Using Healing Kits, post-errata

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

In the FAQ, it says:

Update: We will be updating the tools revamp to indicate that worn healer's tools (along with other tool kits) take only one hand to use, as you don't have to hold the whole kit in your other hand, just pull out the things you need. What this means for Battle Medicine is that you only need one free hand to perform it with worn healer's tools, you don't need both hands.

However, even in the newly updated PDF, Healer's Tools are still listed as requiring 2 hands to use. Now, personally, I prefer this, as I can't really imagine bandaging or treating someone's wounds with only one hand. Try putting a band-aid on with only one hand. Now imagine having to use a bandage that wasn't made with the benefits of modern technology.

What is the actual intent here? Is it intended that a barbarian can spend one action attacking, his sending bandaging himself, and then go right back to attacking? Should he not have to put down the greataxe?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I believe the intent is that he does NOT have to put his greataxe away if he is wearing his tools and has one hand free (which traditionally means he'd have to spend an Release action to change grip from wielding to merely holding since the greataxe is a 2-handed weapon).

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

No. This question is answered in the text that you quoted in your post. The intent is for Battle Medicine to require one free hand and worn healers tools. Not two. There is no question about the intent still open on this one.

For your barbarian, he wouldn't go right back to attacking, but he would not have to drop the are.

Action 1: Attack
Free Action: Release the greataxe with one hand.
Action 2: Battle Medicine
Action 3: Interact to get back to properly wielding the great are with twi hands. (With a bastard sword, they might go right back to attacking, at D8 instead of D12).

Liberty's Edge

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The key word is "worn".

Verdant Wheel

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Treat Wounds is "2-handed", please put your axe down and get your hands dirty.

Battle Medicine is "worn tools" plus "1-handed", imagine it how you will!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
The Raven Black wrote:
The key word is "worn".


A healer's kit (and most tools) take two hands to use, but the act of wearing one (as described in the entry) allows you to use the tools with only one hand.

Someone with a great axe would still need to release (Free) > battle medicine > regrip, two actions.

If they instead were drawing stowed tools it'd be drop axe (free) > draw stowed tools (two) > battle medicine > drop healer's kit (free) > pick up axe > regrip, for five actions.

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Hey, so first post here, I watched this whole argument unfold from the sideline and I guess now I thought I'd jump in and speak on the "realism" aspect of one-handed trauma medicine. I have some expertise in battlefield medicine, I was until relatively recently a combat medic for a combat arms army unit. I carried the same weapon as everyone else, which we all know requires 2 hands to operate, and generally I do prefer to use both hands when treating a patient. However, not only are there many ways to partially free up one hand to partially use both (in a way that wouldn't really require "putting away" your weapon) there's a number of immediate treatments that you can legitimately preform one handed.

I think the one free hand rule is more about balance and ease of use to be completely honest, but in a magical rpg it really doesn't stretch my verisimilitude much to imagine someone using worn healers tools (kinda like an IFAK) one handed, just my opinion on the subject.

Thank you for all of your input on this; I still think that if they intend for this to be how it works, they need to put it in the book itself (by updating the kits to be one-handed, or at least clarify that they can be used that way), rather than expecting people to check the FAQ.

spectrevk wrote:
Thank you for all of your input on this; I still think that if they intend for this to be how it works, they need to put it in the book itself (by updating the kits to be one-handed, or at least clarify that they can be used that way), rather than expecting people to check the FAQ.

Yup, its definitely a problem and it's kinda surprising they didn't clarify the situation better in either erata

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spectrevk wrote:
Thank you for all of your input on this; I still think that if they intend for this to be how it works, they need to put it in the book itself (by updating the kits to be one-handed, or at least clarify that they can be used that way), rather than expecting people to check the FAQ.

The idea, from what I understand, is that there is a limit to how many tools you can wear: so you can't wear a snare kit, a healers tools and thieves tools all at once. So you might be forced to hold the kit in one hand while using it [ie 2 hands used] instead of having the tools in a belt and only needing the one hand. Seems niche, fiddly and more trouble than it's worth but there it is. ;)

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spectrevk wrote:
Thank you for all of your input on this; I still think that if they intend for this to be how it works, they need to put it in the book itself (by updating the kits to be one-handed, or at least clarify that they can be used that way), rather than expecting people to check the FAQ.

there is a distinctive difference on them making the tools 1 handed compared to what they have clearly changed in the recent errata:

the tools now are STILL 2 handed, but if you "wear them" you can operate them 1 handed.

BUT you can only wear 2 bulk worth of tools.

So you cannot have 10 different toolkits strapped together and use whatever you want on demand one handed.

Basically, you have to pick which kits you can have for 1 handed, in combat, use.

The problem is that the section on wearing tools in the updated rule book doesn’t include the part about using it two handed

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
spectrevk wrote:
The problem is that the section on wearing tools in the updated rule book doesn’t include the part about using it two handed

Why would it need to? That it needs two hands is made clear from the equipment table.

The rules for wearing tools make it clear that it is an exception to the normal rule of requiring two hands.

I fail to see why this is even an issue.

Sovereign Court

spectrevk wrote:
Thank you for all of your input on this; I still think that if they intend for this to be how it works, they need to put it in the book itself (by updating the kits to be one-handed, or at least clarify that they can be used that way), rather than expecting people to check the FAQ.

It probably will be, in the next printing. That's how this usually goes.

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