An interactive map of Golarion

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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1e's Mythic Realms has a labeled map of the Valashmai Jungle, with a number of locations marked.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
keftiu wrote:
1e's Mythic Realms has a labeled map of the Valashmai Jungle, with a number of locations marked.

Thanks! Snagged! I also just noticed that Ironfang Invasion #1 has a map with a surprising number of locations in the plains between the two conflicting nations, so snagged that too.

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Morhek wrote:

{. . .}

Hopefully this updated version works.

It works now, even in Firefox.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Whoo boy. Lots of updates in the past few days.
* Used a middle-elevation layer we have to add a few more details, like the Storval Plateau in Varisia, some areas in Blezken and Realm of the Mammoth Lords, the giant meteor scar across Numeria, and a couple other places.
* Added every swamp I could find from the wiki's swamp category.
* Added a bunch of locations from Druma, Numeria, River Kingdoms, Nidal, Taldor, Isle of Kortos, and the area between Nirmathas and Molthune.
* A few smaller forest changes throughout.
* Added labels to almost every body of water. Including a bunch of bays I found.
* Small adjustments to a bunch of borders, such as using the borders for Lastwall from the Knights of Lastwall book.
* Renamed all the Aeon Towers to match their individual names.
* Much like towers, city-ruins have their own icon now.

I'm not responsible for all the above updates, but enough of them that I'm gonna take a break for a while. So many new wiki pages written by me so that they can have points on the map, lol.

Once again, if other people have the right source books, a non-technical way you could help with the map is to create simple pages for various locations and points of interest in places like Nidal, Taldor, and Qadira, or anywhere else you spot missing location pages on the wiki. You don't have to know where on the map they are, I could come in later and add those latlongs to the pages. Creating the wiki pages with at least some basic info on the different locations, even if I still leave them as stubs, is the slowest part for me.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Speaking of new pages, saw a couple new Tian Xia pages go up, and I went through and made sure every location on the colored Dragon Empires Gazetteer map has a latlong assigned now, and those are live. Just harder to see because it's still like, three per nation at most on this massive continent, lol.

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Thank you for all the hard work!

Shadow Lodge

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I think Crown's End may be in the wrong place. It's supposed to be within Vidrian, but has ended up almost 100 km outside its frontier.

(Fort Bandu and Umnyango are likewise outside the frontier, if only just.)

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
zimmerwald1915 wrote:

I think Crown's End may be in the wrong place. It's supposed to be within Vidrian, but has ended up almost 100 km outside its frontier.

(Fort Bandu and Umnyango are likewise outside the frontier, if only just.)

Those three locations are taken either directly from the Inner Sea World Guide map for (at the time) Sargava or the much more recent Mwangi Expanse. It looks like what's happened is the borders for Vidrian taken from the Lost Omens World Guide are really bad due to cutting off a large chunk of their northern lands. I can put changing that border on the backlog list.

Also, more updates since I last posted:

Virenerus on the wiki did a fantastic job of making it so that I could give him a giant list of location latlongs without needing to create pages for all of them, and they could still be populated on the map. This has resulted in every location I could find being populated for Andoran, Minkai, Nidal, Qadira, and a few more locations around the Darkmoon Vale in Taldor. I'm less sure about the Darkmoon Vale because the maps we have for that that list these locations are very old and don't line up well with any recent maps.

EDIT: And what I mean about the Darkmoon Vale maps not lining up well is, the maps from Guide to the Darkmoon Vale (2008) have a pretty reasonably similar take on the geography, but, for example, the town of Olfden does some pretty wild moving over the years. So there are reference points like that that throw them into question.

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Hello. I'm coming to this late and I want to say that your map is an AWESOME tool for someone not deeply familiar with all of the nations of Golarion.

A feature to consider for the future (and I don't even know if it's possible) might be an overlay for languages and an overlay for primary religions and maybe one for races. Every nation has a primary language and additional languages commonly spoken which is great if you start with the nation but not if you want to know where certain languages are spoken. Likewise we can guess where you will find worshipers of Asmodeus as the primary religion but where is he the 2nd or 3rd most common god? And where would you expect to find large concentrations of Dwarves or Gnolls or Orcs in the general population.

This might be more information than you are capable of storing or sharing but I did want to get the idea out there in cases it was as simple as a lookup table for colored regions.

Thank you for listening and thank you for your great map!

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At this point I would like to thank VestOfHolding for his many, many contributions to the map.

I have found that there was actually a map of the kingdoms that make up the river kingdoms in 1e which will allow us to finally split those up on the map.

