One Punch Man + FATE Accelerated edition = RPG fun?


OPM is awesome. Seriously.

It's a great show, and for some reason, it has this universe that seems like it's made for RPGs. I mean, the class/rank format is quite game-y, and really gives potential hero player characters an intrinsic goal to push towards beyond experience points. Furthermore, the fact that it's based on more than just how much ass you kick - but how popular you are as well - adds a level of complexity to the hero scene that you don't really see in Marvel/DC/etc.

A long while back, I considered running the universe as a Mutants and Masterminds campaign, but it didn't pan out. Not only did I not get much interest back then, but as time went on I figured that wasn't the best system for it. True, it reflects the crazy over-the-top power scaling, but it's far more crunchy and complex than I prefer as a GM these days. As a player, throw that crunch at me, but I'm much more narrative-driven as a Gamemaster.

Which is why I feel that FATE is a better fit. That and I've been a player in a FATE game in the Dresden universe, and it just does an excellent job of representing that "holy s$%+" power scaling, and incorporating flaws, aspects, etc. Further, because of it's nature, min-maxing, powergaming, and other methods of play-style that encourage competition between players is...pointless, really.

So, to that end, I did some...mild conversions...and managed to tweak the FATE Accelerated rules to incorporate OPM's universe. I took the "mantles" from the Dresden universe and turned them into a handful of hero "classes', changed scale to class/threat, and boom, got a great narrative system with high power fun that I think would fit the universe well.

So I guess I'm more or less doing an interest check to see if this would appeal to people.

As before, my idea is that the game starts 2.5 years before the appearance of Vaccine Man, half a year after Saitama saves the big-chinned-kid from Crablante and the Hero Association is formed. The players are all potential/newly recruited C-Class heroes with their eyes on the prize - top of the A-Class. (According to the webcomic the S-Class was not implemented when the Hero Association first opened, but later added because there were so many heroes who didn't fit their class - Darkshine was a C-Class before being moved to S-Class, for example. If I recall correctly, only Bang was even near top of the A-Class before the S was implemented.)

You'll fight villains, and your perception in the eyes of the people is almost as important as the work you get done.

Here's a few things to note:

1) Normally I'm one for everything all mapped out, but I think this system will lend itself well to theater of the mind.
2) Rewards will be awarded for: Awesome RP, Hilarity, Creative Thought, and "Holy Crap that was Epic" moments.
3) You will grow in power, rank, respect, etc. I'm not locking you in at C-Class.
4) You need to be human, or mostly human. Cyborgs yes, robots no. Mutants yes, monsters no. You need a reason to defend humanity, but a mind of your own.
5) No villains. Tornado is a b+@+@, but she's there to save humanity when it counts. Amai Mask is an a~!*$$%, but he really does try to protect people, even those he doesn't like. You are heroes. You can be reluctant, you can be a bit of an antihero, but remember - no villains.
6) Your character can be serious, like Tornado, Atomic Samurai, etc, or silly as all get out, like Puri Puri Prisoner or Pig God. (Example - I have an NPC in mind you might meet: "The Banana" - a B-Class hero with a banana costume like the one in Arrested Development, and jaundiced skin who ate a nanite-filled banana and now has the power to make surfaces slippery, heal with potassium, and throws bananarangs. Yep, you read that right: Bananarangs)
7) The anime/manga will be canon when it conflicts with the original webcomic - the webcomic will be canon when the anime does not conflict with it or reference it. Considering this takes place years before either's main timeline, it likely won't be an issue.

I'll give it one bump, just to be sure, but it looks like this isn't getting any nibbles.

Silver Crusade

what is FATE?

An indie RPG from Evil Hat. They have the rights to the Dresden Files RPG, among a few other things. It's a more narrative focused game where your character's story background and stuff like that can affect their mechanics. It's generic and meant to be modified to whatever setting you're using (and they have a few premade settings out there, such as the one I mentioned).

It also just so happens to be pay-what-you-can-afford for a LOT of their stuff.

And besides that, here's a Trove link to the Accelerated Edition, which is meant to be less crunchy than the original and faster in combat and stuff (and I'd be using):

Fate Accelerated Edition

Ironically enough I'm more familiar with Mutants and Masterminds rather than the Fate system. I love OPM but I'll need to look at FATE for a bit before I can say whether I'd be interested.

That's understandable. M&M has been out for almost 20 years, and Green Ronin is a pretty well known company. I mean, it's no Wizards of the Coast or Paizo, but I wouldn't describe them as indy or anything.

Evil Hat is just about as old as Green Ronin, but since they didn't jump on the "just make every g+&@~!n game a ripoff of 3rd edition D&D" with the d20 system bandwagon, they're not as well known.

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