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Since I liked the result of the last one I figured I'd throw this out there. 101 creepy things to insert into a game.
1) In a snowy place you open the front door to see paw prints in the snow as if something had walked up to the door and dissapeared.
2) When staying in a strange location you notice the creepy shadows on the wall make it look as if the tree outside is moving. In the morning when you go outside there is no tree and you realize it really was moving.
3) Out in the wilds a wolf follows you for several day's staying out of range of any attacks but following and sitting watching you. Not the party one specific PC when the party's still you can see it sitting there its eyes following them as occasionally it licks its lips.
4) This one needs the party to agree and is more roleplayed creepy for the character. One PC wakes up to find their clothing has changed e.g. a blue shirt is now red but they're the only one who notices everyone else thinks its always been red.
5) A random person stops the party and asks for help fixing a wagon. A few day's later they find out he was caught and is a serial killer.
6) In a dark and stormy night there's a strange whistling sound. The longer the party listens to it the more it starts to seem less like random whistling and more like an eery melody. Suddenly there's a loud bang and the sky lights up with green flashes momentarily blinding the party. When their vision comes back things have changed if they're camping bedrolls and other objects have changed position, if indoors its chairs and decorations. Then they hear the melody as if something is whistling it right in their ear.
7) Best done when the party's in a tower but any remote location will work. After they've been there about two hours they notice that all the animal sounds in the area have stopped. Soon after the air becomes still and they start feeling like they don't have much time. If they step outside a powerful lightining bolt strikes the tower. If they don't leave it strikes with them inside.
8) When bedding down for the night the first time they're in a new location one PC feels a pins and needles sensation in their scalp and hear a whispered "Good night."
9) While crossing a bridge have the PC's make a spot check. However gets the LOWEST result notices what appears to be a woman in white out of the corner of their eye. None of the other PC's notice anything and if they look they don't find anyone. If they query it in the next town they get told its the ghost of a young bride who burnt to death and wanders the creek where on who's banks she was buried.
10) This one needs a PC to not be have darkvision and no cat familiars. They are wakened in the night as something settles on their chest and they hear a low rumbling puring as they feel breath brushing against their face. If they try to react tell them they can't move. Shortly before it gets light the weight dissapears but the bed sheets and any clothing they have is torn to shreds.

Pizza Lord |
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11) Everyone in the village they talk to will eventually bring up the "wonderful sausage" sold by the local butcher. They'll smile and they'll always say it that way; "wonderful sausage".
"Have you tried any of Master Flam's wonderful sausage?"
"Make sure to have some of our wonderful sausage. It's to die for!"
12) All the animals in the pen or pasture stop what they're doing and watch the PC as they pass. They stop what they're doing; suckling, mooing or baying, even chewing. They just stand there staring until they pass.
13. The lone tavern in the village has a sign painted with the image of a supposedly generic person, but it has many characteristics of one PC. It'll have a disturbing name, like 'The Lost Child', 'The Seventh Son, 'Wednesday's Child', or 'The Sacrificial Lamb.

VoodistMonk |
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13. The lone tavern in the village has a sign painted with the image of a supposedly generic person, but it has many characteristics of one PC. It'll have a disturbing name, like 'The Lost Child', 'The Seventh Son, 'Wednesday's Child', or 'The Sacrificial Lamb.
Inside, the party finds no good sleep [no one that stays the night inside the inn recieves a full rest] due to unnerving childlike whimpers, songs, and sobs that can be heard coming from above the wooden plank ceiling...

Pizza Lord |
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14. At the inn the party stays at, they find no good sleep [no one that stays the night inside the inn receives a full rest] due to unnerving childlike whimpers, songs, and sobs that can be heard coming from above the wooden plank ceiling...
How do I come up with these ideas? It's almost creepy...
15. As one of the PCs goes around the village they've never been to, merchants and people they speak with say things like, "Oh, back so soon?", "It's good to see you again,", and "You've got a lot of nerve coming back!"
16. As the PCs walk through town, an old man or woman leers at them and tells them they've got their eyes on them and they think the PC is up to no good. Afterwards, if the PC leaves a shop, their inn, or looks out their window, they see the hunched, robed figure with its pinched, squinting face and dull, unnerving leer facing their direction. When they finally approach the individual, they find that it's a corpse, cold and dead, with a knife in its back (possibly the PC's), and may have been dead for some time depending on how long it was since the PC first saw them.

