Hoping for more 11-14 tier scenarios on year 4 and 5...

Starfinder Society

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

...Maybe even one or two 13-16 tier scenarios? :'D That way my gm blob would finally get to play again xD

Like just saying, there would be need of at least 6 11-14 scenarios to have one level 15 character without help of ap chronicles, but it would go really long way to just have three 11-14 in total so would be really nice if there was couple of them per year. Kinda scared of possibility that we have at best super high level per year especially now that multitable specials seem to go with 1-8 range.

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/5 *

FYI, there aren't even 6 9-12s yet. While I enjoyed getting to play this character again, it still baffles me why an 11-14 came out.


"Dr." Cupi wrote:
FYI, there aren't even 6 9-12s yet. While I enjoyed getting to play this character again, it still baffles me why an 11-14 came out.

Because some people run the APs and had 13s they couldn't play anymore.

Which makes it a little cruel that the boon associated requires that you play all three adventures on the same character, come to think of it.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

"Dr." Cupi wrote:
FYI, there aren't even 6 9-12s yet. While I enjoyed getting to play this character again, it still baffles me why an 11-14 came out.

Wait really? Guess I was confusing 7-10 and 9-12 in my head.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

Jesse Lehto wrote:
"Dr." Cupi wrote:
FYI, there aren't even 6 9-12s yet. While I enjoyed getting to play this character again, it still baffles me why an 11-14 came out.
Wait really? Guess I was confusing 7-10 and 9-12 in my head.

Tier 9-12:

Fate of the Scoured God
Data Purge
Cornered Rat
Fleeting Truth: Darkside Depository
Fleeting Truth: Hollow Lies

I'm going to hold off on playing the last Fleeting Truth because I want to be able to play at high tier. Which means waiting until another 9-12 is released. There are none in the first seven scenarios of Season 4.

It does feel like releasing an 11-14 when it was impossible to level out of a 9-12 Fleeting Truth series without AP credit was unnecessary. I suspect more people got "stuck" in the series either by choice (like me waiting for level 13) or by accident (started at level 9 and had to find other scenarios to play when they realized they wouldn't be high enough to finish) than were helped by playing their Adventure Path credit characters.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

I mean I still think it was good move, I actually had 6 level 13 party for it and at least some of them did it with same character for all three x'D

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 5/55/55/55/5

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I heard 1 11-14 this year in one of those developer Q & A things with Jenny. Was hoping for 2 this year but they generally focus more on the lower to mid levels where most people are. I think I have 5 characters in the 11-14 tier, with one more close.

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

As much as 11-14 and 9-12 are good goals, it'd be nice to get my folks *to* 9 (and then 11) -- altitis is a horrible disease.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

:'D In my case I focus on one or two character at times nowadays(in 1e part of my burn out was that I was trying to alternate characters so they could get faction boons... So I had one character for every faction and never got even chance to play with most of them), so outside of "oh hey there is return to izalguun/copaxi homeworld, I'mma want to level up izalguun and copaxi character to play those scenarios as them) I haven't really had that problem. So I'm definitely in camp of needing more high level stuff so that my high level characters have more to do(if I get to play that is x'D)

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/5 *

Jesse Lehto wrote:
I mean I still think it was good move, I actually had 6 level 13 party for it and at least some of them did it with same character for all three x'D

As one of those 13s that had fun playing at that table, I still believe that it should have been a 9-12.

1/5 5/5

The other drawback to having a plethora of higher-level options is needing a GM base that's capable (and comfortable) with running them for an optimal play experience.

My play experience (and GM style) is currently capable of handling up to 5-8 scenarios -- typically I need to play something first before I can run it in an effective and enjoyable fashion for my players.

Thankfully there are a lot of options now for getting lower level characters *into* that comfort area, but it is still time spent.

With all that being said, I'm hoping to start running more once some technical issues are sorted out -- online is currently a more viable environment than in-person personally.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

"Dr." Cupi wrote:
Jesse Lehto wrote:
I mean I still think it was good move, I actually had 6 level 13 party for it and at least some of them did it with same character for all three x'D
As one of those 13s that had fun playing at that table, I still believe that it should have been a 9-12.

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... If I'm more precise and honest, I think my actual opinion is "I still think its good there was tier 11-14 scenario this year, but it probably shouldn't have been part of the trilogy". Like yeah, it is better that all parts of trilogy are of same tier, though I'm personally okay also with "increasingly higher tier for each successive part" in case of trilogies with long release time between scenarios. But even in that case, post all of them being released it is lame if you can't play all three with same character immediately after each other.

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/5 *

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Because there is not a way to get to 13 without AP credit, there should not yet be an 11-14. That is my opinion. That it was part of a 3 parter makes the decision cringeworthy in my book.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

"Dr." Cupi wrote:
Because there is not a way to get to 13 without AP credit, there should not yet be an 11-14. That is my opinion. That it was part of a 3 parter makes the decision cringeworthy in my book.

Do note though, if it WAS 9-12, then there would be exactly six 9-12 scenarios making 11-14 higher tier possible. So in alternate universe where there was 11-14 and 9-12 trilogy in year 3, that condition would be fulfilled. Well assuming there are enough 7-11 scenarios, I can't keep track of how many of each time of scenarios we have

That said we are completely in agreement it would have been better for it not to be part of 3 parter so eh moot point from me.

