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6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

We all appreciate the work you guys do, and I for one am sorry Paizo has had such a difficult year. Personally, discovering Pathfinder and a good crowd to play with online last year made COVID a little bit brighter for me, as I suspect it did for a lot of people.

I sometimes worry that our passion for this game can come across as negative when we raise things we would like fixed or improved. After all, we never spend time talking about the other 99% of things we love, or all the things that are very clearly spelled out in the rules and need no errata. If we didn't love the game so much, we wouldn't be talking about it!

Thank you for making an amazing game, and producing a frankly amazing amount of new material each year. Keep up the good work, we have your back.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Thankyou for your work and your response. It does help to hear these things about other people. The company I work for has retrenched 60% of their staff. It has been tough everywhere.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you very much for that. It really does help us to understand the issues from your point of view.

Its sometimes easy to forget how screwed up the last year or so has been until you get a reminder like this.

Wayfinders Contributor

21 people marked this as a favorite.

All I can say is that this makes me feel better about the one assignment I could not do this year. I had to completely bail on an assignment for Alex Augunas when my home city of Minneapolis blew up. I knew George Floyd, and I had once met one of the people who killed him, and it all happened ten blocks from my home, and then my city was on fire, and I realized that so was my brain. I just couldn't.

I recovered and did other assignments that year, and the writing recovered. 2020 turned into one of my better writing years after that. Still, knowing that I was not alone in goofing up on an assignment in a crazy year -- Michael, that makes me feel normal. Human.

So thank you for sharing that, and letting me know I was not alone.


On swallow-spike is it intended to use the armors full item bonus? Are there other examples of this wording? If it dose not use the armors full item bonus to ac then what example is there to clarify this?

Swallow spike rune

I don't understand your question right because the response is simple.

Swallow-Spike rune will use your armor potency rune as item bonus to its attack activations.

  • If your armor is +1 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 6 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +14 +1 from potency runes potentially dealing 2d6 +2.
  • if your armor is +2 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 6 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +14 +2 from potency runes potentially dealing 2d6 +4.
  • if your armor is +2 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 12 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +22 +2 from potency runes potentially dealing 3d6 +4.
  • if your armor is +2 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 16 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +28 +2 from potency runes potentially dealing 5d6 +4.
  • if your armor is +3 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 16 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +28 +3 from potency runes potentially dealing 5d6 +6.

  • YuriP wrote:

    I don't understand your question right because the response is simple.

    Swallow-Spike rune will use your armor potency rune as item bonus to its attack activations.

  • If your armor is +1 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 6 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +14 +1 from potency runes potentially dealing 2d6 +2.
  • if your armor is +2 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 6 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +14 +2 from potency runes potentially dealing 2d6 +4.
  • if your armor is +2 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 12 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +22 +2 from potency runes potentially dealing 3d6 +4.
  • if your armor is +2 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 16 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +28 +2 from potency runes potentially dealing 5d6 +4.
  • if your armor is +3 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 16 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +28 +3 from potency runes potentially dealing 5d6 +6.
  • Thanks for the quick responce.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    YuriP wrote:

    I don't understand your question right because the response is simple.

    Swallow-Spike rune will use your armor potency rune as item bonus to its attack activations.

  • If your armor is +1 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 6 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +14 +1 from potency runes potentially dealing 2d6 +2.
  • if your armor is +2 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 6 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +14 +2 from potency runes potentially dealing 2d6 +4.
  • if your armor is +2 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 12 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +22 +2 from potency runes potentially dealing 3d6 +4.
  • if your armor is +2 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 16 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +28 +2 from potency runes potentially dealing 5d6 +4.
  • if your armor is +3 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 16 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +28 +3 from potency runes potentially dealing 5d6 +6.
  • I disagree, throughout the description of the rune there is nothing referring to the "armor potency rune as item bonus to its attack activations", just the item bonus.

    From the rune description:
    "This attack gets an item bonus to the attack roll equal to the armor's item bonus to your AC and an item bonus to damage equal to double that amount".

    It could be an editing error, sure, but right now rune uses full armor item bonus to AC, not just potency rune bonus.

    There is another ambiguity, does this extra bonus to hit and damage works every time you activate the rune or just when swallowed/engulfed?

    sky_tech wrote:
    YuriP wrote:

    I don't understand your question right because the response is simple.

    Swallow-Spike rune will use your armor potency rune as item bonus to its attack activations.

  • If your armor is +1 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 6 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +14 +1 from potency runes potentially dealing 2d6 +2.
  • if your armor is +2 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 6 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +14 +2 from potency runes potentially dealing 2d6 +4.
  • if your armor is +2 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 12 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +22 +2 from potency runes potentially dealing 3d6 +4.
  • if your armor is +2 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 16 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +28 +2 from potency runes potentially dealing 5d6 +4.
  • if your armor is +3 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 16 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +28 +3 from potency runes potentially dealing 5d6 +6.
  • I disagree, throughout the description of the rune there is nothing referring to the "armor potency rune as item bonus to its attack activations", just the item bonus.

