Billiam8817's page

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"The creature has no
interest in negotiation; it attacks at once and fights to
the death, but it doesn’t pursue heroes who flee these
rooms. If the voidglutton clearly has the upper hand
over a group of intruders, it might offer to let most of
them flee if they leave it a single survivor to torment to
death over a few months."

Eh I dunno, I think I ran it as written. The champion was wounded already, and getting crit-downed finished him off, the wizard stayed behind in the next room to slow it down, and was downed but alive after the next round. I didnt chase them out of the inner sanctum area, as i could habe easily wiped the party. The players were happy with how it turned out and the champion had his heroic "fly you fools" moment. I'll probably leave the wizard "alive" (he was already a skeleton) but ectoplasmic webbed to the wall, but this would still leave the party in a dire position and needing to mount a rescue, either for the magic items, or for a pc.

I might have the void glutton leave the icons there, with the bodies glued up on the walls along with the drow and the other trophies, but take the whispering reeds book which was also in the wizards possession, to go off and further it's own evil plans. Maybe reactivate the gauntlight and have a showdown in the room where they rescued lasda later on.

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My party of four took out volluk by the skin of their teeth, thanks to their alchemist's splash damage. They leveled to five, full of gung ho glory, went and took out jaul and his "wolf-wife" - the alchemist is now infected by lycanthropy, but they pressed on.

They had a brutal fight with the velatrac torturer, but decided to press on. and, ignoring the many hints, journal printouts etc, warnings from otaris ghost, and lack of spells, decided to keep going into belcorras sanctum. They kicked in door after door, until they came face to face with the void glutton. It didn't go well.

The champion gave his life to slow it down for a round, but it kept going, and took out the parties wizard before the sorceror, and soon to be werewolf alchemist escaped.

The players, and myself, thought it was great fun. They sort of deserved it, and won't be so complacent going forward. The only problem is, the 2 characters who died, were carrying zarmavdians spellbook, and otari's picks - 2 of the 4 items they need to lower the ghost wall blocking their passage down. The new characters are going to have to head straight back in there, and I'm worried it'll be a straight tpk - that thing hits like a truck! Fair enough if they could just avoid it for a few levels, but im sort of in a corner - the items they need are in the chamber with the void glutton, and they know it.

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Captain Morgan wrote:
Anyone else notice how hard to find the secure archives are? DC 30 perception is no joke, and it isn't like it is an area people will likely come back to. I couldn't find any clue to point the party to it, either, but there's a ton of content hiding behind that secret door. It might be worth letting the ghosts drop hints about it or something.

There are maps and blueprints to find, I think in volluk's office, which reveal all the secret rooms.

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I laid a tv down on the table and use foundry on my laptop.

I'd never go back, works for fog of war, opening shutting doors, even spell special effects. And I can have all the monster stats and journal notes on my laptop.

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There's the fleshwarping labs, you could chuck in a room or two (or resting the whole thing) for automaton manufacture there.

I'm using a modified version of this for my campaign, thanks!

All the extras like these that people post on the Internet are fantastic. The more the better. You might not get a bunch of replies right now but it's gonna be here and googleable for a long time, and I think AV is gonna go down as one of the best in p2e.

Razcar wrote:
Haydriel wrote:

I'm very interested in this, could you link me what you made of the relics? My players are getting close and I'm still wondering what to do..

Yeah sure, haven't finished them all yet with their Major Gifts but this might make me do it :-) I'll try to have them done and linked this week.

I'm interested to see what you come up with, too!

I think I'll also swap out the relics to fit my party better (sorc, alchemist, barbarian, champion)

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Oh, they're more than happy to continue adventuring, I just wanted to share their 'foolproof' method for making sure it doesn't activate again whilst they're underground. I did have plans to have another test firing of gauntlight when they're a bit higher level though, just to have some more fun with otari, as they love the town. Maybe it shines into the water, raising a sunken ship with draugr crew.

This last session they've made it to the cupola, and tried to break it to no avail.

So now they're off to town to buy a load of paint, to black out all the windows and 'break' the lighthouse. Adventure path complete!

I've laid a tv down on my game table and plugged it into my laptop, then used that to display Narchy's maps via foundry, though roll20 would work too as your free option. It's been fantastic, we put the minis on top and I can zoom/scroll around each level with ease. I'd really reccomend it.

Norse_Ulv wrote:

I got the Age of Ashes adventure path and I kinda wish I had gone digital. The issue is that I use a tv screen for my maps, but I can't find the actual maps from the book online. Had I grabbed the PDF, I could just project that in front of my players (cropping any that aren't full page), but now I have to go looking for maps or make my own. It'd be great if Paizo just had PDFs of the maps available for download here on the site.

So if you like to use a TV for your battle maps, this may help you decide.

A user on here called Narchy has made some pretty fantastic remakes of all the maps for this AP and some others. he might have done age of ashes, too.

Raskal wrote:
Thanks, i will check that. It will be better if Paizo delivers the missing map

it means show them the map on the inside cover, the one of the fish camp

This has been really helpful stuff!

Do you have any advice for me running Trouble in Otari and Abomination vaults together? Im not sure whether to level them up at 1000xp as normal, or to increase the xp cap to 2000?

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Nox arcana have a ton of albums which fit for spooky background ambience music

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I've just finished the begginners box too, and my team are heading out to the fish camp next week, or maybe look for the centaur courier. Thanks for the advice in this thread! looking forward to running this at level 5, and kicking off the AP proper with the gauntlight 'event' being a much bigger deal for the town. A few years ago for a haloween one-shot back when we played 5e I ran a 'defend the town from zombie hordes' scenario and it's a personal favourite.

ps narchy, thanks for the maps, you rock!

Evil Paul wrote:

I think I’m just going to remove the Heist from the main plot altogether and turn it into a side quest.

I’m runnjng a bunch of side quests and other cases each book anyway. Its a cop show, so the PCs have plenty of other mysteries.

do you mind sharing some notes / ideas?

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Why are maurissa and the washboard dogs working with the skinsaw cultists? Is it just because they're evil?

The end of book 2 into book 3 sort of handwaves interrogating the skinner as off camera, then the PCs are sent off to investigate the dogs due to a link being one of the victims in a cage saying he was going to meet the dogs before being kidnapped.

Really cant think of a reason why they'd want to work with her to take down the sweepers at all, seeing as shes been supplying victims to a murder cult. And ideas how to rework this, or how did it go at your table? My party was pretty sour and felt like they were forced to cut a deal with the copper hand gang and very much wanted to take them down (fayati's sneak attack damage+crits made fighting them impossible) and I'd rather not have them keep on meeting gangs then just working with them. They're cops after all!

EdwinM wrote:

and here's my version of the catacombs (seriously who thought having two levels on the same map is a good idea).

it's made specifically for foundry and its multilevel tokens module, but I suppose it can be used with anything if you move tokens manually.
the cave walls on lower and upper levels do not align perfectly, but I can't be arsed to do that since f~+% dungeondraft cave walls.


this is excellent. i made the end area here but i think you've outdone me. ill share anyway -

EdwinM wrote:
Peenicks wrote:
The Skinsaw Sanctum Main Level map is absolutely horrid. I'm running this on a VTT and I'm not sure what the mapmaker was thinking to do with both levels like that, instead of splitting them.
I am actually remaking the whole map in Dungeondraft. I'll post it when I have it ready.

Ive made this one if you're interested -

be very interested if you've remade the main dungeon too.