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Is this prestige class worth it to fully go into?
I am preparing a second character for a campaign if my current one dies. I was looking at doing a natural attack melee alchemist.
I was thinking 2 lvl dip into barbarian archetype Invulnerable or Pugilist.
2 lvls in mutagenic brawler.
1 lvl dip into duel cursed oracle.
7 lvls in alchemist just for getting master chymist.
The rest would be into Master Chymist.
However, is it possible to meet these prerequisites for the master chymist prestige class without taking alchemist levels?
Also do levels from Mutagenic Brawler and Mutagenic Warrior stack with levels from Alchemist for meeting prerequisites for discoveries?

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Also how would the discovery Lingering Spirit work with the ability Ferocity?
Lingering Spirit: Benefit: The alchemist is familiar enough with the ties between his body and spirit that he lingers at death’s door far longer than a normal person. He treats his Constitution as 10 points higher than normal for the purpose of determining when hit point damage kills him (so an alchemist with a Constitution of 10 and this discovery dies at –20 hit points instead of –10). Reducing him to 0 Constitution or its equivalent (from ability damage, ability drain, Constitution penalties, and so on) makes him unconscious and comatose, but he is only killed after taking an additional 5 points of Constitution damage, drain, or penalty (in effect, the alchemist must be brought to –5 Constitution in order to be killed by these attacks).
Ferocity: A creature with ferocity remains conscious and can continue fighting even if its hit point total is below 0. The creature is still staggered and loses 1 hit point each round. A creature with ferocity still dies when its hit point total reaches a negative amount equal to its Constitution score.

Derklord |

First a question in return: What do you actually want? Your build plan seems to be all over the place.
If you want martial prowess, you should look into getting pounce - either from Beastmorph Alchemist 10, or from going into Weretouched Shifter for four levels.
is it possible to meet these prerequisites for the master chymist prestige class without taking alchemist levels?
Technically yes, practically no.
Also do levels from Mutagenic Brawler and Mutagenic Warrior stack with levels from Alchemist for meeting prerequisites for discoveries?
Also how would the discovery Lingering Spirit work with the ability Ferocity?
For HP damage, the altered death threshold from Lingering Spirit overrides the "A creature with ferocity still dies when its hit point total reaches a negative amount equal to its Constitution score." part (which is reminder text and not rules text). Ferocity only applies to HP damage, and thus the con damage part of Lingering Spirit is unaffected.

avr |

If the idea is natural attack alchemist using master chymist brutality to boost the damage, fine but - you want to minimise the number of levels dipped so as to get brutality in a timely fashion, and you want to maximise your number of natural attacks. I don't see either at present. Select any dips carefully with these in mind.
The only way to get 3rd level extracts is to be an alchemist or investigator. Investigators can't get either of the named discoveries so you'd be looking at a separate dip for the discoveries (alchemist 2 is the easiest; mutation warrior 7 is the easiest non-alchemist) which seems kind of pointless.

MrCharisma |

I was thinking 2 lvl dip into barbarian archetype Invulnerable or Pugilist.
2 lvls in mutagenic brawler.
1 lvl dip into duel cursed oracle.
7 lvls in alchemist just for getting master chymist.
The rest would be into Master Chymist.
I think you're trying to do too many things with one character.
For example: What are you getting from Mutagenic Mauler? You get a Mutagen from Alchemist levels, so you'd be better off with regular Brawler. Even then, 2 levels is getting you flurry do you need to flurry with this character? Can you skip Brawler entirely?
I could say similar things about Barbarian and Oracle, but the real question is what you want this character to do?
(And yeah you can enter MC without Alchemist - take levels in Investigator instead. Standard Investigator can't get Feral/Infuse Mutagen, but Mutagenic Mauler can ... at level 10 ... so you could go Brawler-10/Investigator-7 and then take levels in MC ... it probably wouldn't be worth doing it but you could. There are probabliy better ways.)
PS I was interrupted while writing this, so I may be just repeating what Derklord/avr said. If so ... sorry I guess? =P

