lvl2 eldritch guardian, lvl1 monk and hands detachment

Rules Questions

Hi all,

Say my lvl3 human has 2 levels of fighter with archetype eldritch guardian and 1 level of monk. He has the three possessed hand feats up to detached hand's (

As my hand is now a familiar I apply the mauler familiar archetype.

When my hand detaches can it use the improved unarmed strike combat feat and stunning fist combat feat from the monk level?

Thanks, Gleem

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Oh. Looks like you've wandered into the card game rules forum when you were probably looking for the RPG rules forum. I've flagged your post to get moved to the right forum (I'm guessing Pathfinder First Edition, right?). In the mean time, maybe consider playing the card game? It has fighters and monks too. And you can play it on your table, in Table Top Simulator, or via Play By Post. Though, I don't know of any characters in the card game with detachable hands. Celeste doesn't have hands at all, so I guess that is close.

Customer Service Representative

Moved to 1st Edition Rules.

Sovereign Court

gleem wrote:

Hi all,

Say my lvl3 human has 2 levels of fighter with archetype eldritch guardian and 1 level of monk. He has the three possessed hand feats up to detached hand's (

As my hand is now a familiar I apply the mauler familiar archetype.

When my hand detaches can it use the improved unarmed strike combat feat and stunning fist combat feat from the monk level?

Thanks, Gleem

They are combat feats, and Eldritch Guardian 2 shares your combat feats with your familiar regardless if they are bonus feats or not.

Liberty's Edge

Your hand cannot be a mauler familiar, it lacks the abilities to give up.

Sovereign Court

ShadowcatX wrote:
Your hand cannot be a mauler familiar, it lacks the abilities to give up.

Continue reading the feat.

Hand's Detachment: "If you have the familiar class feature, you can choose for your possessed hand to become your familiar, granting it all familiar abilities as normal. If selected as a familiar, your possessed hand grants you a +3 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks."

Old post, but ... yes. The Hand can use the feats. However, the Hand possesses no Monk levels, so it is limited to the number of Stunning attempts that a non-Monk may attempt. Use your level (as normal) and the Hand's ability scores to determine the saving throw DC.

Also the OP asked it again in the correct forum and was answered then.

Liberty's Edge

Firebug wrote:
ShadowcatX wrote:
Your hand cannot be a mauler familiar, it lacks the abilities to give up.

Continue reading the feat.

Hand's Detachment: "If you have the familiar class feature, you can choose for your possessed hand to become your familiar, granting it all familiar abilities as normal. If selected as a familiar, your possessed hand grants you a +3 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks."

Reading is hard.

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