Lazy GM looking for NPC stats...

Homebrew and House Rules

Looking for the stats of some elven rangers, maybe 2nd to 4th level. The 1st level ranger in the ‘NPC Codex’ is close to what I’m looking for, just too low a level...

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PF SRD has a bunch of NPCs: here

Just off hand I see a couple of different Elf Ranger 4's for instance.

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I know there are some webpages that can generate random NPC's based on various inputs. you might try to google for them.

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Download the Combat Manager app for your computer/laptop and you can create them on the fly, even in mid-sesh. You can take any base level NPC and add templates or HD to increase their CR, w/e you want :)

It's NPC's made easy.

Thanks, all. Great stuff.

Liberty's Edge

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Since ye said your being lazy

Heroic NPCs: The ability scores for a heroic NPC are:
15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8. - Generally reserve for Cohorts

Basic NPCs: The ability scores for a basic NPC are:
13, 12, 11, 10, 9, and 8. - All the usual other NPC's, makes for less overshadowing of PC's when done with only NPC classes

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