritome Tadakatsu, son of Koritome Tadatsune, son of Koritome Hidetada, son of Koritome Sarumaru, son of Koritome Kamanosuke, son of Koritome Rokurō who wielded the famed spear Eikogiri, son of Koritome Nobushige, the youngest brother of Koritome of the noble Matsu, he who saved the Son of Heaven Hantei Muhaki from the Gaijin at White Stag. May you honor your lord with your excellence, Mirumoto-san.“

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“So,” came a voice, echoing through the chamber. “Another seeks my treasure.”
“Show thyself, in the name of the crown prince!” he bellowed.
“A prince, you say? How delectable. Still, if you demand I show myself, then I suppose I shall.”
The prince heard a flapping of wings and, from ahead of him around the bend in the cave, a creature no bigger than an owl flew into view. It was red-skinned, vaguely shaped like a man but with small horns on its forehead and bat-like wings protruding from its shoulder blades. Its hands ended in claws that seemed razor sharp. This was neither man nor beast, but something unholy.
“What sort of creature be thee?” demanded the prince, with the slightest quiver in his voice.
“They call me The Red Devil,” it replied with a grin of evil pride. “And I have been the end of every treasure-seeker who has dared to enter my cave. You shall be no different.”
“So thou sayeth, but know thee I am the greatest swordsman of this age, and if thou dost not surrender your treasure thou shalt find your end on my cold steel blade.”
The devil laughed a sinister laugh. “You are welcome to try.”
“Thou seem little more than a nuisance. What danger can thou possibly present?”
“Well,” the creature replied with confidence, “let us begin with this.”
Alighting on the ground the creature began to blur, its features becoming indistinct. It also began to grow much larger until it finally resolved into a new form. Where once had been a mere imp now stood a huge black bear.
“What foul magic is this?” wondered the prince, aloud. Steeling his nerve he shouted at the beast. “No living thing can stand before me, not even a creature of the wild.”
“We shall see,” came the devil’s voice from the mouth of the bear, as it began to close the distance between them.
The prince swung his sword in a tight circle, limbering his wrist. Still the bear came. The prince moved to his side, into more open space. Suddenly, the bear burst forward with surprising speed. The prince was ready and, as the bear charged, he leapt to the side. Despite his chain armor the prince was agile; he had trained to move quickly on the battleground. The bear moved past him and the prince swung down at it as it did. His sword cut into the bear’s side and the strange beast grunted in what could have been pain, or simply anger. The prince cast a glance at his sword, then the bear’s side. There was not a trace of blood to be seen. The bear slowed its movement and turned to face the prince once more.
“I know not how thou does not bleed, but I will find a way to slay thee.”
“I am full of surprises,” the devil-bear flippantly replied. It circled back towards him, taking a wide berth. The prince stayed at the ready, wondering how to kill the strange creature.
Suddenly, the bear charged once again. The prince weaved to the side as it came at him, yet the monster’s slashing claw sliced across the prince’s abdomen. Only the fine chain that guarded his torso saved him from being gutted. Still, the considerable impact knocked him back and off-balance. The bear reared up on its hind legs and laughed a sick laugh before it threw itself forward. Even while wobbling, the prince’s finely honed instincts kicked in and he dropped to his knees, driving upward. The bear came down with incredible force – straight onto the prince’s outstretched blade. It pierced deep into the beast, the prince could only presume into its heart, then it slumped sideways.
“Thou art vanquished,” said the prince in a smug tone.
Then, before his very eyes, the body of the bear began to shimmer, becoming fuzzy and impossible to focus on. Moments later, it dissolved into smoke.
“Is this how devils die?” the prince thought to himself.
The smoke swirled up and into a cloud. From within came the laugh of the devil, then words “You’ll not be rid of me that easily.”

