
WilliamTRiker's page

3 posts. No reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists.


Either the customer service is on vacation or you are ignoring me.

I am very dissatisfied with the service.

my package has been sent back, because UPS did not bother leaving me a word about my package waiting at the post office for a month.

This message follows 3 unanswered emails, I am waiting for your instructions on how to proceed... did I loose my purchase?


Maskan Rill wrote:

I can't see a way to redeem the physical beginners box on "https://paizo.com/paizo/account/redemptions"

How do I go about redeeming it? the instructions say to scroll down past all the digital assets (which all seem to be there), but there's nothing below them...

Same, waiting for your kind reply... and very eager to have the box :)