Can magus use Flexible spellcasting?

Rules Discussion

So, i was readinng Flexible Spellcaster and the prerequisites says "You must have a class, such as clerics, druids, witches, and wizards, that prepares spells in spell slots using the same number of prepared spells per day." wich includes Magus, as the class prepare magic.
But below prerequisites, in ajustments it says "You can cast fewer spells each day. Your number of spell slots per day don’t advance from 2 to 3 spells at even levels (see Table 5—1 on page 208).", as Magus don't get the 3 spells by default, does it invalidate Magus for the Flexibe Spellcaster Class Archetype? And if a Magus actualy can use this archetype, does he use his "Magus Spell per day" table or can he use "Flexible spellcaster spells per day" table?

I do not think it's intended as a way for Magus to get more slots. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

I don't remember where I saw it but I read that the Magus can't use Flexible and Summoner can't use Wellspring. If I can find it again, I'll post it.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Magus does not have the same number of prepared spells per day as the others there. It doesn't meet the requirement you quoted.

"You must have a class, such as clerics, druids, witches, and wizards, that prepares spells in spell slots using the same number of prepared spells per day."

(Someone might say "but wait, wizards have more spells per day than witches!" but note that the've got the same spells per day chart, with extras from specialist schools or regained slots from draining a bonded item not counted)

However, weird caveat, Summoners CAN take Wellspring Magic. They even have a paragraph of the page of lore text about Wellspring Magic.

It'd be an extremely limiting type of playstyle (you'd lose 1 spell per level, including the 1 1st level spell slot at 1st character level and the 1 2nd level spell slot at 3rd character level), and also, thus, a spell known. So you'd only know 2 spells ever. But you would benefit from the additional spell slots throughout the day. Depending on how many combats a day you have per day, you might get more spell slots per day than regular Summoners (but way less versatility). Pretty much demands a staff to help with spells known.

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