(I do think its okay to throw ap chronicle people a bone once a while, but yeaaaah. In my case after someone listed all 9-12 scenarios, I realized my ap chronicle character at level 12 with one exp left from 13 and first DA chronicle has GM chronicles from 4 out of 5 9-12 scenarios <_< So they currently have only single choice on what they can play to level up. So uh that is saddening indeed.

On complete sidenote, I'm happy that 2e and starfinder ap chronicle characters aren't as much confusing mess to keep track of as in 1e where its completely ap book based of whether first book is level 1-3 or 1-2 or 2-3 or 1-4...)

Dark Archive

Apologies for zombie-posting, but I was curious if there'd been any news about any upcoming Tier 11-14 scenarios for Season 4. I dearly miss playing my -701. Thanks!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

During Gen Con I believe they said there are no 11-14 scenarios coming this year.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

How about 9-12? There's still none announced for this season through December. (Scenario 4-12)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Jenny Jarzabski was asked about this during the Gen Con Know Direction interview (YouTube link cued to the question). According to her:

1. No more 11-14s in Year 4.
2. There will be a 7-10 coming up before the end of the year (the already announced #4-09: Through Sea and Storm, I assume).
3. Next year (post-PaizoCon, so Year 5), "You can expect to get at least one 11-14 scenario at the very least."

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/5 *

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Again, I would ask that there be at least two more 9-12s before another 11-14. So that a non-AP credit character can enjoy that sweet 13-14 tier action.

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy playing this level 13 character. But, I'd love for more folks to get the opportunity to play at 13-14.

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 1/5 5/55/5

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Throwing out my personal experience: I've played through all of the Fleeting Truth arc once, I've GM'd the arc once, and I've already got plans to GM it a second time (once some AP stuff trickles in.) All three times, multiple people have had to be (or will have to be) turned away because tables are already full.
Granted, this is all Online, which is a special sort of 'Area' with its own special sort of population, but - there is definitely demand for high-tier stuff, from what I've seen. Using AP credit to get past lvl 12 doesn't seem super uncommon anymore (and I suspect this trend will continue: Devastation Ark being sanctioned gives Society folks a next step, and stuff like Band on the Run being applicable to any level helps more groups get there.) ThereAreDozensOfUs.jpeg

While I agree that having a way for PCs to get to Subtier 13-14 solely via Scenarios is nice to have, I don't think it's a need to have - especially if it's holding up more subtier 13+ stuff.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

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Kishmo wrote:
While I agree that having a way for PCs to get to Subtier 13-14 solely via Scenarios is nice to have, I don't think it's a need to have - especially if it's holding up more subtier 13+ stuff.

I strongly disagree with this opinion.

Plenty of people have (and will have) reached level 11 or 12 solely by playing Starfinder Society. That sense of having been part of a campaign for your character’s entire career is very important to a lot of players. Saying “we have higher level scenarios, but you have to jump over and play something using this material that wasn’t written for SFS (and possibly not even with your character) before you can experience it” is not meeting that need.

I’m not opposed to Tier 13+ material. Heck, if SFS released a whole bunch of 11-14 scenarios then you could get up there by playing low-tier (11-12) for some of the scenarios and 13-14 for others. 9-12 scenarios will probably be accessible to a wider audience, but 11-14 at least works out mathematically.

Current Situation:
But right now - for about a year, now - there is only one way to get to level 13 without playing AP or one-shots. And even that requires careful planning - possibly avoiding some scenarios and hoping they are offered again. And you still won’t have gotten to play your character at level 13.

1) Do not play any 9-12 scenarios until you reach level 11.
2) Play a specific multi-table special at the highest tier. (After you reach level 11.)
3) Play Fleeting Truth 3 at level 12 instead of high-tier.

There’s just no need to be putting out SFS 13+ material right now. Put out slightly lower stuff in the SFS line until the natural paths are there.

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/5 *

Just 2 more 9-12s. That is all I ask.

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 1/5 5/55/5

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Belafon wrote:
There’s just no need to be putting out SFS 13+ material right now. Put out slightly lower stuff in the SFS line until the natural paths are there.

Sorry, I should clarify - I don't think I communicated it clearly, but I'm not advocating for Tier13-16 stuff right now. Anything that includes subtier13-14 (like Tier11-14, as you point out) is fine for where the player base is these days, from my experience in the Online region. There's no shortage of people who've used APs to get passed s11-12.

...not to say I disagree with "Dr" Cupi's point about wanting more T9-12s, either :D It's starting to feel like splitting hairs, but I just disagree that T9-12 should necessarily be privileged ahead of T11-14, is all. If the good "Doctor" is saying "give me 9-12s!" then all I'm saying is "give me anything 9+!"

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/5 *

Just 2

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Well, turns out you got (half of) your wish!

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/5 *

I know right!? I'm suuper excited and suuper thankful!

5/5 5/55/5

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When SFS first came out I had a table that went back and forth between Dead Suns and SFS scenarios. All of those characters are level 13 or 14 now. 4 of the 6 players stopped playing SF and SFS because they only want to play that high level character.

Just saying - there is a market for tier 13/14 level content. I don't know if it's a big enough market to make it worthwhile but it does exist.

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