Ridge |

I've got two writing samples I've done in the past for you to look over. The first is from some RP in a Second Darkness game where I played a rather boisterous bruiser of Ulfen Barbarian. Lefrik was a man of simple tastes but as the situation went on, he had character development thrust upon him, the poor son of a.. I mean, he matured just a bit.
Near the end of the AP (Yes, we finished it, yay) with a chance everything might explode on them and kill them all (I'm speaking vaguely so not to spoil), he had a moment of introspection. I'm using this as a sample as it seemed to get a thumbs up from my fellow players at the time
Lefrik rises to his feet again as the suggestion to get ready goes on, "Yes." He nods to Kel, "Thanks again, Kel." and he looks at all his friends at this what is their moment of.. victory. How odd. Kindhearted Kel, one of the goodliest women he'd ever had the pleasure to know, who had made him consider his own faith in Desna with more respect. Brave Bruendor, seeking some redemption for some failure of Dwarven culture, and yet here he was- saving who knew how many over the land in his steadfast way. Calla, who was as deadly with a bow as any huntress among the ulfen, and even deadlier with her tongue, but they were right, her fierce friendship might cut, but it was strong as steel. And then Anklebiter, another pariah, a goblin no less, who he trusted with his life utterly and considered a friend. Perhaps even his best friend.
This is good. He looks about, This is how it should be. Us,gathered in one last circle, to help the world that may never understand any of us. Where it will go from here, I don't know. We might yet die for all I know, abruptly and suddenly... we may live, then part, but this moment? It's good. I will take it with me beyond my death. Thank you, Desna. I longed to be a hero, so you put me in the company of heroes. If I am one, it is because they showed this ale sucking loud mouthed ulfen how. And he smiles.
This other bit is actually from a bit of flash fiction (Full of typos which I touched up just a bit) that came about when someone asked what plots that we could imagine that would span an entire region. Intrigued, I wrote this bit of whimsy for what such a thing might be on the Golden Road:
His name was Tabor Al'Nehet, a Garund of a minor clan who had worked his way to a better if still challenging life, but as he was a soldier of fortune and sword for hire; he often promoted himself as Tabor Steel-arm. He liked to think it was not too arrogant a boast. His dark skinned arms were indeed hard and strong from a life of training and battle.
"Now, you said that if I heard this job offer out that you'd tell me how you came to needing some new muscle for your quest?" Tabor sipped his cup of quwwa and looked at the group of self styled adventurers who were eager to recruit him.
They were a scattered lot. A twitchy little gnome lass with eyes the dark purple color of the sky just after the sun had vanished entirely from view, and her hair a lighter lavender leaned in a bit too close examining him. The Kelish woman in black and white priestly robes was more reserved in expression but her eyes seemed ever moving; the duality fit a servant of Nethys he thought. The man with them appeared to be of Garundi blood, but only partly. Instead of the typical premature white that Tabor's people often fell too, this man's was a mix of fiery copper and brass in hue. They seemed to shift and flicker on their own accord meaning they did not fall down to conceal the small red horns. Ifri blood, no doubt, was in the sorcerer.
Frankly, between a gnome, a cleric of a mad god, and a man whose blood was filled with the heritage of the untrustworthy Efeet's power, Tabor was already thinking this might be the wrong group to ally with. But they were paying for the drink, and he had grown very bored of guarding caravans. One thing this group didn't look was boring. He'd hear them out.
"It's a long story," the priestess said, her tone almost resigned, "You see, we were hired by an official of Qadira, one in the diplomatic corps tasked with opening more trade and better relations with Osirion's people. Something to show we had moved on from the occupation of the past."
The gnome piped up, tut tutting, "You know how it is, you subjugate one nation for a millennia or so and it's all anyone talks about."
"Not helpful, Xindi," the Ifrit muttered over his own drink, that did not seem to be cooling even with time.
"My father is Osirion," Tabor said dryly, "I am familiar with the story. Please go on."
The holy woman continued, "This official had heard rumors of a burial site, of an ancient Pharaoh's beloved. I do not need to tell you how Osirion treasure all things related to their pharaohs"
Tabor smiled at that "We consider them divine. I hope the notion does not offend?"
"My own god was mortal once," The cleric shrugged, "the problem was, our employer had nothing more to go on than an old scroll, a small figurine, and rumor. All three of which were traced to Kapatesh. And so I, Xindi, Cinder, and Nassur..."
"Nassur was our first warrior," Cinder, the sorcerer Ifrit explained at that point, "Who tragically died."
Xindi shook her head "So so tragically," she shot the sorcerer a look and tutted.
The Ifrit bristled "I keep reminding you, and Mareem, I didn't start that fight, and I had no idea when the fire spread that a major component of the buttery dish Nassur had spilled on himself while gorging had whale oil as an ingredient."
Tabor's eyebrows shot up.
"There he blows.. up," Xindi made a respectful religious gesture in front of herself as she cast her large purple eyes skyward.
"The barrel next to him had more to do with it than what was on his face," Mareem, at least that appeared to be her name, made her own gesture to her god, and then continued "From Kapatesh's grand bazaar we acquired a map-"
"It had fallen off a cart!" Xindi chimed!
"Yes, Xindi, of course it did," Cleric and sorcerer said in almost rehearsed unity.
Tabor coughed into his hand, "And?"
