[Community Project] Wayfinder #22 Call for Submissions

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Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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As Second Edition continues to build momentum, let’s take a look at the initial focus of the beginning adventures supporting the changed campaign setting: the Isle of Kortos. Throughout the entirety of the Golarion campaign setting, Absalom has been THE stopping point for most adventures on the isle. With the arrival of the Second Edition, we have been treated to two adventure paths that explore the rest of island, and it turns out that there is a LOT more to Kortos than just Absalom proper.

So, let’s go exploring across the Isle of Kortos, and the Isle of Erran as well! Trek out into the Cairnlands, venture into the heart of the Immenwood, climb the Kortos Mounts, hike across the Swardlands! Visit the other towns and cities of the isle, such as Otari, Diobel, Pier’s End, and Escadar. And most importantly, expand upon all of this for the 22nd issue of Wayfinder!

The goal for the fanzine is to create a collection of fan-created articles and supporting art set in Paizo’s Campaign Setting world of Golarion and the Pact Worlds.

The theme for Wayfinder #22 will be the Isle of Kortos, focusing on those areas outside of Absalom, but not necessarily excluding Absalom. Given that the new Absalom book is coming out after the Open Call, it is tricky to write on specific places or features in the city without the risk of being made obsolete from the new content Paizo will be detailing in the book, so we encourage people who want to write Absalom submissions to take a more generic approach to places and people in the city. If you pick a named place with some importance, and expand on that, chances are that the book is going to do that as well. If your version contradicts the official Paizo material, it will likely be rejected. If it is a minor conflict, your piece may be selected, but revisions required. Ties to the Agents of Edgewatch AP would be more favorable submissions for locations within Absalom, as it specifically supports a published product.

Please use the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook Second Edition as your main reference, along with Lost Omens World Guide, and many published adventures (Abomination Vaults, Extinction Curse APs; The Gauntlet, Master of Fallen Fortress, Troubles in Otari), and tons of PFS scenarios (The Kortos Envoy, Bandits of Immenwood, Raiders of Shrieking Peak, Ruins of Bonekeep, Skeleton Moon, and others), as well as the handy-dandy Archives of Nethys, and PathfinderWiki!

Preference will be given to articles that follow the issue’s theme. Writers are invited to submit articles that fit within the following categories:

Advice: Share valuable information or experiences with new GMs or players in the new Lost Omens campaign setting and 2nd edition rules system. Submission size: 750 words.
Bestiary: New creatures to terrorize your PCs! Each creature counts as a separate submission. Submission size: 750 words per creature. However, because multiple creatures are combined to form a single bestiary article, smaller entries will be considered as long as they are complete. (i.e., a hard target word count of 750 words does not apply to bestiary entries. See the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, Bestiary 2, or Bestiary 3 for examples of proper formatting and content.)
Fiction: Wayfinder now accepts fiction submissions directly from the public. Joining a writer’s group to help with editing and development is still highly recommended. Submission size: either 750 or 1,500 words.
Flavor Articles: People, shops, organizations, events, or other aspects of life on the Isle of Kortos in the Pathfinder Lost Omens Campaign Setting. These articles should build on the material already available in other Lost Omens sources. Flavor articles may include some rules material, such as item, location, or spell stat blocks, if necessary, but it should be a minor part of the article. Submission Size: 750 or 1,500 words.
Gazetteer: Expand and explore places on the Isle of Kortos that have little to no information about them in the campaign setting literature. If applicable, you may submit up to a 1/2-page map of your chosen locale. Submission size: 1,500 words.
Of Chance and Skill: Games, new to or adapted for Pathfinder, to play at your table. Submission size: 750 or 1,500 words.
New Rules: Articles devoted to new backgrounds, ancestries, feats (ancestral, class, or general), or spells for the Pathfinder RPG Second Edition. Multiple smaller entries (usually feats, backgrounds, or spells) can be grouped together by a clear theme and submitted as one article. Submission size: 750 or 1,500 words.
New Equipment: Articles detailing new weapons, armor, or magic items. See the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook Second Edition for examples of proper formatting and content.
Side Trek Seeds: Side trek seeds are short outlines that provide GMs with ideas, either as side treks for a Pathfinder adventure or as mini-adventures on the Isle of Kortos. Each side trek seed counts as a separate submission. Please refer to earlier issues of Wayfinder for the layout for this article. Submission size: 325 words.
Poetry and Song: Music and poetry often define a culture. Share your vision of the best-known songs and poems of Golarion, with special emphasis on the issue’s theme. Submission size: 35 to 50 lines in total.
Weal or Woe: Two 6th-level or lower NPCs (including statblocks—one potential ally, one potential adversary, set in the campaign setting on the Isle of Kortos. Include hooks for how PCs might meet each NPC and how to use them in a campaign. Include a boon that can come from the Weal character and a drawback from the Woe character. Please reference earlier Wayfinders for the layout for this article, and try to avoid lengthy and complicated stat blocks, as they take up more space than regular text, and can cause problems with layout (i.e., not enough room for art). Submission size: 1,500 words.


