Death-Lok |

Age of Worms is my favorite AP ever and the gold standard in my book. Running it in PF1, however, has the issue with all the splatbooks that characters are much more powerful and I have to modify the enemies to give the players a little of a challenge and that's too much work for me. So my thought was to run the game starting at the Champion's Belt module (9th level) set in the Greyhawk setting, but with characters restricted to taking only Core Rulebook feats. Most of the PF1 classes would be available, but I think toning down the feat selection would tone down the players' power level. Would there be any interest in a game like this?

pad300 |
I'd certainly be interested in AoW jumping in at level 9. However, if you're going to restrict to CRB feats only, I would suggest going whole hog and just saying Core only in general. The non-core classes generally have some feats that are just needed for them; that came out in the books with them. For example witches with Extra Hex, Accursed Hex, and Split Hex...

hustonj |
Which version of Oerth? No, I don't mean timeline, though I guess that could matter. I mean Gygax's version with all the racial prejudices in place and actually part of how organizations are defined? Or WotC's version, where racial prejudices were wiped from the description of almost everything, left in place only as part of the most vile of social structures (like the Scarlet Brotherhood)?
I'm a big fan of the Gnarley Rangers. A might harder to justify one in Greyhawk than Dyvers, just further away from their domain. At least Greyhawk isn't consistently claiming authority over parts of the Gnarley like everybody closer does.

pad300 |
Which version of Oerth? No, I don't mean timeline, though I guess that could matter. I mean Gygax's version with all the racial prejudices in place and actually part of how organizations are defined? Or WotC's version, where racial prejudices were wiped from the description of almost everything, left in place only as part of the most vile of social structures (like the Scarlet Brotherhood)?
I'm a big fan of the Gnarley Rangers. A might harder to justify one in Greyhawk than Dyvers, just further away from their domain. At least Greyhawk isn't consistently claiming authority over parts of the Gnarley like everybody closer does.
As AoW was written for Dungeon magazine, barring editing by Death-lok, I figure that it's the WotC version...

Robert Henry |

hustonj wrote:Where (physically) on Oerth? I assume NOT in the Free City of Greyhawk, for instance.Actually the game does start in the Free City - there is an annual Champion’s gladiatorial-type games held at the arena and the party would be a team of competitors.
Interesting, I played in Samnell's Ziggurat of Worms, an interpretation of 'Age of Worms' which didn't get too far, he started it in Unther. I only provide that information because it's all the experience I have in the Greyhawk setting.
But if you don't mind a barbarian in the competition that doesn't know history or geography, then I don't mind Core feats only :)
Would you permit the regular barbarian rage powers, or would you limit those to core only?

hustonj |
As AoW was written for Dungeon magazine, barring editing by Death-lok, I figure that it's the WotC version...
Dungeon was first published by TSR, taken over by WotC along with everything else, then sold to Paizo (along with Dragon) lock-stock-barrel-and-staff BEFORE 3.5 came out (I think). I remember that Iquander was told to stop working with the RPGA on Living Greyhawk in order to ensure that Eric Mona, editor of both magazines, was clearly part of the business unit being purchased.
So, saying it was published in Dungeon doesn't really help identify which published version of Greyhawk it was written for.
Heck, if it ignored most of the rest of the world, it might not even matter which version it was written under. The module might not care about the differences.

pad300 |
Interesting, I played in Samnell's Ziggurat of Worms, an interpretation of 'Age of Worms' which didn't get too far, he started it in Unther. I only provide that information because it's all the experience I have in the Greyhawk setting....
Just FYI, Unther is the Forgotten Realms setting (their Mesopotamia analogue), not Greyhawk.

Albion, The Eye |

I think this is a great idea Death-Lok, and I would definitely be very interested in playing such a game. However for me personally, level 9 is too high as a starting level.
If it was up to me, I would also take the traits away, since I think people are coming up with more and more obscure ones in their attempt to break the game’s math :P

infomatic |
I think 9th level is good; it’s far enough along in the AP that a lot of groups probably fall apart before getting there. And Champion’s Belt is among the best-received chapters in an already well-regarded campaign.
On Traits; they could certainly be dropped, especially at this level. One of their most useful purposes is to add additional class skills — a super-helpful trick at level 1, but at level 9 gives plenty of room for multiclassing to do the same thing.

