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So now that it's out, who has had the opportunity to compare the systems?
Mechfinder reference
If one were to expand Mechfinder, what could you steal from Tech Revolution (or vice versa)?
Good to have some free Mechfinder stuff out there for Starfinder, Umbral Reaver, so's we could compares'it to Tech Revolution. ;)
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I really like the Mechfinder rules. A real Battletech feel to it. And I really like how it gives a lot more weight to the size of mechs — it seems like this should be a huge deal, power-level wise, but in the Tech Revolution rules buying a larger mech doesn’t change much. (In fact, it generally seems like a downgrade, power-level-wise.)
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ah ye had been working on your own mech system pre tech revolution? :O Nice
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I like your mechfinders system better. Specifically, the way the tech revolution allows multiple pilots to absolutely shatter the action economy without any guidelines for how multiple pilots increases the cr of the encounter, seems... not well thought out. Your system still gives benefits for multiple pilots, but they are limited enough that just having more people in the cockpit doesn't guarantee a win. The only thing I would steel would be the different flavors of power core in tech revolution. The Azlanti power core that can be recharged via spell slots and the Eox power core powered by dying creatures are extremely flavorful and add some extra functionality.
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I haven't used the Mech rules in Starfinder yet but your system looks well thought out. I saw you have a section on sensors. For a mech piolet, having lidar would be an extremely useful option to add.
I was just wondering about what happened to Mechfinder! It's glorious and very intuitive.
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Nighthorror888 wrote: I was just wondering about what happened to Mechfinder! It's glorious and very intuitive. Very belatedly, here's the pdf link to it (others were requesting it but I forgot to check back in here for a long time).
Mechfinder PDF
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
These homebrew rules are more extensive than most stuff I've seen on starfinder infinite ._.;
Really makes me want to finish my 2e caravan homebrew pdf x'D both the complicated and simple versions
Still unfinished. I don't think I've done any more work on it since... 2017? Health has been extremely poor and I haven't been in any Starfinder games since. :(
If anyone wants to do their own expansions or updates to what's there, I'm cool with that.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ah, sorry to hear that :( Still I think work you have done previously on this is something to be proud of
Well, I guess it's more... unbalanced and lacking in options right now. It's still fully functional from 1 to 20. The numbers might just feel a little off in places and I never filled out a lot of what I wanted to do later, like more pilot talents, exotic weapons and defenses, and more options for spells and class features.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Hmm yeah that is hard thing to fix without getting chance to playtest in campaign being run and such. I still don't know how official release or playtest mech rules work because I never have gotten chance to play them :'D I did get to test my own caravan rules when I run jade regent 2e, which is why I decided I should do more simplified version of the resource management, but even then they were somewhat skeleton of rules because I had hard time concentrating to flesh them out (I really did like idea of representing caravan combat as normal combat with caravan being player controlled troop minion fighting alongside with them and needing protection)
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