Kaerishiel Neirenar

sable's page

Organized Play Member. 45 posts (52 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 18 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Liberty's Edge

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GM Space Duck wrote:
Newbonomicon wrote:
GM Space Duck wrote:

Your Character must have a theme song. I will listen to it and take it into consideration.

I... what? This is absolutely the weirdest requirement I have ever seen in a recruitment thread. I have literally no idea what to say about this.

I take that as a compliment. It doesn't take a lot of work or really even thought. Just whatever reminds you of your character in some way.

Also, to me, there's something to be said about a player that will happily oblige weird requests from time to time. I am a weird GM.

That said, I've appreciated the two so far! Props for the Undertale reference too, btw.

I know nothing about League of Legends (in fact, i hadn't realized what the 'LoL' of LoLfinder stound for), so i don't think i'll join in but i read this and had to comment.

do you usually ask for PC theme songs or is it just something you randomly decided to use for this campaign? either way, i'll keep an eye out for your future games. weird GMs deserve weird players.

Liberty's Edge

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Fair enough, I was simply curious and figured that there was a rationale for the change. If there are Monty Haul campaigns, then it shouldn't be surprising that somebody does the reverse (I just don't know what to call it lol).

As long as everybody at the table is having fun, it's good gaming.

Liberty's Edge

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I've just started listening to your podcasts and it's intesting stuff (my opinions and impressions vary rather noticeably on some points).

But I was wondering why, when you do your own builds, you only get 5K gold? CRB lists the wealth-by-level for 5th as 10.5K.

Liberty's Edge

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Valeros has to be Val Kilmer

Liberty's Edge

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...the players are acting like hyperactive kittens that just got into catnip.

Liberty's Edge

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Thomas Graham wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
When the GM (who is also a VC) says, "There is NOTHING you can do to send this scenario off the rails."
Oh.. I sooo know that MY VC (or any of the VOs here in Jax) would NEVER draw that line in the sand.. we got sooo many people would would take that as a challenge.

actually, i could see my VL doing that just to see if we could.