Fake Epic Sword?

Homebrew and House Rules

Hey guys, I want to make/buy a fake high grade magic sword.
See my character wants people to think he is a stereotypical sword swinging hero when he actually kills people with his fists. So to aid my Bluffs about being the Hero of Justice! I want a fake magic sword for him to wave around in front of people.

Basically I want a sword that, when targeted by Identify or is Appraised, appears to be a +5 Flame Bursting Longsword, but if you actually fight with it is just a normal masterwork sword.

Anyone have an idea what such a thing would cost or how i would go about making one?

Some sort of permenant Illusion magic with a CL equal to that necessary for whatever the real enchantmented sword would require.

Cast a permanent Magic Aura on the sword and specify that it detects as a +5 sword of whatever… you’ll want to get the save DC for the illusion cranked up as high as you can though…

Magic Aura would take care of the detect magic part of the weapon. Maybe add some sort of continual flame effect to make the weapon appear like it's on fire?

I love this idea. Nothing to really add but clever

An old player had fun with this concept. A chain shirt and a rapier and dagger to look for all the world like a swashbuckling hero...but it was just glamoured clothes and Magic Auras.
The first time they cast a spell, another player's wizard got all excited.
"You practice the arcane arts?"
"Well, here and there. I dabble a bit."
"Most excellent. We should compare notes at some point. I would be happy to show you some things."

During the first real encounter, the "dabbler" revealed they were, in fact, a full-fledged sorcerer.

It's a fun little gimmick, to be sure. I would assume Magic Aura would do the trick. But why flaming, specifically? Say it's a +1 keen vorpal longsword of speed; no need for additional illusions to sell that one.

One form of cursed item is exactly this - something that seems to be the real thing but has no actual effect. It costs 10% of normal if intentionally crafted.

Delusion wrote:
The user believes the item is what it appears to be, yet it actually has no magical power other than to deceive. The user is mentally fooled into thinking the item is functioning and cannot be convinced otherwise without the casting of remove curse.

Truedragon wrote:
...to aid my Bluffs...Anyone have an idea what such a thing would cost or how i would go about making one?

I mean. 50gp for a "masterwork tool" that gives you +2 to Bluff in this specific situation seems perfectly legit to me.

And honestly, that's a far as I'd take it. No one is trying to Identify your sword in combat or anything.

Razmir's Truefaith Vesments are pretty much exactly this, but with armor... it's all just a joke, unless you believe it. Lol.

avr wrote:

One form of cursed item is exactly this - something that seems to be the real thing but has no actual effect. It costs 10% of normal if intentionally crafted.

Delusion wrote:
The user believes the item is what it appears to be, yet it actually has no magical power other than to deceive. The user is mentally fooled into thinking the item is functioning and cannot be convinced otherwise without the casting of remove curse.

Thanks for all the help guys! I didn't know about Magic Aura but that is exactly what i needed.

I chose Flaming because that seems like the kind of flashy enchantment a HERO would have. I'm staying away from holy since any dark priest or demon would know it wasn't the second they touched it.

And our GM likes to throw us against mastermind type Big Bads with big spy networks, so I'm trying to fool very perceptive enemies who often analyze us with magic before we fight them. If we get captured or have to infiltrate a palace I want to appear harmless when they take my Mighty Sword from me, when I can actually punch their heads off. So I want to go the extra step beyond just Bluffing that my tin sword is actually Excalibur.
Plus I want an actual glowy shining sword to wave around when I am trying to rally the masses against the dark overlord.

you'll want to look at
Hide Weapon{tran}1
Silent Table{ill}2
Seek Thoughts{div}(2)|3
Aura of the Unremarkable{ench}3|4

Make it an insecure, sentient brass knife with the ability to cast some sort of illusion [on itself] at will. Give this fragile, little knife a Napoleon Complex and a big ego. It WANTS to be a +5 Flame Bursting Longsword. Lol.

If you are feeling generous, let it function in all ways as a free Familiar for the character. But have it be super bitter and unhelpful because the character uses their unarmed strikes instead of the knife... and it feels useless, which makes it angry... but nobody cares because it's a fragile, little brass knife not even fit for the kitchen, much less combat.

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