This is not a Flamewar

Off-Topic Discussions

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[Emphatic assertion]

[Same assertion in different phrasing]

[Invitation for others to join in]

[But it's not a flame]

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I'm sorry I had to,

Dark Archive

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You do not know the power of the Dark Side!

Dark Archive

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here; this is the War Room!

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[Mildly phrased counterpoint]

[Mildly phrased counterpoint with a whiff of jaded sarcasm]

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Phillip Gastone wrote:


I'm sorry I had to,

Also evil.

Also into cats.

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::Since this is NOT the Flame War, sees no reason to declare Pugwampi victory::

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[Link with no real pertinence to the topic nor appropriate comment]

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[Mildly insulting drive-by joke, with no real relevance to the subject]

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::Since this is NOT the Flame War, sees no reason not to declare Pugwampi victory::

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Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
::Since this is NOT the Flame War, sees no reason not to declare Pugwampi victory::

::Tries to explain that since this is NOT the Flame War, declaring Pugwampi victory accomplishes nothing except declaring Pugwampi victory over whatever the heck this is::

Dark Archive

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Burn! Burn EVERYTHING!!!

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Liberty's Edge

{rah rah oo la la's}

That’s not a flame war, that’s a spoon!

[condescending objection questioning if OP possesses proper levels of enthusiasm for cause and implying they are just as bad as opponents because of this]

[incoherent, profanity laced wall of text]

[Link without comment to This is Not a Love Song video.]

[Magritte reference]

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{whistles a jolly tune, empties another wheelbarrow of dry tinder}



I am invincible!

[token sentence only tangentially related to original assertion followed up by a driveby advertising link for something totally unrelated to topic at hand]

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So you're saying... Flamewar?


[condescending comment reminding everyone which forum rules they are breaking]

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{suddenly realizes this thread is neither my beautiful house nor my beautiful wife}

Burn it down!!!

Dark Archive

We didn't start the fire!

[Denunciation of people failing to treat the issue with appropriate gravitas]

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[Accusation of breaking forum rules. Poster has not used the report function]

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snark about how these comments have been up for entire minutes, thus showing the mods are both biased and incompetent]

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Post in Markov-generated text that meanders around to a URL offering a product/service of questionable legality and a website full of browser exploiting malware.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I already covered this issue in my blog. Just go there and read.


3 people marked this as a favorite.

[obvious non-sequitor about spiders, complete with illustration]

/╲/\╭( ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡°)╮/\╱\

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[recoils in horror from spider with a nose]

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

[obvious non-sequitor about spiders, complete with illustration]

/╲/\╭( ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡°)╮/\╱\

[complains about being hacked when obviously just forgot to change aliases]

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[post clearly intended for a different topic entirely, with an edit note indicating that I'm aware of this but haven't actually deleted the post. The appropriate topic does not have this post in it.]

Phillip Gastone wrote:
[post clearly intended for a different topic entirely, with an edit note indicating that I'm aware of this but haven't actually deleted the post. The appropriate topic does not have this post in it.]

[pure rage at being so clearly targeted by a personal attack on character by editor's note]

[Derailing remark attempting to steer conversation onto pet grievance.]

[Tone policing]

Phillip Gastone wrote:
[Tone policing]

[Chiding the previous poster for tone policing and accusing them of purposefully missing the point of the argument, then advocating for tone policing that lines with this post's views.]

[detailed and rigorous analysis of tangential point of definition and framing that I find super interesting, layered in massive number of caveats, IMOs, and YMMV. Pretty much completely uncontroversial and uninteresting, unless someone misunderstands it which is entirely possible due to baroque sentence structures]

[Racist, sexist screed by a first time poster with no interest in RPGs that gets them immediately perma-banned.]

[counter argument focused entirely on perceived spelling and grammatical errors. Contains spelling and grammatical errors]

It's almost as if [snarky and faintly dismissive Eurocentric lefty characterisation of the wider problem the argument is allegedly related to].

[signature above the signature break]

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