Theaitetos |

You can use Dispel Magic to dispel it.
You can use Aquaeous Orb to counterspell it when it is being cast. If a caster has the Improved Counterspell or Ordered Mind feat, the caster can counterspell it with any Conjuration spell of 4th level or higher (3rd level or higher with Ordered Mind).
A Lesser Globe of Invulnerability protects you from Aquaeous Orb.
Imposing barriers > 10ft can prevent the Orb's movement along certain paths. Flying should also keep creatures save from the Orb.
Since the Orb is limited by creature sizes, you could "fill" it by increasing the size of captured creatures; e.g. if the Orb captured 2 of your party members, cast Enlarge Person on one of them, and the Orb will have to release one of them.
Staggering the caster of the Orb prevents him from taking both a Standard Action (e.g. for casting other spells) and a Move Action to move the Orb - he will have to decide. Dazing, or otherwise incapacitating the caster, makes the Orb stay in its place as well.
Depending on GM adjudication, a Create Pit spell could gobble up the Orb; it's somewhat unclear, but the text seems to indicate that the Orb is not able to hover more than 10ft above ground. However, Create Pit doesn't say what happens to objects, only that creatures drop into it. But in order to avoid weird mechanics where a Pit spell would suck creatures out of an Orb hovering above it, it's probably easiest to say the Orb drops into the Pit with all the creatures inside.

liao1994 |
The other way is have one party member ready action everytimes the spell caster is trying to move it or before he cast it and hopefully the caster wont succed concentration dc.
if you somehow get caught in one and you are a wizard with teleport specialization, and can always teleport yourself out with shift(su)
would be pretty funny if you get the spellcaster to walk into his own sphere, and if he fails his concentration to dismiss it.
https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/control-water/ will also make it go away

Azothath |
Theltetos covered most of it.
IMO counterspelling(requires a readied action) and Dispel Magic are a waste of time.
You can obstruct the caster's line of sight so he cannot direct the orb effectively and it's a good reactive spellcasting as it hinders future spell targeting and makes the opposing caster counter (keeping him busy) or move. Obscuring Mist, Darkness, Pyrotechnics, Stinking Cloud, Glitterdust are usually used, there are others.
There are several ways to, "Don't be a target".
Increase your movement rate to outpace the Orb.
Carry a potion of Air Bubble in a Potion Sponge, or Touch of the Sea, or Water Breathing, or a low level polymorph that grants water breathing & swim. This is a general precaution for water adventures.

Ryze Kuja |

Aqueous Orb is a pain, but it causes nonlethal damage, which is much easier dealt with than actual damage.
Staggered and Unconscious
When your nonlethal damage equals your current hit points, you’re staggered. You can only take a standard action or a move action in each round (in addition to free, immediate, and swift actions). You cease being staggered when your current hit points once again exceed your nonlethal damage.
When your nonlethal damage exceeds your current hit points, you fall unconscious. While unconscious, you are helpless.
Spellcasters who fall unconscious retain any spellcasting ability they had before going unconscious.
If a creature’s nonlethal damage is equal to his total maximum hit points (not his current hit points), all further nonlethal damage is treated as lethal damage. This does not apply to creatures with regeneration. Such creatures simply accrue additional nonlethal damage, increasing the amount of time they remain unconscious.
Healing Nonlethal Damage
You heal nonlethal damage at the rate of 1 hit point per hour per character level. When a spell or ability cures hit point damage, it also removes an equal amount of nonlethal damage.
So in addition to everything Thaeitetos said, you can also "pack" the Aqueous Orb with 1 large or 4 med-sized Summoned Creatures by casting Summon Nature's Ally or Summon Monster on top of the Aqueous Orb so that it can't pick up your allies. Also, whenever you use a Cure spell to heal actual HP damage, you also heal an equivalent amount of Nonlethal damage. And you recover 1 point per Character Level Per Hour of non-lethal HP damage naturally. So even if you do get beat up by an Aqueous Orb, the damage is easily recovered after combat.
Dispel Magic or any spell that creates a 11ft+ Wall is probably the easiest way to defeat an Aqueous Orb though.