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15. As one of the PCs goes around the village they've never been to, merchants and people they speak with say things like, "Oh, back so soon?", "It's good to see you again,", and "You've got a lot of nerve coming back!"
17) Run right after fifteen when the party gets to the next village its the village they just left only this time no one recognizes them reacting as if its the first time they got there.
18) One of the party notices their shadow glaring at them.
19) Looking over at a window a party member seems someone elses reflection staring back.
20) In the middle of a snowy field lie 3 dead cows in a circle there's no footprints or marks in the snow to explain how they got there, all 3 have their udders btitten off.
21) As they approach a village the party hears a little girl crying for help. If they investigate they find a 12 year old girl who while nervous about them can be talked into trusting them and keeps asking them to take her home. When they approach a farm outside the village she thanks them and runs off to the farm. If they mention this to anyone in the village they'll be told the girl was killed when thrown from a horse that panicked 8 years ago.
22) When staying at an inn one of the party is awakened by a scratching sound like an animal scratching at the door trying to get in. Only the sound is coming from under their bed, if they have a familiar its cowering in a corner of the room as far away from the bed as they can get. It doesn't matter what species it is its cowering away from the bed and if it has the ability to talk appears insensible with fear.
23) The party spend the night in an abandoned temple the only odd thing about it being all the walls and fittings are covered in drawings of cats. Cats sleeping, cats stretching, cats yawning and doing all sorts of activities. In the morning they realize the cats have moved, many of them have blood on their paws and muzzles and all of them are staring at the front door to the temple even those in a room where they can't see it.

zza ni |
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24. next time one of the party members look at himself\herself in a mirror they see the head of the last humanoid creature the party defeated attached to it's right shoulder.
the head stare back at them from the mirror while screaming silently, when they look at their real shoulder nothing is there. turning back to the mirror would show their normal reflection but then the mirror cracks all over and shatters.
On the now cleared back of the mirror (ether the wall or the back panel if it was mounted on something) the words 'don't worry dear, Mother will make everything better soon' are written in blood...
25. next time the party need to roll perception one of them notice a column of ants moving and forming the words 'help us' before dispersing all over the place.
26. when the party enter town a group of children who was obviously playing a game on the street all stop what they were doing to stand and stare at one party member then yell "found you!" before going back to their game without a hint of noticing that they stopped. no one in town (children included) seem to notice or recall this happen.

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21 is a phantom hitchhiker. These things are real. People with no prior contact give the same details.
Never said it had to be made up just creepy. Quite a few of what I posted are stories people have given of real life events, or made up and claimed are real life events.
25. next time the party need to roll perception one of them notice a column of ants moving and forming the words 'help us' before dispersing all over the place.
Sounds like a variant worm that walks trying to get free.

zza ni |
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27. returning to their room at the inn, a party member see some1 escaping via the open window cross the room. the character can just about hear him say something along 'cover blown, surveillance compromised. move to plan C' before the person runs into an ally followed by an explosion from said ally.
body parts of at least 3 humanoids can be gathered. non seem to match the invader.

Pizza Lord |
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28. When the PC takes a drink from their waterskin, they feel a tongue licking them back.
29. The PC is awoken by a hand on their shoulder, rousing them from their bedroll. "Time for your shift," comes the voice of the NPC companion who was on watch at the camp before footsteps move away. When the PC gets up, the see the NPC sitting down at his watch post, facing away. Checking on him, it's revealed he's cold and lifeless. His missing and bloody hand is still laying next to the PC's bedroll and a smear of blood is on the PC's shoulder.

Mark Hoover 330 |
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Fun with Prestidigitation:
30. As you put your next drink to your lips, it tastes of salt and copper. The liquid inside is thick, warm and crimson
31. When you awaken in the morning, all of your clothing is soiled as if it had been out in the mud and the weather. Peering out the window of your inn room, you spy dried mud on the windowsill and signs it had been raining the night before
32. As you watch, crude words form on the side of a wall as if scrawled by a child. The letters form in what looks and smells like blood. The graffiti claims that YOU are the killer being sought...

Chyrone |

33. A beautiful portrait painting that, when only one of them is near, turns ghoulish in appearance, and tries drawing them in.
34. GM: [Number] of statues of [Insert imposing scary creature] are on display. Party exits the room, later reenters.
GM: Passing through the display of the [Number - 1] statues....
35. Weeping angels from Dr. Who

zza ni |

(something i like to pull on unexperienced parties, just to help them remember where the metagaming line runs)
36. having all the npc in a small village talk and interact with the party, responding to players out of character talks and arguments (about things in the game, not player's life of course). but being subtitle about it, letting them think the npc is just perceptive or happen to talk about the topic. all the while testing how long it would take them to find out the entire village population can read their character's minds.

