Champion of the Green Faith

Rules Discussion

The Green Faith allows followers of NG, can a Redeemer be a follower of the Green Faith? Or is there a rule that mandates that a Champion worship a deity?


Starfinder Superscriber

The words in the rulebook specifically say "choose a deity", and you get mechanical bonuses based on which deity you choose, as well as devotion spells.

The Green Faith does not appear to have a favored weapon or devotion spells

From the champion's code

Champions are divine servants of a deity. Choose a deity to follow; your alignment must be one allowed for followers of your deity. Actions fundamentally opposed to your deity’s ideals or alignment are anathema to your faith. A few examples of acts that would be considered anathema appear in each deity’s entry. You and your GM determine whether other acts are anathema. You have one of the following causes. Your cause must match your alignment exactly. Your cause determines your champion’s reaction, grants you a devotion spell, and defines part of your champion’s code.

which means you get your powers from a deity.

That said, not sure whether it's intended or not ( but since paizo didn't address it in years, I guess it's intended ), the part that means to you is the one about losing your powers:

If you stray from your alignment or violate your code of conduct, you lose your focus pool and divine ally until you demonstrate your repentance by conducting an atone ritual, but you keep any other champion abilities that don’t require those class features. If your alignment shifts but is still one allowed by your deity, your GM might let you retrain your cause while still following the same deity.

So, you just lose your focus pool ( get blessed one and you'll get either LoH and a focus pool back ) and divine ally ( nothing to do here. You'll lose the divine ally and won't be obviously able to get talents which requires you to have your divine ally ).

But everything else seems to be fine.
So, for example, a green faith redeemer will still be able to use:

- Legendary Armor class
- Champion reaction
- Divine Smite
- Exalt
- Saves
- Hero's Defiance

and anything related.

Have not to be tied to any cause/tennets/anathema/Edicts in exchange for divine ally and your focus pool is a balanced trade, in my opinion.

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Doesn't look like it but you could probably work something out with your gm to make it work without much fuss. It has edicts and anathemas. Only thing it's missing is a favored weapon and a couple domains you would need to slot in. God's and magic also added a bunch of boons and curses that you could hash out for the green faith but that might be a stretch as nature probably doesn't have the will to affect it's followers like that.

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And if your GM can't think of a comfortable way to implement a set of Green Faith stats, I'd recommend looking at the Green Man's deity page which has pretty similar themes, comes with very Green Faith-appropriate style abilities, and still lets you be a Redeemer.

If nothing else it'd be a handy jumping off point for designing your own statistics for a Green Faith champion.

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The lack of a nondeific option for champions is a thing I've been complaining about since the playtest.

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