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the dip in barbarian was a for a small boost from rage and access to rage powers, fast movement. The dip in oracle was to get fire immunity and improved grapple.
The dip in brawler was for improved unarmed strike and a free combat feat at lvl 2.
The idea was a high health tank with good grapple that would do a lot of dmg to grappled units with natural attacks.
My alchemist archetype was going to be beastmorpher, just never put it in there.
I know vivisectionist stacks with beastmorpher, but isn't the sneak attack counter productive when you start taking classes in MC because MC helps with bomb damage.
MC and alchemist stack for taking discovery requirements correct.
Thankyou for answering all my questions, I always have these ideas in my head but lack the knowledge to hammer out the kinks to make them work.

avr |

Master chymist and alchemist stack for taking a few discoveries as described under the prestige class. Not for discoveries in general.
A natural attack (via mutagen) alchemist doesn't really care about grapple and vice versa. They're two ideas that synergise less than you'd think. Pick one.
If you're taking 5 levels of dips in other classes you don't care about bombs any more; it's a reasonable backup attack for a character who dips less than your first plan, and it really wants alchemist 8 for fast bombs.
@MrC: I think it's only those two that get extracts at all, there's a few prestige classes which advance extracts but none which give you extracts if you have none going in. Rogues can get bombs and bomb discoveries but not extracts.

MrCharisma |

the dip in barbarian was a for a small boost from rage and access to rage powers, fast movement. The dip in oracle was to get fire immunity and improved grapple.
The dip in brawler was for improved unarmed strike and a free combat feat at lvl 2.The idea was a high health tank with good grapple that would do a lot of dmg to grappled units with natural attacks.
So my advice would be to skip the Barb dip. Unless there's some amazing Rage power that you reeeaaallly want I just don't see it adding much. +2 to hit and damage is nice, but it's not worth 2 levels.
Next, skip the Oracle dip. Resist Energy is a 2nd level extract that lasts for 10 minutes per level, and eventually gets you Resist Energy 30.
You'll have a much stronger chassis, with access to Extracts/Mutagen upgrades earlier, and you can go into Master Chymist earlier. You CAN take the Brawler dip if you need to, but Improved unarmed Strike and Flurry really don't help on a Natural Attack build ...
If you really want the extra feats - skip the Alchemist levels and the Master Chymist levels. Master Chymist has a couple of advantages over a straight Alchemist, but the main one is full-BAB. If you go with Mutagenic Mauler as your main class then you really don't need to go MC. In this scenario the Oracle dip might be better (since you don't get extracts), and the Barb-dip isn't as bad (you're still increasing your martial prowess with Barb and you're not losing spell progression). You'll likely go with Flurry and skip Natural Attacks, but that's fine. This is probably a hetter way to make a grappling tank type character.
How do those options sound?

MrCharisma |

@MrC: I think it's only those two that get extracts at all, there's a few prestige classes which advance extracts but none which give you extracts if you have none going in. Rogues can get bombs and bomb discoveries but not extracts.
Yeah I had a bit and couldn't see any either. Honestly this surprises me. All the Bard archetypes and no extracts. Something like Occultist could have had a cross-over archetype easily. Oh well.

