[Non-PFS] [3PP Class Only] Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands


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Now recruiting for Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands where classes must be from a third party publisher. This game is to get some use out of 3PP content that tends to sit dormant.

"A ruined monument to folly and ego, the Shadowed Keep stands atop an isolated bluff deep in a mist‐wreathed forest. Sacked by marauding goblins decades ago the place was thought abandoned, but shadows now creep among the forest's great boles and footprints
have appeared on the single, overgrown track leading to the keep. Travelers have begun to disappear with alarming regularity from the nearby road and the local folk fear some slumbering evil has claimed the ruin as its own.

Dare you brave the terrors of the Shadowed Keep to crush that which lurks within or will darkness shroud the surrounding lands?"

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Level: Characters will start at 1st level.
Attributes: 20 point buy.
Hit Point Generation: Max at first level.
Classes: 3pp classes only. Additional rules for your class are limited to the original material where the class originates. This is to limit abuse of unforeseen 3PP interactions. Ideally, I would like access to the material (because I already own it, it's on d20PFSRD, or you own it and can can the corresponding info verbatim). Classes are subject to DM approval if I don't own it and it's not on d20PFSRD. See Campaign Info for "safe" classes.
Races: Core races.
Alignment: No evil.
Starting Wealth: Average starting wealth for your class.
Traits: Two traits.

Submissions have a soft close of Dec. 21st. This is subject to change based on the amount of submissions and the holidays. I'm looking for 4-6 characters.

If someone has GM'd for me before, I will give preference to them. It's a small way I can show gratitude for the work they've put in. Otherwise, I will make the selection shortly after the submission deadline.


Characters will begin in Olfden, located in the Darkmoon Vale region.

In addition to providing a character description and using a template (example) for your character data, please fill out the following for your character:

Have a Goal: Strive to be the best at something, to create something, to see a place, to get married, or to achieve some other goal. Whatever it is, have something you want above all other things.

Have a Reputation: Maybe you’re a great juggler, or maybe you slipped on the stairs in front of the whole town. Whatever it is, it’s something locals remember about you.

Have a Friend: Whether a friend from school, a coworker, an army buddy, or someone you saved, have someone you’re close to and whom you wish well.

Have a Home: It might be a neighborhood you love, your parent’s house, or a room you rent; in any case, it’s the place you call home.

Have a Signature Item: A signature item is something that is recognizably yours, be it a weapon with a distinctive grip, a piece of jewelry, a lucky charm, or your favorite scarf.

Have a Problem: Maybe you don’t have any money, a member of your family is sick, or you’re trying to get home. Whatever the issue is, you’re doing your best to solve it.

Have a Secret: Maybe you can’t read, left your crew mates to die, or made your long-lost sister run away. This should be something that would embarrass or endanger you if others found out.

Have a Reason to Be Brave: Maybe it’s to be like your hero, maybe it’s to repay a debt, maybe it’s for your child, but have a reason to occasionally face your fears.

@DM rel20 - how about the Direlock?

Or the Synergist from Amora Games Liber Influxus Communis?

The Direlock is fine. I don't have the Synergist, though.

Silver Crusade

Dot. Thinking either machinesmith or dragon rider.

Dot. Absolutely interested, considering a Mageknight.

DM rel20 wrote:
The Direlock is fine. I don't have the Synergist, though.

Since the Liber Influxus Communis received a 5 star review from Endzeitgeist, I'm ok with the Synergist if you can send the details of relevant abilities.

rorek55 wrote:
Dot. Thinking either machinesmith or dragon rider.

Sounds good. Both are ok, the latter has me a little worried about play balance, but that’s a part of what this is for.

Silver Crusade

I can play either you prefer, I was leaning towards the latter, as its unlikely I would get to play it in most games. (at least, not without modification) And because I can finally play Eragon in PF haha. But having a dragon mount is just cool thematically. That said I love the hextech/steampunk vibe of the machine smith as well.

But if you have a preference, I'll certainly take that into consideration :).

Dotting. Seeeing how you are only allowing one of Rogue Genius's Godling classes, I'll begin work on a male elven clever godling. And since most of the godling I make are kids of Cayden Cailean, I'm gonna switch it up by making him a child of Shelyn. Will likely have him focus on the Legendary Beauty (Ex) Divine Traits.

Looks like I hammered out elven clever godling of Shelyn, Jarael Talathecil, in just over 3 hours!

TheWaskally wrote:
Dotting. Seeeing how you are only allowing one of Rogue Genius's Godling classes, I'll begin work on a male elven clever godling. And since most of the godling I make are kids of Cayden Cailean, I'm gonna switch it up by making him a child of Shelyn. Will likely have him focus on the Legendary Beauty (Ex) Divine Traits.