Death-Lok |

Which version of Oerth? No, I don't mean timeline, though I guess that could matter. I mean Gygax's version with all the racial prejudices in place and actually part of how organizations are defined? Or WotC's version, where racial prejudices were wiped from the description of almost everything, left in place only as part of the most vile of social structures (like the Scarlet Brotherhood)?
I'm a big fan of the Gnarley Rangers. A might harder to justify one in Greyhawk than Dyvers, just further away from their domain. At least Greyhawk isn't consistently claiming authority over parts of the Gnarley like everybody closer does.
The timeline is 589 CY. While I acknowledge that the Greyhawk setting is very human-centric, the Free City is very cosmopolitan so most CRB races are welcomed (maybe half-orcs less so).

Death-Lok |

I think this is a great idea Death-Lok, and I would definitely be very interested in playing such a game. However for me personally, level 9 is too high as a starting level.
If it was up to me, I would also take the traits away, since I think people are coming up with more and more obscure ones in their attempt to break the game’s math :P
Thanks for the input. I like the Champion's Games module though and 9th is the minimum level. Dropping the traits is an interesting idea (since you and infomatic have brought it up), but I think at this level, it would be abused more my magic users using Magical lineage and similar traits to metamagic a spell. I'm open to the idea.

pad300 |
To be honest Death-Lok, pick the rules you like; you'll get applicants...
I also suspect that you really don't need to worry too much about encounter difficulty getting too easy, IIRC, AoW was fairly notoriously a dangerous AP...
And if you really need to (or don't feel like working),
Sc8rpi8n_mjd Age of Worms AP Pathfinder conversion document
Scroll down to the bottom of the thread to find a still good link to the google doc.

Robert Henry |

Robert Henry wrote:...Interesting, I played in Samnell's Ziggurat of Worms, an interpretation of 'Age of Worms' which didn't get too far, he started it in Unther. I only provide that information because it's all the experience I have in the Greyhawk setting. ...Just FYI, Unther is the Forgotten Realms setting (their Mesopotamia analogue), not Greyhawk.
See I told you I don't know much. I looked it up in the recruitment, Samnell said "I aim to run Age of Worms in an atypical corner of the Forgotten Realms" So apparently I have no experience in the 'Greyhawk' setting. Do you think that will keep my northern barbarian from getting in the 'gladiator fights'?
I think Ratel would do ok, don't you Arthdane?
hustonj |
As I remember it without grabbing any references, the "savages" are based on Native Americans and live across most of the known world, though the later migrations pushed them out of some of the richest lands. The Northern tribes that are likely to spark barbarians are basically Celts in kilts.
And my memory's not so good.
The Baklunish people are mostly Arabic in dress and outlook. Not inherently Islamic, but absolutely Arabic.
The Flan are the "savages" I mentioned.
I would have to pull out my references for the actual racial background of the Nordic raiders. But Norsemen were Celtic, right?

Robert Henry |

...Greyhwk Barbarians write-up...
Thanks hustonj!
I would have to pull out my references for the actual racial background of the Nordic raiders. But Norsemen were Celtic, right?

pad300 |
So far, only 1 person has expressed interest in an actual character concept. If there's not more interest, may just scrap the idea. Oh well.
If you make this a recruitment, I can guarantee that I will put a character in.
I do tend to tailor my concepts to fit in a party with the other proposals though. A lot depends on exactly what you are doing with feats and such? For example are Wizard Arcane Discoveries available? How about non-core specializations (like air(smoke) elementalist)? Asssuming yes to both - Air Elementalist Wizard, working towards arcane discovery Staff Like Wand (also likely Opposition Research discovery). If not, I will come up with something else...

Death-Lok |

Death-Lok wrote:So far, only 1 person has expressed interest in an actual character concept. If there's not more interest, may just scrap the idea. Oh well.If you make this a recruitment, I can guarantee that I will put a character in.
I do tend to tailor my concepts to fit in a party with the other proposals though. A lot depends on exactly what you are doing with feats and such? For example are Wizard Arcane Discoveries available? How about non-core specializations (like air(smoke) elementalist)? Asssuming yes to both - Air Elementalist Wizard, working towards arcane discovery Staff Like Wand (also likely Opposition Research discovery). If not, I will come up with something else...
Yes to both and good to know.

hustonj |
I wanted to share but didn't want to interfere with the actual recruitment thread, so . . ..
I really dislike the gladiatorial games kinda set ups. That's honestly the bit which destroyed my interest in participating.
I have taken characters into games as part of an ongoing plot where being in the games was something we needed to do for actual story reasons. I just have no interest in building a character to start there, ya know?
I hope you find a good player crew and you all have fun. That's why we're here.
I'm NOT sharing to try to talk you into changing your plans. I'm sharing so you might understand the reason I basically vanished from the discussion.