Dragonchess Player |

Joining the choir, but multiclassing just to pick up a bunch of "cool" abilities tends to hurt a character's progression. You should have a definite plan and the multiclassing should all complement or provide central abilities for that plan.
For example, a natural attack alchemist that supplements their claws with energy damage and Sneak Attack* (note how tightly the choices are focused):
Suli alchemist (beastmorph, vivisectionist*) 2/monk (master of many styles, monk of the sacred mountain) 2/alchemist +5/master chymist 3/alchemist +3/master chymist +4/alchemist +1
Alc 1 - Incremental Elemental Assault
Alc 2 - Discovery (Feral Mutagen)
Mnk 1 - Bonus Feat (Elemental Fist), Stunning Fist; Weapon Focus (Claw)
Mnk 2 - Bonus Feat (Marid Style**), Toughness***
Alc 3 - Feral Combat Training (Claw)****
Alc 4 - Discovery (Infusion)
Alc 5 - Dragon Style
Alc 6 - Discovery (Bleeding Attack)
Alc 7 - Combat Style Master
MC 1 - no choices
MC 2 - Advanced Mutagen (Extended Mutagen); Dragon Ferocity
MC 3 - no choices
Alc 8 - Discovery (Alchemical Simulacrum); Power Attack
Alc 9 - no choices
Alc 10- Discovery (Doppelganger Simulacrum*****); Dragon Roar******
MC 4 - Advanced Mutagen (Greater Mutagen)
MC 5 - Deflect Arrows
MC 6 - Advanced Mutagen (Growth Mutagen*******)
MC 7 - Shaitan Style********
Alc 11********* - no choices
*- you can remove vivisectionist if you would rather keep bombs; I was trying to stack more melee damage, even though Bomb Thrower doesn't increase Sneak Attack
**- for the reach
***- from monk of the sacred mountain
****- can use Elemental Fist/Marid Style with claws
*****- "I'll be back..."
******- to provide an alternative to the missing bombs
*******- the only way to get a size increase with a mutagen
********- acid damage
*********- for the extracts

VoodistMonk |

If we are playing with natural attacks as an Alchemist, me mustn't forget the Scurrying Swarmer Ratfolk Beastmorph/Vivisectionist... sure, you're small, but it comes with an accuracy bonus.
Take Beastmorph/Vivisectionist to level 8... BAB +6, +6/+6/+2 base saves, and your required 3rd level extracts. Gets Improved Beastform Mutagen from Beastmorph, and 4D6 Sneak Attack from Vivisectionist... Scurrying Swarmer helps secure your Sneak Attack, and you can take Bleeding Attack as a Discovery (which could be free from your FCB) for some static damage.
Now, your Sneak Attack doesn't progress, but who gives a $#!+ since you get static damage bonuses from Brutality?
At 18:
BAB +16
Base Saves +11/+11/+5
CL 15, 5th level extracts
Or, if you are willing to pay Obedience to Lamashu, nothing says your Aligned Class from Evagelist cannot be Master Chymist...
At 19:
BAB +14
Base Saves +10/+12/+5
CL 15, 5th level extracts
Lamashu's 2nd Evagelist Boon, Teratoma;
You gain a beneficial deformity. Generally, this deformity grants you a secondary natural bite, claw, tail, or tentacle attack dealing 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if you are Small). You gain an additional ability with this extra attack, chosen from the following special features: bleed 3, grab, trip, or a 5-foot increase to reach with the natural attack.
And, the Evangelist’s Spiritual Form grants her telepathy to a range of 100 feet, as well as two variable abilities.
Upon reaching 10th level, the evangelist must choose the form of these two abilities, and once she has selected them they can’t be changed. First, she chooses one ability score to which she gains a +4 bonus when in spiritual form. Second, she chooses one physical transformation from the following to gain when she transforms: wings (fly speed of 40 feet with good maneuverability), gills (ability to breathe water and a swim speed of 30 feet), or a single natural attack (a claw, bite, gore, slam, or tail sting that deals damage as appropriate for the evangelist’s size) as well as a temporary appendage capable of making such an attack if necessary.

meyerwilliam |
Like AVR said, once you figure out what you want ... you can then build the toon. Keep in mind how long it takes to make some things come online, you wouldn't want an ability to come online after your character retires for instance.
And remember that there are items which can help you out ... like Helm of the Mammoth Lord, which can give you a gore attack for only 8500 gp.

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Do Mutation Warrior Levels stack with alchemist levels for the purpose of getting discoveries that deal with mutagens?
Are there any classes that stack with alchemist to get discoveries?
Is there a way to get the mummification mutation without dipping into alchemist?
what are all feats that help with grappling?
Is there a way to get grab without going alchemist or feral gnasher barbarian?
What is the best way to demoralize multiple enemies at a time?
Can a fighter take style feats even though the class is not monk or brawler?