Goth Guru |
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(In one of the tables I contribute to)
37.A partially filled diary. The writer claims creatures from another universe are taking over people and turning them into adventurers. It ends with them writing,"Some adventurers have come into the tavern, short of a bard and I'm afrai". That's where it ends.

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(In one of the tables I contribute to)
37.A partially filled diary. The writer claims creatures from another universe are taking over people and turning them into adventurers. It ends with them writing,"Some adventurers have come into the tavern, short of a bard and I'm afrai". That's where it ends.
Kind of reminds me of the spells, swords, stealth series where that's basically the premise people playing the game in our world are controlling character in another and well its a good series. One of the NPC's was a players character till the end of the first book and talks about how his life before joining the party feels like a dream on a few occasions. First novel starts with the player characters walking into a tavern and dieing due to a bad foraging role which makes the "NPC's" have to pretend to be them to protect their village.

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41: A pc notices a face in the clouds then realizes its talking to something just over the horizon.
42: At 2am they realize they have to go to the toilet, while releaving themselves a shadow shifts and they realize there's something there with them.
43: While passing a reflection for a moment they see someone standing behind them but if they look around there's no one there.
44: The party comes upon a campsight with a lit fire, food set up to cook, tents and all the signs of a group stopped for the night but no signs of disturbance or people using it.
45: One of the PC's starts hearing a voice in their head. For several sessions it just seems to be commenting on what they're doing (think youtube reaction video to a film) then one session for no apparent reason it starts screaming "No, no Don't go in there you idiot" or something similar.
46: As 45 but rather than screaming at them not to do something the voice is just screaming and then it never speaks again.
47: You pass a knowledge nature check and realize in real life the reason creatures have spines on their back is to protect against predators, then you pass a knowledge Arcana check and realize the Tarrasque has spines on its back.

Pizza Lord |
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48. As #39, but the PC finds a tooth missing and an identical silver tooth under their pillow (if they look there). It fits the hole left behind by their real tooth and can be set with a DC 12 Heal check or a DC 10 Profession (dentist or orthodontist) check. Still, it's always a little loose and if the PC ever rolls a natural 1 on a bite attack or similar situation involving using their teeth, it falls out and must be reset.
This occurs the next 1d3–1 nights that the PC sleeps.
49. When the PC is alone with their animal companion one night, it suddenly yawns, stretches and changes into a flabby, wrinkled old man or woman, with ashy skin and unkempt hair. The smell of wet fur, baby powder, and feet lingers around them. They look at the PC and say, "These past few [days/weeks/nights] have been fun... but I've got other things to do." They then "Portal awaaaay!" and in their place is the PC's actual animal companion; scared, shaking, confused, and unable or willing to discuss or consider where it may have been during the time it was replaced.
The PC may even recall the many recent nights when their Animal Companion was especially affectionate; sleeping close or with them in bed, or nuzzling and licking their hands, face, feet, or other embarrassing location.

Goth Guru |
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More about 37. The original entry... I AM NOT CRAZY!!!!!
That's what's written on the cover, just like that. It's otherwise a journal written by Bobby Joe Eastin. He claims that Glorion was created by Gamemasters for beings known as players. He claims people are spontaneously taken over by these players and made to go fight monsters for their amusement. His father(according to him) was a bookbinder, who suddenly went off to work in some hero's factory making books that grant permanent ability score increases. Several pages are dedicated to what ability scores might be. It ends with ranting about he feels like one of the players are taking him over.

Pizza Lord |
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52. An old man next to the PC at the tavern speaks up (even if the PC didn't realize he was there). He strikes up a conversation about adventurers and mentions he used to be one until he saw something that ended it. He tells a tale that sounds like an NPC relaying local lore or starting an adventure hook, about the local cemetery and how his party went to check out some trouble with ghouls. He tells a great tale, answering questions if asked as he mentions that they got there and defeated the ghouls and found a child hidden in a mausoleum, possibly being stored for later, like a food larder.
He describes how oddly his companions looked at him when he turned to lead the child out and none of them could see her. Then he describes how she just waved and walked through a tombstone and vanished. Turns out, it wasn't just any undead or a ghost. It was a spirit of warning. He mentions that only those about to die or crossover can see them.
"So..." he says, "That was the end of my adventuring career. Anyone seeing such a spirit ain't long for the world. Least've all... the world of living. Let that be a warnin' to ye. That's my old sword hung up over there by the fire." He nods over the PC's shoulder.
When the PC turns back around, the man is gone. There hasn't been a ghoul outbreak in the local cemetery in 85 years, when a band of adventurers cleared it out, though one of them died shortly after, crushed by a falling tree on the way back to the village. They had his old sword hung up in the tavern in his honor.
No one else has seen or heard the old man and no one's been sitting next to the PC the whole time.