Shadow Lodge

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Virenerus wrote:

At this point I would like to thank VestOfHolding for his many, many contributions to the map.

I have found that there was actually a map of the kingdoms that make up the river kingdoms in 1e which will allow us to finally split those up on the map.

FWIW, the 4719 map of the River Kingdoms should be roughly the same as the 4708 map, except that the Stolen Lands are retitled "Narland" and Pitax is its dependency.

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zimmerwald1915 wrote:
FWIW, the 4719 map of the River Kingdoms should be roughly the same as the 4708 map, except that the Stolen Lands are retitled "Narland" and Pitax is its dependency.

Very nice catch. I updated that.

I would have loved to just make a map with a time slider that changes the borders and names, but sadly that require more resources than the free tier can provide.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

All of the locations in Xopatl in Arcadia have been added thanks to the map in "Borne by the Sun's Grace".

While it's not published to the live website, I have a proposal up for a review for an initial proof of concept on being able to click and measure the distance between two points. If it's approved, it'll have some jank, but the basic functionality will work. I'll of course be happy to iterate on it to make it better with a couple more ideas I have.

Shadow Lodge

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Virenerus wrote:

At this point I would like to thank VestOfHolding for his many, many contributions to the map.

I have found that there was actually a map of the kingdoms that make up the river kingdoms in 1e which will allow us to finally split those up on the map.

Is there going to be something similar for Varisia? The holdings of Korvosa, Magnimar, and Riddleport are reasonably well-defined, as are the territories of the Shoanti Quahs.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Virenerus wrote:

At this point I would like to thank VestOfHolding for his many, many contributions to the map.

I have found that there was actually a map of the kingdoms that make up the river kingdoms in 1e which will allow us to finally split those up on the map.

Is there going to be something similar for Varisia? The holdings of Korvosa, Magnimar, and Riddleport are reasonably well-defined, as are the territories of the Shoanti Quahs.

Yeah, most of the countries have some sort of state or general sub-country split. Those will come in time.

I think the priority now is making sure some of the specific geography like the rivers line up properly with all the more specific maps, now that we have confirmation from Luis Loza that the giant full Inner Sea map is actually the least reliably for the smaller specific things like that, and that's what was used to get an initial phase of the entire Inner Sea done. Once all the rivers are at least done, that gives better confirmation on all the borders, including those state/holding/etc borders.

Shadow Lodge

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VestOfHolding wrote:

Yeah, most of the countries have some sort of state or general sub-country split. Those will come in time.

I think the priority now is making sure some of the specific geography like the rivers line up properly with all the more specific maps, now that we have confirmation from Luis Loza that the giant full Inner Sea map is actually the least reliably for the smaller specific things like that, and that's what was used to get an initial phase of the entire Inner Sea done. Once all the rivers are at least done, that gives better confirmation on all the borders, including those state/holding/etc borders.


As an exercise, the bounds of Korvosa (excepting those which are already defined by the shore Conqueror's Bay, and by the bounds of Varisia on the one hand and Nidal, Oprak, Nirmathas, and the Hold of Belkzen on the other):

That line which is drawn from the point where the bounds of Nirmathas and the Hold of Belkzen meet, due west to the middle of Falcon River; thence down along the middle of that river to the fall line of the Mindspin Mountains; thence north along the fall line of the Mindspin Mountains to the fall line of the Storval Rise; thence westerly along the fall line of the Storval Rise to the fall line of the Wyvern Mountains; thence due south to the shore of Conqueror's Bay; and comprehending all waters within 12 miles of any part of the shores of Korvosa.

And of Magnimar:

That line which is drawn from the mouth of Yondabakari River along the shore to the fall line of the Fogscar Mountains; thence along a line to the mouth of Lampblack River in Ember Lake; thence up along the middle of that river to a point about thirty miles northeast of Ravenmoor where it bends north; thence due east to the shore of Storval Deep; thence along the shore to the midpoint of Skull River; thence due south to the left bank* of Skull River; thence due south to the left bank of Skull River;** thence due east to the midpoint of Malgorian River; thence down along the middle of that river to its mouth; thence due south to Conqueror's Bay; and comprehending all waters within 12 miles of any part of the shores of Magnimar.

*"left bank" and "right bank" defined according to an observer in a boat in the midpoint of the river, looking downstream.

**meaning, taken together with the previous clause, draw a line south to the point where the river bends away west and gives way to land, then further south until it bends back east and land gives way to water - the object is to comprehend the lands of Turtleback Ferry.

If these look like they bear the marks of being overtly colonial borders, that's only because they are.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oh, this is extremely well done! I guess I actually need to get off my butt and get authorized to edit the Wiki to help out with it.