@TheWaskally - the list is not exhaustive - it is, as far as I understand, the classes considered safe to go with straight out of the box...others are available if you check with DM Rel20...

DM rel20 wrote:
DM rel20 wrote:
The Direlock is fine. I don't have the Synergist, though.
Since the Liber Influxus Communis received a 5 star review from Endzeitgeist, I'm ok with the Synergist if you can send the details of relevant abilities.

Ok, I’ll send a PM soon...

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
DM rel20 wrote:
DM rel20 wrote:
The Direlock is fine. I don't have the Synergist, though.
Since the Liber Influxus Communis received a 5 star review from Endzeitgeist, I'm ok with the Synergist if you can send the details of relevant abilities.
Ok, I’ll send a PM soon...

PM sent...

I have a question, if you don't mind. Actually, two questions :P

Is your plan to keep going after the module has finished? I've read players can end up about 3rd level. I'd be interested in a further progression, which really lets us taste the feel of the character.

If it is... would the Sage or the Conscript be allowed?

And another question - are you familiar with the Seer from the Thunderscape Campaign Setting? If not I can send you the relevant class info...

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
TheWaskally wrote:
Dotting. Seeeing how you are only allowing one of Rogue Genius's Godling classes, I'll begin work on a male elven clever godling. And since most of the godling I make are kids of Cayden Cailean, I'm gonna switch it up by making him a child of Shelyn. Will likely have him focus on the Legendary Beauty (Ex) Divine Traits.
@TheWaskally - the list is not exhaustive - it is, as far as I understand, the classes considered safe to go with straight out of the box...others are available if you check with DM Rel20...

I'm happy to work around the parameters DM Rel20 set. It's a bit out of my 'confort zone', but sometimes that's good to see if a character concept can work.

What about the psionic aegis or psionic marksman both by dreamscarred?

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
TheWaskally wrote:
Dotting. Seeeing how you are only allowing one of Rogue Genius's Godling classes, I'll begin work on a male elven clever godling. And since most of the godling I make are kids of Cayden Cailean, I'm gonna switch it up by making him a child of Shelyn. Will likely have him focus on the Legendary Beauty (Ex) Divine Traits.
@TheWaskally - the list is not exhaustive - it is, as far as I understand, the classes considered safe to go with straight out of the box...others are available if you check with DM Rel20...

This. This was content that I own, although I'm sure I've missed a few here and there. Updates will be made to reflect questions that come up as well as the discovery of classes I have on hand - I have some stuff that's sitting on DriveThruRPG as well as hard copies (Rogue Genius Game's Adventurer's Handbook). The rest is just making sure I have access to the rules to make a judgement call. I'd rather not try a class that's poorly written when it comes to rules, is obviously unbalanced, or inappropriate when there are so many others available.

Jereru wrote:

I have a question, if you don't mind. Actually, two questions :P

Is your plan to keep going after the module has finished? I've read players can end up about 3rd level. I'd be interested in a further progression, which really lets us taste the feel of the character.

If it is... would the Sage or the Conscript be allowed?

Sure. I recently purchased Spheres of Might but haven't had the time to look at it yet. The Sage I don't but since it's on the wiki I can work with it.

Ironperenti wrote:
What about the psionic aegis or psionic marksman both by dreamscarred?

These are fine. I have Psionics Expanded but lose track of where that falls with all the additional updates/bundles/etc., so please try to stick to feats/skills/etc. from that.

rorek55 wrote:

I can play either you prefer, I was leaning towards the latter, as its unlikely I would get to play it in most games. (at least, not without modification) And because I can finally play Eragon in PF haha. But having a dragon mount is just cool thematically. That said I love the hextech/steampunk vibe of the machine smith as well.

But if you have a preference, I'll certainly take that into consideration :).

Either is ok to try out. The real question is how well Focus balances out the combined stats of a fighter/Paladin with HP padding of a companion. I have my concerns, but only testing/experience will prove this, which is a reason to allow it in the first place.

TheWaskally wrote:
Looks like I hammered out elven clever godling of Shelyn, Jarael Talathecil, in just over 3 hours!

This looks good, although with the information above, do you plan on sticking with it?

DM rel20 wrote:
TheWaskally wrote:
Looks like I hammered out elven clever godling of Shelyn, Jarael Talathecil, in just over 3 hours!
This looks good, although with the information above, do you plan on sticking with it?

Sure. If chosen, Jarael's ready to go.

@DM - did you see my PM and post above re the Seer?