"We also," Cinder continued, taking over the narration, "Picked up a guide, a ranger to replace Nassur, and help us make easy travel into Rahadoum. With a cleric with us, we wanted to avoid the main roads as much as possible. Rekla Skypath had a contrary streak, but she proved a good guide"
Tabor was glad he was not drinking when this was said, "Why did you go to Rahadoum to find a Pharaoh's bride?"
"It's where her tomb was," Cinder explained, "This was a pharaoh from the time when much much of Garund's north was united under the Osirion rod of ruler-ship. It was meant to be a shrine eternal to his bride and celebrated as such."
"It's VERY romantic when you think about it," Xindi made a happy sigh like she might try a swoon.
"A shrine, in Rahadoum? To a 'demigoddess' bride of an ancient conqueror?" Tabor was a simple man but he knew enough of the country to realize how that would be received by the authorities.
"You see our challenge," Mareem sighed and took over "Yes, we encountered quite a few dangers even before we went into the fields of stone. So named, we learned, because it had basilisks in the area about the tomb. We managed to evade the worst of them on the way in, but on the way out, we had a ... miscommunication."
"Miscommunication," Cinder snorted and looked at Xindi.
"I shouted a warning, I meant to say 'Don't dare look behind you!'" Xindi protested "So my Dwarvish was a little off."
"It's not a little when what you actually said was 'I dare you to look behind you'," Cinder threw up his hands.
"There was another basilisk. We intended to rescue Relka later, find a way to turn her back to flesh, but it turns out a local giant raided the place for 'new miniatures' for some game he and other giants played. We have no idea where she is now," Mareem blushed, "We were all mortified, of course."
"Except Relka, she was Petrified," Xindi corrected needlessly.
Tabor found himself wishing he'd gotten a stronger drink, "Well, at least you got the body of the Bride An Urn, something?" Then he realized that couldn't be the case or their quest would be done.
"She was missing her head," The cleric said, "I did what I could to preserve the main body, but we found clues that a group of opportunists-"
"Not upstanding adventurers like ourselves, of course" Cinder cut in.
"Yes, well, they had cut her head off to sell it to an alchemist in Merab, in Thuvia" Mareem explained, "Apparently they'd been sent for basilisk blood, but decided the head of an ancient 'princess' would be good for a potion or two. One of the brigands had dropped a missive with the alchemist's name on it. That's how we knew where to go."
"Of course, before we could leave that God forsaken country, our cleric got spotted by an ironically overzealous group of
Rahadoum guardsman, and we had a bit of a kerfluffle there," Cinder explained even as he glanced at Mareem, "Our priestess lost her temper when they refused to just let her leave across the border promptly."
"I'm not proud of my behavior there," Mareem admitted, "Mostly because it was a waste of a good scroll."
"Watching them run from the rust monsters was funny though," Xindi admitted.
"Regardless, cross the border we did, and Thuvia was far more welcoming, it was there we found Gazim. Though he was more as much brigand as warrior as he later proved," Cinder said and the others nodded, "He was good in a fight, but when we met with the Alchemist to bargain for the head, Gazim tried to steal his most valuable potions when we were haggling..."
"Amateur," Xindi scoffed, then cleared her throat, "I mean, bad Gazim, bad wicked Gazim."
"Of course, when he was caught doing that, we ourselves sought to bring him to justice," Mareem explained, "In his haste to overpower us and escape, he grabbed the first stolen product he had taken, which was marked 'strength' and he scarfed it down. He learned a very valuable lesson for it led to his death."
The gnome nodded sagely, "Never swallow an alchemical suppository."
This time, Tabor was mid drink, and lost some of his drink in a coughing fit. By the gods, these three were cursed! "Did you get the head?"
"Yes, and then we lost it, you see the alchemist was so intrigued, he wanted to use an ointment to restore the body entirely to wholeness as if she'd just died yesterday," Mareem said, "So we went on a bit of a scavenger hunt for some necessary ingredients. However, the alchemist got greedy and asked for greater ingredients than required. "
"For once, it was on someone outside of the group," Xindi said, "What a relief."
"Dragon's blood, for example, was a bit much," Mareem went on, "The body was put together, the restoration cast and... well, she became alive."
"Undead?" Tabor gasped imagining such a scourge upon the world.
"Yes!" Xindi nodded, then shook her head just as quickly "But no. She was dead, then she was un -deaded, meaning it acted like some sort of resurrection.!"
"Perhaps there is something divine in the girl after all," Mareem pondered, "How ever it happened, we thought we best get her to our employer. Unfortunately, the alchemist kidnapped her, and is on the run. Apparently he thinks marrying her will give him some right to claim the throne of Osirion."
"That's insane!" Tabor gasped.
"For us, this was a Wealday," Cinder said dryly, "The poor girl is rather suggestible right now. If we don't' rescue her soon, that insane alchemist may have her ready to conquer with or without him. It will be a diplomatic disaster for the storybooks."
"So we need new muscle," Xindi chirped, "Want in? Fourth time is blessed as we gnomes say!"
Tabor gaped at them, "My father's homeland may have a lost demi-goddess, or mad woman, whichever she is, assembling forces at the behest of a conquest minded alchemist to try take the throne of the current Pharaoh. An incident that, even if it fails , will possibly lead to a war with Qadira?" And without waiting for an answer, he buried his head in his hands.
Eyes covered as they were, Tabor could not see the Mareem nodding, or Cinder's hapless shrug. He could hear though.
So Xindi's delighted cry of, "See, he's looking like one of us already," came in loud and clear.
Hope you like :)