• Thou shalt not disregard canon, thou shalt build upon it.
• Keep in mind thy audience. Keep it PG-13. No slash fic/porn fantasies, cheesecake/beefcake/fan service. These are prohibited by the Community Use Policy.
• Short and sweet. Refer to the word count requirements for each type of submission. These are HARD targets, not a range. Articles submitted with word counts more than 5% above or below the target numbers will not be accepted.
• Limit of up to THREE submissions per person per issue. So, pick your three best ideas!
• Do not submit an article that relies heavily on another submission, whether the other submission is yours or someone else’s. Any submitted articles that reference (an)other article(s) must be pre-approved by the Editor-in-Chief.
• Stick to the theme. Articles that do not relate to the theme will not be accepted. Articles should be taking place on the Isles of Kortos or Erran.
• Submissions used to defame, harass, or threaten board members are not tolerated.

Submission Instructions

Conditions for Submissions. All authors and artists must agree to have their works reproduced for this and other Wayfinder products, be it for translations into other languages (we will be responsible for the truthfulness of the translations), special publications, or use on a Wayfinder website. All of Wayfinder’s publications are NON-PROFIT, and authors and artists will be given proper credit where due.

• Send all submissions to: wayfinder.fanzine@gmail.com with the subject line containing “Wayfinder #22 Submission:”, followed by the article title.
All text submissions must be submitted in DOC or DOCX format (doesn’t matter if you use Office or OpenOffice). Note: Files sent in RTF, TXT, or any other format than DOC will be rejected.

• For people who use open-source software, like OpenOffice and LibreOffice, and save their files as .DOC files, there is a mismatch between file types when trying to open the .DOC files in versions of Word from 2013 and up. It results in losing the last few lines of text. Those lines can only be viewed on Word 2010 or earlier. If you use these open-source programs, you MUST put one or two carriage returns after your last paragraph before you save the document as a .DOC file. Otherwise, we will have great difficulty being able to read and edit your submission.

• Do not use fancy fonts or colors or styles for formatting - these will get stripped out in the editing and layout process. Use the standard body font for the program you’re using - bold and italics are fine. Ask us for an example of our style templates, if you’d like to use that. Tables must be tab delimited (DO NOT USE FORMATTED TABLES).

• Use standard Pathfinder RPG Second Edition formats for stat blocks. Familiarize yourself with the style and wording choices used in Paizo products and apply those same style and wording choices to your submissions. Insertion of the action icons (if you do not have access to the font) should be [one-action}, [two-actions], [three-actions], [reaction], [free-action].

• At the top of your submission, in the body of the article, provide the following information: article title (and subtitle, if any), author name(s), contact e-mail address(es), and word count of the submission.

For example,
Article About Something Cool: Subtitle Would Go Here
Liz ‘Lilith’ Courts
Word Count: 754 words

• Accepted entries will go through editing passes for clarity and concision. Depending on time constraints, you may or may not receive feedback from the editing process.

• Failure to follow these instructions or to meet one or more guidelines will result in rejection of the submission.

DEADLINE: October 15, 2021, 11:59 Pacific. All entries will be handled on a first come, first serve basis. Some articles may be rejected depending on the final size of the PDF.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

So excited to start brainstorming for this year!!