Derklord |

The idea was a high health tank with good grapple that would do a lot of dmg to grappled units with natural attacks.
Unless your GM is doing drugs and allows ridiculous stuff like a graple-constrict-release chain, natural weapons and grapple is a poor combination. Natural weapons are very weak individually, but they compensate for that with quantity. Grapple only uses a single weapon for damage. That... is not a good combination.
Altbough in general, there're much worse things you can do to a grappled target than merely damage it.
I know vivisectionist stacks with beastmorpher, but isn't the sneak attack counter productive when you start taking classes in MC because MC helps with bomb damage.
Depends on what you want. Depending on when the campaign ends, I would only take between one and three levels of MC, anyway.
Do Mutation Warrior Levels stack with alchemist levels for the purpose of getting discoveries that deal with mutagens?
Nope, class levels only stack for abilities when something explicitly says so.
what are all feats that help with grappling?
Is there a reason you can't look that up yourself?
Is there a way to get grab without going alchemist or feral gnasher barbarian?
Once again, you can look yourself. Add in just about anything with polymorphing.
What is the best way to demoralize multiple enemies at a time?
Dazzling Display, probably.
Can a fighter take style feats even though the class is not monk or brawler?
Anyone can take any feat if they meet the prereqs. There're plenty of non-unarmed centric style feats, too.
Can a bloodrager take rage powers with the use of feats?
"This ability does not count as the rage power class feature for determining feat prerequisites and other requirements."

Chell Raighn |

Do Mutation Warrior Levels stack with alchemist levels for the purpose of getting discoveries that deal with mutagens?
Yes, but only for the ones specifically called out in the mutation Warrior archetypes mutation discovery class feature and only if you have taken enough levels of mutation Warrior to gain that class feature (meaning minimum of 7 levels).
The ones called out in the ability are the following:
feral mutagen, grand mutagen, greater mutagen, infuse mutagen, nauseating flesh, preserve organs, rag doll mutagen, spontaneous healing, tentacle, vestigial arm, wings.
Are there any classes that stack with alchemist to get discoveries?
None that stack in their entirety for any and all discoveries… but there are a few archetypes for some classes that stack for a small selection of discoveries.
Can a fighter take style feats even though the class is not monk or brawler?
Yes. Nothing about style feats prevents any class from taking them. Most of them may be geared towards monks and brawlers (or unarmed combat I. General) but there is no hard restriction of “you must be a monk or brawler to gain a style feat”.

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@ DerkLord: I guess I should have been more specific about the grapple feats, I know about improved, greater grapple, dirty trick, rapid grapple. I didn't know if there were any feats I didn't know about that helped with grapple?
when looking at the bloodrager class, I only see:
"Bloodrage counts as the barbarian’s rage class feature for the purpose of feat prerequisites, feat abilities, magic item abilities, and spell effects." from Archives of Nethys or the srd.
That is why I asked if a Bloodrager could get rage powers.
I know extremely little about spells and polymorphing. So those were the only two classes that I knew of besides the well known druid. So any class that gets you polymorph would allow me to get grab then, am I reading that correctly.
@ all, thankyou for answering all my questions.

Chell Raighn |

@ DerkLord: I guess I should have been more specific about the grapple feats, I know about improved, greater grapple, dirty trick, rapid grapple. I didn't know if there were any feats I didn't know about that helped with grapple?
Kraken style feat chain is great for improving grapple..
As for Bloodrager getting rage powers… they can only do so if they take the Primalist Bloodrager archetype… but that only lets them get rage powers in place of bloodline powers, it doesn’t let them get the extra rage power feat.

Derklord |

I didn't know if there were any feats I didn't know about that helped with grapple?
Just to be clear here: You do know that (dark) blue text in a post is a link, right? because if you click the first link in my post, you'll see a list of all feats containing the word "grapple".
So any class that gets you polymorph would allow me to get grab then, am I reading that correctly.
Not all polymorph spells grant the grab ability, but the majority of them do: Plant Shape 1+, Beast Shape 2+, Magical Beast Shape, Monstrous Physique 2+, Undead Anatomy 2+, Vermin Shape 2, Fey Form 2+, and Ooze Form 2+. If you click the second link in my post, you see a list of other class features and archetypes that contain the word "grab".