The Lobster |

I had a hard time picking, so here's one of my favorite single posts and then a lengthy exchange between me and another player
Without any other choice, the crew walks an AT-AT out the hangar of an exploding ISD

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Hi everyone! Just dropping in to confirm that I am in fact getting your submissions and reading them. Some really wonderful work here!
It's a busy weekend for me, but I plan to get a brief introduction to each party for each AP up soon so you can begin considering who you would like to play as.
Thanks again for taking a stab at my attempt to live vicariously through others! lol

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Curiosity, where are the characters located ??
Knowing what class, might make it easier for me to come up with some creative writing.
Right now, I am drawing a blank, but I will have some creative writing up a bit later.
Apologies. I keep meaning to get quick character summaries up (not full sheets yet, but enough to give you an idea of what you would be playing) and I just... Keep getting pulled away from doing it. Will get it up later tonight.

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Ok, after much scrambling about finding the time to get this down, let us meet the parties! The four selected players will have three APs to choose from, and thus three pregenerated parties. I’m going to list them here now in the event that party compositions end up affecting which AP you prefer.
Some of these characters are more detailed than the others - some of these nerds just ended up having more fluff attached to my basic concept than others. You’ll be free to build around and out of what I have established, as well as add in any other details or personality traits you like beyond that to make the character feel more “yours”. Most of the characters have pretty straightforward builds evident at first level, however if you’d like any insight on what I had planned for them in the long term you’re welcome to pick my brain about them over PM and either utilize or disregard any of my ideas.
Without further ado:
Mitena Gan
Female Samsaran Cleric (Cloistered Cleric) of Qi Zhong
Lawful Good
Campaign Trait: Student of Faith
Strengths: Healing, Buffs, Knowledge Skills, Face
Mitena is a Samsaran healer hailing from Tian Xia (which specific nation is entirely up to you). She is part of a small sect of Qi Zhong worshipers that devote a great deal of time to non-magical medical research and academia. The dedication of Sandpoints temple to six major deities was considered noteworthy by her sect, and she has been dispatched to record detailed notes of the events as well as encouragement to stay in Avistan as long as she likes to research, gather, and develop more information of interest to her sect.
Vin Cozma
Male Elf Unchained Rogue (Underground Chemist) VMC: Alchemist
Chaotic Neutral
Campaign Trait: Family Ties
Strengths: Ranged Combat,Traps, Skill Monkey ++
One of the Forlorn (Elves raised in human society), Vin is a consummate outsider. He’s been working with the Sczarni as a fixer for two human lifetimes. His skills are countless, but his true passion is practical alchemy, and he’s beginning to grow weary of the Life and looking to go at least (mostly) straight. His work and expertise have done him well though, and he has the kit to show it. He’s currently in Sandpoint because he’d like to find somewhere to settle down in the next decade or two, and because he’s got a Sczarni contact in town as a potential source for regular work.
Koudelka Steelfist
Female Half-Orc Fighter (Brawler)
Chaotic Good
Campaign Trait: Monster Hunter
Strengths: Melee Combat, Some Outdoors Skills
A bastard out of the noble houses of Magnimar (she refuses to disclose which) and ardent worshiper of Gorum, Koudelka (or “Ko”, as she prefers to go by) has been making her living as a wandering monster hunter and tourney fighter along the Varisian coast. Fond of an “up close and personal” method of combat, her trademark is aggressive shield bashes followed up by a sharp hook from her spiked-gauntleted offhand. Rowdy and constantly spoiling for a fight, she is nonetheless good-natured, preferring rivals to enemies.