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53: The party is in a nice little country village. Pituresque, friendly, the kind of place you want to retire to. Then one of the party finds a slip of paper in their pocket with one word scrawled in blood - RUN.
54: A party member is looking at someone when they suddenly turn to Ash and crumble away no else reacts to this including people who were looking directly at them at the time just going on about their lives as if nothing happened.

Pizza Lord |
55. Icky Ichor.
56. Funky Fungus.
57. As the PC opens a crate, cabinet, box, or closet, they find a shriveled corpse curled up inside that's obviously been there for some time; dried, papery skin, sunken or missing eyes, dusty or old-fashioned clothes. One of the corpse's claw-like, gnarled fingertips rest against the inside, where slick, seemingly fresh blood reads 'Now it's your turn to hide from me...'

Goth Guru |

59.Plants or ghosts trying to make people commit suicide. It may be an ill person trying to find excuses for suicide, for themselves or a loved one who killed themselves. In the game there should be a way to fight it, also multiple saves as self destruction is against almost all characters nature. It should also be detectably evil. That being said, it's very creepy. I never watched The Happening. If I wanted to role play that kind of thing I would play a very different game.

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60: You start feeling as if something is watching you and catching flashes of movement out of the corner of your eye. Other party members may catch a glimpse of a slender black shape ducking out of sight (yours and theirs) as it ducks out of sight behind something. However when you check there's never anything there just a lingering sense of being watched.

Pizza Lord |
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64. The PCs are walking along the trail and it's pretty peaceful. A swarm of butterflies flits about around them, but then they land on the PCs and it grows dim, like twilight. All the butterflies have children's faces and they start screaming with a low, droning insect-like call. And then everything is back to normal. An old burnt sign points towards a former orphanage down another path.
65. Exploring an abandoned or haunted location, a PC attempts to eat or drink something, even a potion and must make a DC 10 Reflex save or gag as they feel a tickle in their throat. A long strand of black hair (or a recognizable color from a corpse or ghost or portrait) is in their mouth, halfway down their throat like a fishing line. Coughing doesn't dislodge it and they must choose whether to try and swallow it down, feeling it slither over their tongue and down their throat, or try and tug it out (Dexterity DC 15 or it breaks and must be swallowed anyway).

Ryze Kuja |
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66. *the party starts walking through a Graveyard on a moonless night*
GM description: "The wooden window doors on the old caretaker's shack on the far side of the graveyard flap open and closed from the light breeze, making a gentle *thud-- screeeeeeeeeeetch... screetch -- thud— screeeeeeeeeetch... thud— thud* noise over and over. You can see that the glass portions of these wooden windows have been broken out, and a lamp is lit and hanging from the awning over the door-- providing the only light in the graveyard on this moonless night-- but you can see even from across the graveyard that this shack is dilapidated enough to suggest it has either been un-cared for, or abandoned, for months. You can hear the soft hooting of two owls several hundreds of yards in the distance, deep past the tree line that is encroaching on the graveyard’s perimeter picket fencing. You make your way through the twisting, unkempt dirt-trail leading towards the center of the graveyard, and as soon as you reach the center of the yard, the hooting suddenly stops-- abruptly and with purpose. You are far enough from these owls that you're quite confident they didn't stop hooting because of you. A few seconds later, you hear the scratching of metal being dragged upon stone coming from the direction of where the owls are, and this scratching noise is getting louder— and closer— and you get a faint whiff of the unmistakable smell of decaying flesh."
instead of the cliché graveyard, you can use any open field that has a treeline, the PC's notice an old shack or a lone, tiny house

Goth Guru |

67:Fireside Horrors: Greater Doppelgangers have 6 dice and telepathic powers. Some read minds of frightened campers listening to stories. They jump out right at the end of the story looking like the main character and acting threatening. They often have a low profile human identity that they use to earn and buy scary hand hooks, razor gloves, and hockey masks.

Goth Guru |

70:A character has dreams about people named Narlotep in various planes. They are wizards who used rituals to combine into an ultra powerful being. Then you find out your real name is Narl O Tep. Your parents named you Carl O Tool because it sounded less weird. Sooner or later you will need the power, even though combining with all these alien versions of yourself will be maddening. Maybe you can help the 3 eyed batlike version of yourself find it's way home?