    From the rune description:
    "This attack gets an item bonus to the attack roll equal to the armor's item bonus to your AC and an item bonus to damage equal to double that amount".

    It could be an editing error, sure, but right now rune uses full armor item bonus to AC, not just potency rune bonus.

    This is obviously "too good to be true".

    To give your entire armor as item bonus will give +14 +6 from armor AC +1 from potency rune will give you a +21 at level 6 what's completely out-math even a fighter bonus at this level (+4 from str/dex +6 from level +6 from master with some weapon group +1 from rune = 17).

    sky_tech wrote:
    There is another ambiguity, does this extra bonus to hit and damage works every time you activate the rune or just when swallowed/engulfed?

    IMO is every time because it always refers to "the attack":

    Source Treasure Vault pg. 13 1.1 - Swallow-Spike wrote:
    ... Your armor suddenly grows spikes, attacking the triggering creature. The armor makes a melee attack with an attack modifier of +14 that deals 2d6 piercing damage. If the creature is swallowing or engulfing you, the attack deals an additional 1d6 damage, and damage from this attack can cut you free if it equals or exceeds the Rupture value of the immobilizing ability. This attack gets an item bonus to the attack roll equal to the armor's item bonus to your AC and an item bonus to damage equal to double that amount.

    Doesn't looks like its referring to the swallowing or engulfing as another attack but as a modifier to the "The armor makes a melee attack" and this is the subject in the whole paragraph including the part about armor's item bonus.

    sky_tech wrote:
    YuriP wrote:

    I don't understand your question right because the response is simple.

    Swallow-Spike rune will use your armor potency rune as item bonus to its attack activations.

  • If your armor is +1 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 6 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +14 +1 from potency runes potentially dealing 2d6 +2.
  • if your armor is +2 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 6 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +14 +2 from potency runes potentially dealing 2d6 +4.
  • if your armor is +2 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 12 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +22 +2 from potency runes potentially dealing 3d6 +4.
  • if your armor is +2 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 16 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +28 +2 from potency runes potentially dealing 5d6 +4.
  • if your armor is +3 and your Swallow-Spike is lvl 16 the Swallow-Spike activations will do attack with +28 +3 from potency runes potentially dealing 5d6 +6.
  • I disagree, throughout the description of the rune there is nothing referring to the "armor potency rune as item bonus to its attack activations", just the item bonus.

    From the rune description:
    "This attack gets an item bonus to the attack roll equal to the armor's item bonus to your AC and an item bonus to damage equal to double that amount".

    It could be an editing error, sure, but right now rune uses full armor item bonus to AC, not just potency rune bonus.

    There is another ambiguity, does this extra bonus to hit and damage works every time you activate the rune or just when swallowed/engulfed?

    Sky is right. A full plate with a +3 Rune on it would get a +9 Bonus to hit and an +18 Bonus to damage. Because the armor grants you a +6 Item Bonus to AC and Potency Runes just increase the Armors Item Bonus.


    AC Bonus Core Rulebook pg. 274 4.0 : This number is the item bonus you add for the armor when determining Armor Class.

    Potency Rune:

    Armor potency: Increase item bonus to AC and determine maximum number of property runes

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    YuriP wrote:
    This is obviously "too good to be true".

    I don't agree. But i do agree that the armor only applies the Item Bonus when being engulfed. Because paizo did the same weird formating in the polymorph trait.

    Everything after: "If you take on a battle form with a polymorph spell" only applies to battle forms. I wish they would make this much clearer by saying something like. "Apply the following changes if you are engulfed: "

    Back on topic:

    This happens exactly once or maybe twice per fight if at all. The enemy graps you, gets stung by the armor and it will probably not grapple you again. We also need to remember that Full Plate wearing Martials are rarely the target of grapples. You mostly want to grapple lightly armored mages who can't easily escape. The warpriest would be a good candidate for this rune because they get medium armor and are still priority targets. Everything else has just to high of an Attack / Athletics / Acrobatics stat to easily escape your grabs.

    It also applies MAP. And the action, when you actively attack the enemy, doesn't let you escape the grab. So you would perform your escape with an map of -5.

    It is a really good item but it is extremely niche in its use case. You also need to constantly upgrade the rune for it being useful. Sure on level 6 it is really good but you would probably not be able to buy it "on curve". If your are following the Treasure per Level table then you would get ~ 125 in raw gold on level 6. You are just coming off of buying your armor potency rune on Level 5. Its more likely that you will buy this rune when it is a few level behind. And then its Attack bonus is not that special anymore. And lets not forget that you might never get grappled or engulfed after buying the rune.

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