Dimension Door exception for familiars

Rules Discussion

Grand Lodge

The text of Dimension Door includes

If this would bring another creature with you—even if you're carrying it in an extradimensional container—the spell is lost.

This spell is Arcane and Occult, which means Witches and Wizards with familiars are some of the intended casters. Are there any special loopholes for familiars so they can come along for the ride?

No, yet one of the Paizo staff (I forget if it was dev or management) expressed desire to explore that oversight (and see if it had even been an oversight!).
His statement was pre-errata, so maybe I've missed something or maybe they're content with that handicap.

The spell needs to specify "another creature of size Small or larger"

Gortle wrote:
The spell needs to specify "another creature of size Small or larger"

Imo, it would be better to just allow familiars to travel with their owners ( no companions, no allies, no other creatures, regardless their size ).

After all, I guess nobody would like to see a sprite or strix exploiting the system.

Horizon Hunters

My proposal, add to the Familiar details:
"Your bond to your familiar is so strong you have basically become the same creature. For the purposes of teleportation magic your familiar does not count as a separate creature as long as they are physically touching you."

This would also help with Teleport, as that also has a hard limit on the number of creatures you can take with you.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeah, I like adding the exceptions at the familiar level. I know at least one effect was added (in the APG?) that is a teleport self + familiar, but I think anything that can teleport you should be able to teleport your familiar - unless they make a spell that lets you teleport to your familiar or something strange.

Horizon Hunters

Hmm, actually this may be an issue with Sprites, since they can get a Small Familiar they ride on. Maybe only Tiny Familiars. Also it's weird that Kitsune can't d-door with their star orbs...

Gortle wrote:
The spell needs to specify "another creature of size Small or larger"

So you want the all sprite party to Dimension Door? Well, all except the Corgi familiars. ;)

HumbleGamer wrote:

Imo, it would be better to just allow familiars to travel with their owners ( no companions, no allies, no other creatures, regardless their size ).

After all, I guess nobody would like to see a sprite or strix exploiting the system.

I'm not sure familiars make any more sense than companions, allies or other creatures when you take the corgi into account: Familiars can be creatures that are larger than the caster and mounts.

I think Shadow Jump's wording works for that though: "You can transport your familiar with this spell, but if shadow jump would bring any other creature with you—even if you're carrying the creature in an extradimensional container—the spell is disrupted."

Grand Lodge

I agree with graystone that Shadow Jump's seems to cover this well.

I want to say all class features are allowed, but not allowing companions make sense. They're just well trained pets. Familiars are more than that, especially for witches.

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