Sovereign Court


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Wow, this came out much earlier than last year. Looking forward to it!

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Ooooh! Nice topic! My kids are thrilled to start brainstorming.

Grand Lodge Contributor

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Man, that's a good long time. I'll be sure to get one finished in the next month then put off any others until the week of submission. Just like last year.

Shadow Lodge

With this theme, an idea I've had fits right in, so I'm actually going to try and write a piece. Either a flavor article or a fiction piece about a particular shop.

Even better, I've already made art for it.

So excited for this! I better start my research!

Grand Lodge Contributor

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Erik Mona offered to write some stuff for this issue on Facebook... so if you get in, your name will be in the same credit list.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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Scott Young wrote:
Erik Mona offered to write some stuff for this issue on Facebook... so if you get in, your name will be in the same credit list.

True, Erik did offer, but he's a really busy man, and it is not a firm commitment. We will, of course, be THRILLED to feature whatever Erik wants to share.

Also, I will make sure that any special guest contributions will not cut into our abilities (i.e, pages) to feature as many new fan contributors as possible. We will make it work.

I actually might have an idea....

Bring it on :)

Already?!? I have only gone through #21 one time!
I have at least three more times to go!

RPG Superstar Season 9

Good choice, there's a lot of fodder in the early PF2E APs.

That I was waited for!

Guidelines wrote:
[one-action}, [two-actions], [three-actions], [reaction], [free-action]

I found format error.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Laclale♪ wrote:
Guidelines wrote:
[one-action}, [two-actions], [three-actions], [reaction], [free-action]
I found format error.

sigh..... [one-action]

Already getting started on it! I had one entry this last issue, and I plan to submit all three this time!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'll do three if I can get three ideas x'D I kinda want to write adventure, but I don't think wayfinder has "adventure" articles, so I guess I either try three bestiary entries or one bestiary entries and two others

(sad that absalom book isn't released before this, even though its about absalom rather than isles overall it could have had some really good inspiration)

CorvusMask wrote:

I'll do three if I can get three ideas x'D I kinda want to write adventure, but I don't think wayfinder has "adventure" articles, so I guess I either try three bestiary entries or one bestiary entries and two others

(sad that absalom book isn't released before this, even though its about absalom rather than isles overall it could have had some really good inspiration)

Yeah, the closest I saw to an adventure is a side trek seed. Which I may do a couple of if nothing else strikes inspiration in me.

Dark Archive

Here's a great fan made map of Kortos if anyone wants a nice reference
https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/l6xmr7/map_of_kortos_islands /

Dark Archive

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Also here is a weird bit of trivia

Horses are not present on the Isle of Kortos as the centaurs regard them as invaders and the harpies like to eat them, so most farmers, merchants, and nobles on the island use camels or axe beaks.[8] Rumor holds that there is a race of winged camels on the north end of the island, but these creatures must be exceedingly rare.[8]

Jasonomicon Ex Mortis wrote:

Here's a great fan made map of Kortos if anyone wants a nice reference


Too long from mobile.

I'm going to submit from this my work, or can I make new one that needs to refer that my work?

https://archiveofourown.org/works/30727361/chapters/77580515 is URL for my work.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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CorvusMask wrote:

I'll do three if I can get three ideas x'D I kinda want to write adventure, but I don't think wayfinder has "adventure" articles, so I guess I either try three bestiary entries or one bestiary entries and two others

(sad that absalom book isn't released before this, even though its about absalom rather than isles overall it could have had some really good inspiration)

We had fully intended to do an Absalom issue, but the delay of the book made that not an option (a similar thing happened for issue #6, and we took that lesson to heart).

Wayfinder actually does have an adventure article, the Side Trek Adventure. We do not include it in the open call, because it's a special article that we do not want people to spent a ton of time writing and then not getting accepted. Adventures are typically 4500 words (so 6 pages) plus a Weal or Woe featuring the adventure's ally and final boss.

We will be accepting anyone's pitch for the Side Trek during the Open Call. I typically post this a bit later in the process, as the adventure is on a slightly different schedule than the rest of the articles. But, in short, YES, we do have adventures, we are just way more selective about it!