There's not a huge amount to add, but They Watched the Stars adds a nice chunk on the Lake of Mist and Veils. Didn't see it but could have missed it... given the Lake touches on Iobaria, maybe that region's eastern boarder could get added in as well?

Again, so very awesome work.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Distance measuring is now up and running on the map! Right click to bring up the menu, and double-click on the last location you want to measure to.

The best part is that the distance measurements use a formula that takes global curvature into account, so for long distances it will still be correct.

Shadow Lodge

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VestOfHolding wrote:

Distance measuring is now up and running on the map! Right click to bring up the menu, and double-click on the last location you want to measure to.

The best part is that the distance measurements use a formula that takes global curvature into account, so for long distances it will still be correct.


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This is great, but I think the miles and kilometers are switched on the distance calculator.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
Darth Game Master wrote:
This is great, but I think the miles and kilometers are switched on the distance calculator.

Ha, awkward, true. That shouldn't take long to fix.

Shadow Lodge

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Would it be possible to tessellate the map with a grid of regular hexagons (and twelve regular pentagons) with side length of six miles (sides of the hexagons facing north and south, corners facing east and west)? So as to be able to run hexploration anywhere?

(resources: p-tiles/15825535#15825535 ; 0can't%20tile%20a,with%20twelve%20pentagons%20left%20over. )

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zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Is there going to be something similar for Varisia? The holdings of Korvosa, Magnimar, and Riddleport are reasonably well-defined, as are the territories of the Shoanti Quahs.

Do you know which book this map is from? I am super interested in any map that shows these subdivisions.

zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Would it be possible to tessellate the map with a grid of regular hexagons (and twelve regular pentagons) with side length of six miles (sides of the hexagons facing north and south, corners facing east and west)? So as to be able to run hexploration anywhere?

Mhhh. Interesting idea. There is no perfect tesselation into hexagons for the whole globe, but maybe we can have the area where this breaks down somewhere in the ocean.

Shadow Lodge

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Virenerus wrote:
Do you know which book this map is from?

Varisia, Birthplace of Legends.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Just wanted to say this map is terrific, thanks for making it.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Garund/Golden Road update:
* All rivers in Garund have been given a once-over and more details.
* Katapesh has been massively updated, with many new settlements and better terrain.
* The rest of the Golden Road has a smattering of new settlements and double checking of the borders.
* Osirion now has the provinces from Legacy of Pharaohs.

Friendly reminder that although I'm posting the update notes, I didn't do all of that work, only some of it. :)

Shadow Lodge

Is it worth putting in the boundary between New Eurythnia and New Edasseril? Wiki and its sources call it "disputed," but on the other hand define it pretty simply, with New Eurythnia holding the mainland except for Mierani Forest and New Edasseril holding everything else - given that description the line should probably run northwest along the edge of Mierani Forest where it abuts the Nolands, and then further northwest along the crest of the mountains to the coast.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

That won't be done unless there's an official map that shows the boundary. We only work off of official images.

Also, oh hey! It's been a minute since I posted changes here. Definitely been a few things.

* Tian Xia given more detailed terrain, especially from that new map we got as a preview to next year's Tian Xia books.
* The entire coastline of Avistan has been gone over to be more exact and detailed.
* A lot of western and southern Avistan has been gone over to be given more detailed terrain.
* Taldor, Druma, Cheliax, and Qadira have been split to show the boundaries of their provinces.
* The county of Meratt from War for the Crown has been pinned down in Taldor and fully detailed.
* The new map of Five Kings Mountains from LO Highhelm has been fully incorporated.
* Most borders in Garund and southern Avistan have been cleaned up to perfectly align with rivers where it was clear that that was the intention.
* Smattering of misc small latlong adjustments of a few locations, and found a few missing locations in Geb that have been added.
* I don't think this has been mentioned before: The River Kingdoms have also been split into their individual nations.

Future Plans
* Continuing to refine the rest of the Avisan terrained based on the LO World Guide.
* Split more nations into their provinces that we have those maps for.
* Add the Spellscar Desert details to the Mana Wastes from Outlaws of Alkenstar. This one is weird to figure out the exact stretching/mapping the map needs since there's so little surrounding reference points, lol.
* Obviously continue integrating any future new maps that get published. The new Highhelm map really was fantastic, and almost makes up for the very strange and unhelpful map of the Lake of Mists and Veils that came in Gatewalkers.

Shadow Lodge

VestOfHolding wrote:

Impeccable work! Would it be possible with current tools to estimate the area of a mapped territory?