Goth Guru |

71: There was a lighthouse that 3 keepers disappeared, the fishing gear is mangled and strewn about, and one set of rain gear is left on a hook. All the clocks stopped at noon. This may be the basis of the Doctor Who episode, Horror of Fang Rock. Although it's not called Fang Rock, an alien invasion is perhaps the most plausible explanation for the occurrence. Tom Baker even mentions the overturned chair at the end.

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72: You hear footsteps and a chlid giggling then feeling a breath on the back of your neck but there's no one there.
73: Late at night as the party is settling down for the night you notice in the heart of the fire a black shadow is shifting where no shadow should be.
74: You wake up one morning to find your clothes have changed colours but no one else notices and if asked will insist they've always been that way.
75: A cherished item starts moving when you aren't watching shifting position or being in a slightly different spot.
76: You look at your spellbooks or notes and realize that's not your hand writing.
77: As your watching the tree's move in the wind you realize the winds blowing the opposite direction.
78: You notice specks of blood around a knothole on a tree then when you look away they vanish.
79: Your following a set of footprints then find one of them has turned into a pawprint, just one with a normal footprint next to it.
80: In a crowded area you notice someone adjusting their face.

Tim Emrick |
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81. As you wait for a train in the subway, you see the usual rats poking around the rails looking for dropped food. Then you see a group of them working together to drag an old-looking book down the tunnel.
(I'm stealing from myself here. I used this scene in a modern-day Cthulhu Mythos campaign to creep out my players while giving their PCs their first opportunity to acquire a Mythos tome. It worked--my wife and her best friend, who were players in the game, refused to get on or off a train at Boston's Haymarket Station ever again!)

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81. As you wait for a train in the subway, you see the usual rats poking around the rails looking for dropped food. Then you see a group of them working together to drag an old-looking book down the tunnel.
(I'm stealing from myself here. I used this scene in a modern-day Cthulhu Mythos campaign to creep out my players while giving their PCs their first opportunity to acquire a Mythos tome. It worked--my wife and her best friend, who were players in the game, refused to get on or off a train at Boston's Haymarket Station ever again!)
Strangely my mind goes to the rats of Nimh or the Amazing Maurice and his Talented Rodents more than the Ratking when I hear this.

Tim Emrick |

Tim Emrick wrote:Strangely my mind goes to the rats of Nimh or the Amazing Maurice and his Talented Rodents more than the Ratking when I hear this.81. As you wait for a train in the subway, you see the usual rats poking around the rails looking for dropped food. Then you see a group of them working together to drag an old-looking book down the tunnel.
(I'm stealing from myself here. I used this scene in a modern-day Cthulhu Mythos campaign to creep out my players while giving their PCs their first opportunity to acquire a Mythos tome. It worked--my wife and her best friend, who were players in the game, refused to get on or off a train at Boston's Haymarket Station ever again!)
One of the rats was a rat-thing, but the PCs had no idea what that was (and I'm not sure their players did at the time, either), so to them it was just a creepy-looking, slightly deformed rat that appeared to be directing the other rats.

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Two new ones that may be repeats but have stuck in my head all weekend while I work so I'm sharing them.
85: Late at night in a darkened room a part member see's two glowing eyes in a shadowy form appear as if a head had tilted sideways around the doorframe to look into the room. Creating any kind of light magical or mundane causes the being to dissapear leaving just a door or other objects that could be mistaken for a figure in the dark behind. When the light's extinguished or if they do nothing slowly what seems to be a hand rises up and extends one finger where its lips would be in a SHhhhh geasture before the eyes slowly vanish back behind the door frame as if the figure was straightening up out of sight.
86: When alone in a quiet appear (possibly after 85 or possibly not) a party member hears a faint scritch, scritch, scritch sound as of claws scraping at flesh. Scritch, scritch, scritch finding the source reveals it to be coming from under their skin scritch, scritch, scritch.

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87: The Frozen fields
What appears from a distance to be an icy field of jagged rocks and outcroppings on closer inspection is revealed to be something far darker. Beneath the coating of ice that never melts are the frozen corpses of countless men, dwarves and elves trapped in a terrible battle some frozen even as they fall to the fatal blow. A close inspection of the garments worn by the bodies raises more questions as while it is apparent there are four armies preserved here they are all turning on each other as if they had gone mad and seen everyone around them as an enemy turning on their friends and allies as well as their presumed enemies.