I'm currently toying with a food article based on a weird throwaway commentary in the Abomination Vaults book about fishcakes and the prevalence of cider in the Swardlands. Do plan to do a Side Trek seed as a second with nothing springing to mind quite yet, and might just sit and wait to see what strikes me for a third.

I'm sorry, but I need reformatter to fix my submission.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

I guess I need to add a few more points to the guidelines....

First, use of intellectual properties other than Paizo's settings (which the CUP allows us to use) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. What does that mean? It means you can't create the Avengers or Justice League as an article. Specifically, there can't be a Spiderman or Batman, or Iron Man (name dropped) in Golarion. If you want to adapt characters or things from other IPs, you at the least need to change the names, and convert it to fit in Golarion. I shouldn't be able to read your adaptation, and immediately know what you are ripping off because you didn't change anything at all.

Honestly, I would rather you be inspired by other properties, and create your own spin (making it unique).

Second, we really cannot pre-evaluate your submission ideas ahead of you actually submitting them. I am willing to provide limited input here on the boards, but I'm going to have to decline responding to any emails asking "would you accept this idea?" If you have questions about whether your idea(s) run up against the guidelines, then sure, I'll answer that.

Lastly, grammar. If your grammar is poor, that isn't an auto-reject, but it does put up a big red flag to us. Our editors are volunteers, and what you submit should be solid for grammar, so they can focus on polishing the article and evaluating the content to make it better. So, my advice is to get someone else to proofread your submission before you submit it.

Here comes what I wanted to submit.

You can proofread and comment directly. And I'm out of ideas I think.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Isn't that a Henry Stickmin reference?

CorvusMask wrote:
Isn't that a Henry Stickmin reference?

I know, half of PFOA's theme is "What if Burt is never seen Azata and met same named clan exist in Pathfinder world?" I say.

Timitius wrote:

Lastly, grammar. If your grammar is poor, that isn't an auto-reject, but it does put up a big red flag to us. Our editors are volunteers, and what you submit should be solid for grammar, so they can focus on polishing the article and evaluating the content to make it better. So, my advice is to get someone else to proofread your submission before you submit it.

I've seen several people recommend Grammarly, but TBH I've not yet tried it myself. I fully intend to once my writing is in a more complete state however.

Timitius wrote:
If you have questions about whether your idea(s) run up against the guidelines, then sure, I'll answer that.

All right. : )

I'm thinking of writing up a random generator of Things to See at the Radiant Festival, and I bet a lot of people are as well. What category would this go under, assuming any at all?

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

AlgaeNymph wrote:
I'm thinking of writing up a random generator of Things to See at the Radiant Festival, and I bet a lot of people are as well. What category would this go under, assuming any at all?

I would think Flavor Articles: People, shops, organizations, events, or other aspects of life on the Isle of Kortos in the Pathfinder Lost Omens Campaign Setting. These articles should build on the material already available in other Lost Omens sources. Flavor articles may include some rules material, such as item, location, or spell stat blocks, if necessary, but it should be a minor part of the article. Submission Size: 750 or 1,500 words.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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AlgaeNymph wrote:
Timitius wrote:
If you have questions about whether your idea(s) run up against the guidelines, then sure, I'll answer that.

All right. : )

I'm thinking of writing up a random generator of Things to See at the Radiant Festival, and I bet a lot of people are as well. What category would this go under, assuming any at all?

Agree with motteditor, that's a flavor article for sure.

Grand Lodge

Who do I email for the submission templates?

Uchuujin wrote:
Timitius wrote:

Lastly, grammar. If your grammar is poor, that isn't an auto-reject, but it does put up a big red flag to us. Our editors are volunteers, and what you submit should be solid for grammar, so they can focus on polishing the article and evaluating the content to make it better. So, my advice is to get someone else to proofread your submission before you submit it.
I've seen several people recommend Grammarly, but TBH I've not yet tried it myself. I fully intend to once my writing is in a more complete state however.