Shadow Lodge

Did someone narrow the rivers from their mouths to their sources? Looks good.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Just want to say how awesome this is! thank you for your hard work.

This is my first post on Paizo's forums, and I came here specifically to thank you for working this project through. I've run D&D games for 44 years, and I'm just now porting my 5e group over to Pathfinder 2e and my World Guide arrived today without a land map. I was floored that the company would produce such a work and omit such a glaringly necessary item from it. I was so disappointed I briefly considered sending the book back, but that would be punishing a retailer for what is in truth the publishers shortcoming. My guess was that Paizo planned to create a map sold separately, which is unconscionably cheezy. So I went online to see what player made resources were available and came across this. Thank you for the time investment you all have made in creating this, it'll be invaluable for running my game.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
JBeadle wrote:
This is my first post on Paizo's forums, and I came here specifically to thank you for working this project through. I've run D&D games for 44 years, and I'm just now porting my 5e group over to Pathfinder 2e and my World Guide arrived today without a land map. I was floored that the company would produce such a work and omit such a glaringly necessary item from it. I was so disappointed I briefly considered sending the book back, but that would be punishing a retailer for what is in truth the publishers shortcoming. My guess was that Paizo planned to create a map sold separately, which is unconscionably cheezy. So I went online to see what player made resources were available and came across this. Thank you for the time investment you all have made in creating this, it'll be invaluable for running my game.

Where did you order your book from, because the Lost Omens: World Guide should have a poster map in it.

Lost Omens: World Guide product page wrote:
This gazetteer features 10 diverse regions packed with thrilling and deadly possibilities and is accompanied by a giant two-sided poster map depicting the heart of the Pathfinder setting.

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Reactivated my wiki account and fixed/added locations for a bunch of points of interest in the Shackles. Great work by Virenerus and VestOfHolding to connect the wiki to the mapping effort both as an information source and a data source, making it easy to contribute.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey folks, thanks for the feedback!

Apologies that it's been so long since I've provided a summary of the changes. Let's see how well I can summarize the last few months, because we've actually had some big changes going on!

The biggest announcement is that we are now working with a much higher resolution version of the 2E global map and World Guide metaregion maps, which has enabled us to do a lot of great things, including way more river details!

* The entire planet has undergone latlong shifts as we aligned the map with the 2E global map that even listed what type of projection it was in. Massive shoutout to Virenerus for knowing how to do that vertex bending, and having a bot go through and auto-update as many latlongs as the bot could detect on the wiki. Thank you Garrett for catching some in the Shackles that weren't caught by that bot. At least now you know why they were off at all, lol.
* The terrain for the Isle of Kortos, Mwangi Expanse, Holomog, Sarkoris Scar, and the River Kingdoms have received noticeable updates.
* Across the globe there are additional rivers and river details.
* Sarusan, Casmaron, and southern Garund have received massive terrain updates, most easily seen with all the additional forest spots dotted everywhere. By that same metric, you can see I haven't gotten very far into Arcadia yet, but that's my current task.
* The Crown of the World has undergone a lot of subtle changes, and the challenge now is definitely trying to slowly re-incorporate the old Jade Regent map into this modern one, because there's a lot that doesn't quite line up, but I am sad to lose the locations that that Jade Regent map had. So I'll be slowly trying to solve that puzzle.
* Northern Avistan and Tian Xia still need a little subtle bending to perfectly match the global map, but after I finish on the rest of the planet, I'll return back to the Inner Sea and Tian Xia to do similar terrain updates as applicable.

The number of bullet points doesn't feel like it conveys just how much work has happened in July, but oh man shifting and warping the entire planet by like, up to 10 degrees, while minimizing the user impact of that, and also doing terrain detailing on the entire globe, has been so much work, but very rewarding to see the results so far.

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I've put together a distinctly non-interactive map of Golarion (Imgur likes to shrink things down, so sorry if it's not fully legible). I was hoping to get some feedback on anything that was obviously wrong there.

I've been mapping the Forgotten Realms and things like Westeros and the Wheel of Time world for years (via here) and I was inspired to map out Golarion after playing Kingmaker a couple of years back.

The main project is a new map of the traditional area (Avistan/northern Garund) in an AD&D 2nd Edition style, and that's mostly done, although the completionist in me demanded I also include the full areas mapped for
Iobaria and Qadira, which pushed the map boundary way off to the east (so even the far western end of Iblydos sneaks onto the very edge of the map). And then I got the angle on some mountains wrong, so they need to be reworked. But hopefully that will get done with a few weeks' more work. It is massive.

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