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Hi Guys Another question to this old Master, learning pathfinder... The flaming sphere A burning globe of fire rolls in whichever direction you point and burns those it strikes. It moves 30 feet per round. As part of this movement, it can ascend or jump up to 30 feet to strike a target. If it enters a space with a creature, it stops moving for the round and deals 3d6 points of fire damage to that creature, though a successful Reflex save negates that damage. A flaming sphere rolls over barriers less than 4 feet tall. It ignites flammable substances it touches and illuminates the same area as a torch would. Now if 3 objects are surrounding the are of the flaming sphere, does the 3 objects/target are damaged by the sphere? or it just only the object/target the only one damaged by the sphere, and also the sphere needs to be adjacent to the object/target in order to deal damage or if something move in a square adjacent to the sphere automatically is damaged? even if he just pass by? ![]()
Agodeshalf wrote:
Sorry he is 4 level Hunter+ 1 level sorcerer ![]()
Lelomenia wrote: Hunters get access to barkskin at 4th level, so not sure why that’s already in play. There aren’t ‘medium shields’; +2 from shield means heavy? Heavy shield + studded leather gives a 30% Arcane spell failure chance. Shield spell is generally not that practical because it only lasts a minute, so unless you are ambushing someone you need to spend a turn in combat casting it. Also, good chance he’s pushing Medium Load (heavy shield + studded leather = 30 pounds, at str 10 medium load is 34 pounds and he’s probably carrying a weapon), which wouuld limit dex bonus to +3. As above, shield spell and shield equipment dont stack, but barkskin would stack with all the other things mentioned if he can get it. Overall he seems like he’s building for AC, and that isnt out of line. I would imagine such a character struggling to deal damage (+2 BAB at level 4 etc). Sorry he is 4 level Hunter+ 1 level sorcerer ![]()
Hi guys I have a player (Hunter lvl-3/ sorcerer lvl-1)that has an studded leather+1 and Dexterity 18 that gives him 18AC he uses shield medium so then he can have 20AC, and now he is using Barkskin, so he is having 22AC at this moment, but he is using shield spell for sorcerer to have a 26AC what makes me almost impossible from my creatures to hit him, is this stack possible? How really works barskin+shield and how can make the other player feel like he is a super player almost impossible to kill? Thank you for all the help you can give me. ![]()
LordKailas wrote:
Yes it helped me a lot!! thanks guys GG all ![]()
Hi all This is my first post, so don't be hard on me. I have a question a regular player Fighter, Druid etc, can pick ferocity as feat or like an ability? and how can be done? Ferocity (Ex)
Format: ferocity; Location: Defensive Abilities. Thanks |