I do use Grammarly, but it’s mainly for business style writing, so don’t let it push you toward bland language with its selections for wording. It is great or punctuation though, especially for quotes, which can be very confusing.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Welp already sent my first submission this time around and I already regret it x'D Dang I feel so nervous when I submit stuff especially since I know I won't know in months whether it was good enough.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Papadage wrote:

Who do I email for the submission templates?

I would try wayfinder.fanzine@gmail.com.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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motteditor wrote:
Papadage wrote:

Who do I email for the submission templates?

I would try wayfinder.fanzine@gmail.com.

Going to be upfront here.... I haven't gotten around to updating our templates to 2E yet. At least not the ones that we make generic and available for people to refer to.

Give me a few weeks.

For clarification, if you have two or more closely related creatures (ie one is a more advanced class of the previous) you can exceed the 750 word limit?

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

MKKuehne wrote:
For clarification, if you have two or more closely related creatures (ie one is a more advanced class of the previous) you can exceed the 750 word limit?

Referencing Paizo bestiary entries, no. I did the flytrap for the Bestiary, and the entry (both standard and advanced stat blocks) had to meet the word count for 1 creature. Other examples would be Ape, Bat, Bear, Beetle, Boar, Elephant, etc. (most animals or vermin).

Now, if you have a type of creature, and many different types (like the elemental entries) then that typically spanned two pages.

Reference the 2E bestiary books for how that will work out.

Timitius wrote:
MKKuehne wrote:
For clarification, if you have two or more closely related creatures (ie one is a more advanced class of the previous) you can exceed the 750 word limit?

Referencing Paizo bestiary entries, no. I did the flytrap for the Bestiary, and the entry (both standard and advanced stat blocks) had to meet the word count for 1 creature. Other examples would be Ape, Bat, Bear, Beetle, Boar, Elephant, etc. (most animals or vermin).

Now, if you have a type of creature, and many different types (like the elemental entries) then that typically spanned two pages.

Reference the 2E bestiary books for how that will work out.

Thank you. Now I just need to reduce my word count. Lol

Should we expect a confirmation email that our submission was received? I don't want it to disappear into the void of cyberspace.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

No, typically you don't get a submission received email.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Golarion In-Depth wrote:
Should we expect a confirmation email that our submission was received? I don't want it to disappear into the void of cyberspace.

I will say that I did receive it, and sent you a reply regarding it.

No, that's not common. But, I am seeing first-timers not following our guidelines, and helpful advice to avoid that seems in order.

I appreciate it. I'll make the revisions

Silver Crusade

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Writer's Group: Is there a writer's group set up for the fiction submission? If not, I'd be happy to set one up on Discord or via e-mail if that suits more people.

Also, if you've had fiction accepted for Wayfinder before and have any suggestions, we'd love to hear them.

Regarding Grammarly: We (at several companies involved with polishing English) use it all the time, in addition to other spell checkers. It doesn't get everything right all the time, but I think of it like another seive used for straining out imperfections. Get someone else to check your work too.

Monster Template: I have this monster template in Word, which I think Timitius sent me last year.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rodney Sloan wrote:

Writer's Group: Is there a writer's group set up for the fiction submission? If not, I'd be happy to set one up on Discord or via e-mail if that suits more people.

Also, if you've had fiction accepted for Wayfinder before and have any suggestions, we'd love to hear them.

Regarding Grammarly: We (at several companies involved with polishing English) use it all the time, in addition to other spell checkers. It doesn't get everything right all the time, but I think of it like another seive used for straining out imperfections. Get someone else to check your work too.

Monster Template: I have this monster template in Word, which I think Timitius sent me last year.

Hey Rodney! To my knowledge their is no dedicated Writers group for Wayfinder (there wasn't one last year). I also had two pieces of fiction accepted last year and I would be willing to offer my advice to anyone. Of course their are plenty of more experienced people to so I am willing to let them lead such suggestions as well.

Speaking of all this, I really need work to calm down so I can get to writing! I want to get three submissions in!

A Writer's Group would be really handy for me, at least so I have a place to make sure my ideas are actually any good before submission. Last time I only got one submission accepted, but I'm hoping I'm in the intended style in mind better.

Out of interest, after submission is it possible to change the author name submitted?

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