Silver Crusade

I had planned on using a silver dragon, however, would you prefer I use the stronger option (at least, until level 16 it seems) of the gold dragon to get a better feel for the higher end? admittedly, silver is one of the "stronger" options, but I've always preferred silver dragons to gold ones anyway.


Silver Crusade

TheWaskally wrote:

Poppycock! though the swim speed is nifty.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
@DM - did you see my PM and post above re the Seer?

I did. I just ran out of time with my last window for updates.

rorek55 wrote:
TheWaskally wrote:

Poppycock! though the swim speed is nifty.

I believe dragon choice is dependent on how you plan on building the character. The Larger silver/gold dragons emphasize play on them; they’ll do more damage at the cost of a standard action to control them. Bronze allows for more of a hybrid between the two with more action economy.

I actually think the bronze is better for overall dps per round.

Silver Crusade

Gold get uncanny dodge- eh, its nice to have but boring. And can deal strength damage with their breath eventually. EH. They are by far the fastest of the dragons as well. Nearly doubling other dragons speed.

Bronze gets water breathing and wave mastery which is neat. They don't get a breath special, but do get an aura I guess. It also only gets 1d4 for its breath.

Silver get the best maneuverability, and the nifty cloud walk rule. Later on they can Paralyze with their breath, which is pretty fun.

I admit, optimal "DPR" may be with bronze early on, I have not looked at the numbers particularly. Likely its most notable during the 8-16 levels, where the rider could be making additional attacks due to only needing a swift action to focus. However, Vital strike can help with the move action focus required for the gold dragon. Or better yet, spirited charging.

All this said, I'll probably make a roll for it and let the dice decide. That seems kind of interesting.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
@DM - did you see my PM and post above re the Seer?

Yep - I just responded to the PM. RE: Seer, it's in the "not owned" category so if you could provide the mechanics, I'll be happy to take a look and make a call then.

Jereru wrote:

I have a question, if you don't mind. Actually, two questions :P

Is your plan to keep going after the module has finished? I've read players can end up about 3rd level. I'd be interested in a further progression, which really lets us taste the feel of the character.

If it is... would the Sage or the Conscript be allowed?

RE: the former, I don't have a formal plan in mind. PBP tends to have a high attrition rate, so I'll probably wait until we reach the end.

Ok, sent you the Seer info...

(The Seer is from Kyoudai Games)

Good to have an all third-party friendly game available. ;)

Gotta admit, out of all the safe classes on the list, both the Shadow Assassin and Nightblade has me a little intrigued. ;)

Just outta curiosity, DMrel20, what third-party classes have you already seen being played out? Were those particular ones, if any, an influence on what went or didn't go on the safe-list?

And of course, the obligatory "ask the GM about" class queries: How about either the Adventurer or Ninja/Kunoichi classes from d20pfsrd.com Publishing's Play Manga D20? No worries if you don't have that pdf/book available (no online srd listing available for them, unfortunately); admittedly, those were the only two classes that I've been able to wrap my head around in the whole pdf/book. ;p

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


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Today is a good day to... halp wrote:

Good to have an all third-party friendly game available. ;)

Gotta admit, out of all the safe classes on the list, both the Shadow Assassin and Nightblade has me a little intrigued. ;)

Just outta curiosity, DMrel20, what third-party classes have you already seen being played out? Were those particular ones, if any, an influence on what went or didn't go on the safe-list?

And of course, the obligatory "ask the GM about" class queries: How about either the Adventurer or Ninja/Kunoichi classes from d20pfsrd.com Publishing's Play Manga D20? No worries if you don't have that pdf/book available (no online srd listing available for them, unfortunately); admittedly, those were the only two classes that I've been able to wrap my head around in the whole pdf/book. ;p

I’ve played a Time Thief and various psionic classes and I’ve been in games with an Armiger, a sphere caster, a Warden, a Nightblade, a White Necromancer, a Luckbringer, an Archon. This hasn’t really influenced the list-it’s mainly what I own. The one set of rules I’m not a fan of is Path of War. Similar to it’s predecessor, it essentially puts melee chars on par with casters, which overshadows core melee and casters.

Re: the 2 classes, similar to the synergist and seer, I need to see the rules to make a call.

*The Synergist has been added to the list.

So are folks close to an initial submission? Right now we have (1) Clever Godling and possibly a Dragon Rider and Mage Knight?

Close, yeah. I just need to find the way to stick my wife out off the computer so I can actually edit an avatar :P

Also: are we using Background skills?

Yep, almost there. Going with a human male Direlock (Fear Eater) - if there is no Dragon Rider then I might instead opt for the Predator archetype, though it doesn't get the animal companion until 4th level...