Solarious Mikkel
Male Human Wizard (Sword Binder)
Lawful Good
Campaign Trait: Scholar of the Ancients
Strengths: Battlefield Control, Ranged Combat, Knowledge Skills
Solarious is the third son of a moderately successful merchant family in Absalom. A strong adherent to the teachings of the dead god Aroden led him towards wizardry and swordplay at a young age. Quite the scholar, he has become convinced that clues to Aroden’s demise can be found in incalculable lost knowledge of the fallen Thassilonian Empire, and is currently staying in Sandpoint while chasing down leads on ruins and other potential sources of lost knowledge.
Murdock Beltram
Middle-Aged Male Tiefling (Devil-Spawn) Druid (Urban Druid)
Lawful Neutral
Campaign Trait: Betrayed
Strengths: Evocation, Face, Knowledge Skills
Murdock is a classic example of “checkered past”. As a youth, he came up through the criminal element alongside Gaedren Lam - a rival or an ally depending on the day. Gaedren eventually got the final one-up on Murdock, however, leaving him for dead among alleyway trash heaps. Murdock survived, and managed to supply enough information on Gaedren’s operations at the time to convince the city watch to give him a second chance. In the years since, he’s become a devoted disciple of Alseta and something of a community leader and organizer (his player may select which neighborhood or district Murdock lives and operates in). While he has come to treasure the law and order approach to the world, he is aware of the rampant corruption in Korvosa - and over the decades just can’t seem to let go that Gaedren is still out there.
Vyv Lorsen
Female Human Ranger (Urban Ranger)
Chaotic Good
Campaign Trait: Missing Child
Strengths: Melee Combat, Traps, Skill Monkey
By day, Vyv works as a general store clerk in one of the lower-middle-class neighborhoods of Korvosa. By night, she embarks on a now months-long search for her missing son. Combining her knowledge of the city, natural athleticism, and a good bit of trial by error she’s become something of a local vigilante. Recently, she finally got a name out of someone: “Gaedren Lam”. (This won’t be immediately apparent on her level one character sheet, but Vyv is intended to go down the Calistrian Combat Style line).
Wira Eventrack
Female Halfling Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer)
Neutral Good
Campaign Trait: Framed
Strengths: Transmutation, Stealth, Use Magic Device
Wira is a halfing orphan raised among the nomadic Varisian caravans. Discovering a talent for sorcery at a young age, she adopted her foster culture’s approach to harnessing that power. Desiring to see more of the world and expand her abilities, she successfully entered a Korvosan mage’s academy. The success was short-lived, however, when she soon found herself -inexplicably- the prime suspect in a back alley murder. Clearly framed, a fellow student was able to clear her with a confession from a paid-off witness, but the damage was done and she was ejected from the academy. Her classmate did pass along a name from the witness: “Gaedren Lam”.
Victor Lupei
Male Half-Elf Gunslinger (Bolt Ace)
Neutral Good
Campaign Trait: Lost Love (Orphaned)
Strengths: Ranged Combat, Secondary Skill Monkey
Victor has spent his entire life in Korvosa, though he’s something of a homebody. A gifted and self-taught engineer, he spent endless evenings disassembling, reassembling (and eventually improving) his city guard father’s crossbow. When Victor’s father got too close to busting Gaedren Lam, he was eliminated in a crass, undignified ambush in a back alley. The only suspect was a halfling studying at the academy, but that dissolved when a witness recanted. One of his father’s old friends in the guard passed along a name that came up when clearing the first suspect: “Gaedren Lam”.
Special Note: Due to the unique amnesia element, details for these characters will be sparse. Additionally, you will all start with an alignment of True Neutral and actions/choices will have a bigger impact on alignment shifts than usual, so we can really explore the “Nature Vs. Nurture” element when your pasts are revealed.
