Combining Speeds.

Rules Discussion

The Exchange

I am wondering when characters have swim/climb speeds in addition to their normal speeds can those speeds be used together as a single action?

Can a Raging Athlete barbarian with a 30 speed: swim 10' to a 10' cliff, climb it, then run 10' in a single action, or would that be 3 actions?

If each is a different action, couldn't a character "Climb" on level ground? Most people would clearly choose not to do so as it would slow them down tremendously, but if it didn't slow you down or if you didn't mind that it did, why couldn't it be done?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

By default no, however the GM can allow some combination when it seems appropriate. Here's what the Game mastery Guide has to say about it:

"The different types of actions representing movement are split up for convenience of understanding how the rules work with a creature’s actions. However, you can end up in odd situations, such as when a creature wants to jump vertically to get something and needs to move just a bit to get in range, then Leap, then continue moving. This can end up feeling like they’re losing a lot of their movement to make this happen. At your discretion, you can allow the PCs to essentially combine these into one fluid movement as a 2-action activity: moving into range for a Leap, then Leaping, then using the rest of their Speed.

This typically works only for chaining types of movement together. Doing something like Interacting to open a door or making a Strike usually arrests movement long enough that doing so in the middle of movement isn’t practical."

Horizon Hunters

It would get weird if you have something like a speed of 20 and a Fly of 40. If it's the same value it should be fine though.

In PFS I always keep them separate actions though, especially for enemies.

Shadow Lodge

RAW, using three movement types requires three separate actions:

Chapter 9: Playing the Game / General Rules / Movement / Movement Types wrote:

Core Rulebook pg. 463 2.0
Creatures in Pathfinder soar through the clouds, scale sheer cliffs, and tunnel underfoot. Most creatures have a Speed, which is how fast they can move across the ground. Some abilities give you different ways to move, such as through the air or underground.

Each of these special movement types has its own Speed value. Many creatures have these Speeds naturally. The various types of movement are listed below. Since the Stride action can be used only with your normal Speed, moving using one of these movement types requires using a special action, and you can’t Step while using one of these movement types. Since Speed by itself refers to your land Speed, rules text concerning these special movement types specifies the movement types to which it applies. Even though Speeds aren’t checks, they can have item, circumstance, and status bonuses and penalties. These can’t reduce your Speeds below 5 feet unless stated otherwise.

Switching from one movement type to another requires ending your action that has the first movement type and using a new action that has the second movement type. For instance, if you Climbed 10 feet to the top of a cliff, you could then Stride forward 10 feet.

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