Jereru wrote:

Close, yeah. I just need to find the way to stick my wife out off the computer so I can actually edit an avatar :P

Also: are we using Background skills?

Sorry, no background skills. Standard rules apply - limiting variables to just the classes themselves.

Hey DMrel20 I've been lurking about, Was trying to figure out how to play a 3PP necromancer-like class. Looked at White Necromancer, and Death Mage and even Hellion. Couldn't find anything that fit. A couple of months ago I looked at 'TheWaskally's' "Soulknife,/Psychic Warrior/ Stalker" Hey WabbitHuntr! it's been a while! And thought it would be interesting to play a Soulknife.

So since I didn't find a Necromancer that tickled my fancy, for your approval I will put together a half-orc local who has the Psychic ability to make a weapon and possibly armor.

Is the 'archetype Armored Blade permitted?

Robert Henry wrote:

Hey DMrel20 I've been lurking about, Was trying to figure out how to play a 3PP necromancer-like class. Looked at White Necromancer, and Death Mage and even Hellion. Couldn't find anything that fit. A couple of months ago I looked at 'TheWaskally's' "Soulknife,/Psychic Warrior/ Stalker" Hey WabbitHuntr! it's been a while! And thought it would be interesting to play a Soulknife.

So since I didn't find a Necromancer that tickled my fancy, for your approval I will put together a half-orc local who has the Psychic ability to make a weapon and possibly armor.

Is the 'archetype Armored Blade permitted?

What aspect of Necromancer are you looking for? I’m guessing minionmancer, in which case then I’d have to ask does it have to be animate Dead or are you ok with just summoning stuff? The Nightblade has a Dark Conjuror archetype that might appeal to you.

I'd like to submit a Human Gearhead

DM rel20 wrote:
Robert Henry wrote:

Hey DMrel20 I've been lurking about, Was trying to figure out how to play a 3PP necromancer-like class. Looked at White Necromancer, and Death Mage and even Hellion. Couldn't find anything that fit. A couple of months ago I looked at 'TheWaskally's' "Soulknife,/Psychic Warrior/ Stalker" Hey WabbitHuntr! it's been a while! And thought it would be interesting to play a Soulknife.

So since I didn't find a Necromancer that tickled my fancy, for your approval I will put together a half-orc local who has the Psychic ability to make a weapon and possibly armor.

Is the 'archetype Armored Blade permitted?

What aspect of Necromancer are you looking for? I’m guessing minionmancer, in which case then I’d have to ask does it have to be animate Dead or are you ok with just summoning stuff? The Nightblade has a Dark Conjuror archetype that might appeal to you.

You may also want to look at Liada the Corpse Yard Whore submission for the Death Mage.

The Soulknife-Armored Blade is permitted. It’s on d20pfsrd.

Andru Cardei wrote:

I'd like to submit a Human Gearhead

You’ll have to send me the class info on this one... I don’t own it and it’s not freely available AFAIK.


He's basically an alternate spellcaster using tech for spell-like abilities

Do you have the original content or just looking at d20PFSRD? Looking at the latter, the spell list is hard to judge since the spells appear to be custom to the setting as well and not defined there.

"Gearhead Schematics

Gearheads gain access to a variety of schematics.

0th-Level Gearhead Effect Schematics—beacon, chemical burn, chill, hydrate, illuminate, lift, scald, soak, spark

1st-Level Gearhead Effect Schematics—acid burn, alacrity, attraction, burn, dehydrate, detect constructs, detect fauna and flora, detect humanoids, detect undead, electromagnetic deflection, fade, glide, hydrant, scare, shock, simple order, tracker

2nd-Level Gearhead Effect Schematics—accelerate, corrosive acid, disappear, decelerate, detect anomalistic creatures, detect mystical creatures, discordant note, energy resistance, frigid cold, hover, kinetic burst, reveal hidden, sense thoughts, shatter

3rd-Level Gearhead Effect Schematics—blaze, complex order, dimensional hop, heat lightning, radiance, soar, suppress, time lapse

4th-Level Gearhead Effect Schematics—caustic acid, clinging ice, sonic blast, terrify

5th-Level Gearhead Effect Schematics—concealment field, crush will, dimensional jump, kinetic blast

6th-Level Gearhead Effect Schematics—amped lightning, energy immunity, negation field, unfetter

7th-Level Gearhead Effect Schematics—bio-hazardous cloud, destructive acoustics, dimensional shift, horrify

8th-Level Gearhead Effect Schematics—incinerate, thunder strike

9th-Level Gearhead Effect Schematics—halt time, repulse

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