Female Tiefling (Motherless) Spiritualist (Ectoplasmatist)
True Neutral
Campaign Trait: Sensitive Mind
Strengths: Melee Combat, Debuffs
Oona awakes from the dream dimly aware of her name, abyssal heritage, and psychic abilities but little else. Despite being a Tiefling - and a Qlippoth-spawn at that- she appears a perfectly normal (if a bit grungy and unkempt) human. However, prolonged observation will take note of the strange and unsettling ways her flesh periodically twitches and undulates, as though something were straining to break free of her flesh. (The grotesque mutations common to Motherless Tieflings are entirely internal in Oona’s unique case - specifically in the form of a massive series of muscular tumors that intermittently strain against the prison of her flesh.)
Lusian Cliff’s Edge
Male Rougarou Cleric (Separatist) of Groetus (Destruction, Revelry)
True Neutral
Campaign Trait: Pugnacious
Strengths: Melee Combat, Healing, Buffs
Lusian is powerfully built, with the scars and bruises of a lifetime scrapper. He awakens clutching his holy symbol of Groetus, the nihilistic god of the End Times. However, the powers he’s able to tap through his connection to his uncaring deity are out of step with Lusian’s academic understanding of the faith’s practices. Why does a follower of the herald of nothingness feel such joy at being alive?
Aloysius Pembroke
Male Old Half-Elf (Kindred-Raised) Bard (Magician)
True Neutral
Campaign Trait: Foe of The Strange
Strengths: Buffs, Skill Monkey, Face
An avuncular half-elf in his late nineties, Aloysius awakens clothed in the flashy garb of a stage magician - cheap tuxedo, lilly-white gloves, half cape, and the top hat of course. Despite the situation, he feels an even-handed certainty that he is among friends and that together they can surmount any horrors that may await them.
Marius Tucco
Male Human Bloodrager (Steelblood) Black Blood Bloodline
True Neutral
Campaign Trait: Enduring Stoicism
Strengths: Melee Combat, Buffs
A tall and muscular Chelaxian man clad in armor, Marius would look intimidating even in his sleep. His veins, dark and purplish, stand out starkly against his pale skin. He awoke battle-ready and confident that he would stride through any object or captor that stood between him and freedom and that his companions, if they had any sense, would follow in his considerable wake.
Well, those are the crews! Hope a few of them got your brain juices pumping. Submissions for writing samples will close Friday evening (roughly 8pm Central Time). Feel free to slip into the shoes of one of these knuckleheads for your submission - I know I have an easier time with a prompt.
(Any feedback or questions about these characters is also encouraged and appreciated.)
The samples I’ve gotten so far have really been excellent. You’re all gonna make selecting players a real struggle!

Mokshai |

Returning back into Sandpoint after looking at a failed lead, Solarious looks at the little mirror on the tree with the statement " Let us see you as you see yourself"
He pauses and brushes back his blond hair and takes the floppy hat off to brush the dust off his cloths.
He then comments to himself.
I know there are further leads I have to chase, but I need to figure out how to do that safely.
the ones I have been following have not panned out.
He stretches out, looks around, and makes his way into Sandpoint where he checks back into the Rusty Dragon.

Ridge |

Okay. First off, I have to say, there is at least one character in each category that I might be tempted by. So pretty nice sampling!
If we went Rise of the Runelords, my first pick would be Koudelka Steelfist. I sometimes enjoy boisterous bruisers
Curse of the Crimson Throne, I'd probably hope for Wira Eventrack, I like halflings in this game world as they've got that whole underdog rising up vibe. but I also like Murdock Beltram even if I seldom play LN types.
Strange Aeons, first pick would be Aloysius Pembroke. He has style, and I think I'd enjoy that.