Recruiting for: Pathfinder 2E Superhero homebrew campaign- Dawn of Legends


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Be a superhero in the Marvel Universe! You will start out as lone hero just learning the ropes in NY City after the disintegration of the Avengers, but soon you and five other heroes will meet as a team to protect the innocent and punish ne’er-do-wells. And what is a superhero without an alter ego? Your normal self will have a job (hopefully), meet people, go on dates, and do other normal person things in non-COVID infected NY City while juggling the masked hero life. Traverse NY City with a range of 6 new superhero movement archetypes, swing streetlights like baseball bats with clarified improvised weapon rules, master guns like the Punisher, and create and use your own super tank or spaceship.

This is based on Pathfinder 2nd edition rules with a smattering of Starfinder.

Paizo produced content will all be allowed, the Legendary Kineticist by Legendary Games is allowed (perfect for superheroes), and others will be considered by GM if presented.

There is an approx. 40 page players guide which applicants will want to read carefully: Players Guide

Looking for 6 players.

This is run in Discord as a Play by Post. I have run 4 games there as a GM, and am in 5 games currently as a character. It is a great environment to do PBP.
I expect dedication to the game, with a 1 post a day minimum and more is better. I will be looking for experienced PBP players only, with a track record of posting with frequency and not quitting games or ghosting.

Application requirements and scoring I'll score everyone on a (subjective) scale of 50 points.

1. Pathfinder 2E Level 2 character based on the player’s guide/interesting character/ interesting reskinning of abilities (10 points)

2. Cool origin story/background//quality of writing (10 points)

3. Enthusiasm/friendliness (based on past interactions or through discussions and tone on this recruitment thread) (5 points)

4. Expected posting frequency (based on GM already knowing you from other games or looking at your other characters on the Paizo forums) (5 points)

5. How your character fits in well with other characters I like. I am looking for a diversity of ancestries for story telling purposes (3 humans, 2 mutants, 1 alien is ideal from my perspective, but I could be flexible) and I would prefer a balanced party in terms of skills and abilities (10 points).

Deadline: September 30 end of day

When you say "disintegration of the Avengers," do you mean that literally?

Hey GM Mustache this is Rai/Mallory stopping in to take a look. As you know I have no 2nd Ed experience but I have some awesome superhero ideas so I will see what I can do!

Liberty's Edge

All over this. Will present a character in the next few days hopefully. It should be really fun to play around with these themes and reskinning abilities for 2e.

Grand Lodge

I've got an idea or two rolling around. I'll try to get something up by midweek.

Redblade8 wrote:
When you say "disintegration of the Avengers," do you mean that literally?

no no, the events take place after the cap/iron man civil war. So that is a figurative disintegration. The game is partially based on the movies, partially based on the comics, partially based on the awesome netflix MCU contributions, and just so you know I am not comic book guy and the lore will not be 100% perfect.

This is an interesting idea. I might be able to come up with something for it. I've got some rough ideas.

Further question, the extraterrestrial concept I'm thinking of calls for wielding one or two laser weapons. How much do a laser pistol and laser rifle cost, respectively, and is the listed fire mode the only option, or can an automatic weapon be set to single fire?

Phntm888 wrote:
Further question, the extraterrestrial concept I'm thinking of calls for wielding one or two laser weapons. How much do a laser pistol and laser rifle cost, respectively, and is the listed fire mode the only option, or can an automatic weapon be set to single fire?

According to section 4 of the players guide, the tech pistols like laser guns cost 60 credits (silver) and are single shot.

The rifles cost 120 credits and can be set as single or automatic.

It says this under rate of fire: "Some guns can fire as semi-automatic or automatic. All guns except shotguns and flamethrower can be adjusted to fire a single shot."

Happy to have your interest!

Lord P' player here,

I'm in looking at a pc now.

GM would you let in
1: An Andriod
2: Psionics

Cus I have a neet idea for a PC, from the far future stuck here in the past.

GM Mustache wrote:
Phntm888 wrote:
Further question, the extraterrestrial concept I'm thinking of calls for wielding one or two laser weapons. How much do a laser pistol and laser rifle cost, respectively, and is the listed fire mode the only option, or can an automatic weapon be set to single fire?

According to section 4 of the players guide, the tech pistols like laser guns cost 60 credits (silver) and are single shot.

The rifles cost 120 credits and can be set as single or automatic.

It says this under rate of fire: "Some guns can fire as semi-automatic or automatic. All guns except shotguns and flamethrower can be adjusted to fire a single shot."

Happy to have your interest!

...I checked that section three or four times and missed it completely. Dangit.

GM_Panic wrote:

Lord P' player here,

I'm in looking at a pc now.

GM would you let in
1: An Andriod
2: Psionics

Cus I have a neet idea for a PC, from the far future stuck here in the past.

Well this is 2e-- and there isn't an android ancestry developed for 2e yet according to my knowledge-- you would have to take a currently existing ancestry and reskin it entirely. Keep all the mechanics but you can rename them and reflavor them.

As for Psionics, you would be welcome to take a wizard or sorcerer or the pre-existing class of your choice and reskin it and the spells you would cast to fit that theme. There are plenty of mental spells available so it doesn't seem like that hard of a lift.

Could be interesting!


How much would a Tool Kit (Starfinder, 20 credits) be?

Phntm888 wrote:
How much would a Tool Kit (Starfinder, 20 credits) be?

Those items seem to be quite a bit better than what PF2 offers in terms of tools. (like getting a +4 to survival skill would be a super amazing item in PF2 and probably cost 1000 gold).

What in particular do you want your tool kit to be used for? It might already exist in PF2 (like a crafter's kit), or I can create a new item if you have another need.

This sounds sweet, GM Mustachioed! I'm not too familiar with 2e yet (I have the beta playtest softback). Might pick up the 2e CRB soon and make up a concept to submit.

Maybe an Asgardian or Olympian lol

GM Mustache wrote:
Phntm888 wrote:
How much would a Tool Kit (Starfinder, 20 credits) be?

Those items seem to be quite a bit better than what PF2 offers in terms of tools. (like getting a +4 to survival skill would be a super amazing item in PF2 and probably cost 1000 gold).

What in particular do you want your tool kit to be used for? It might already exist in PF2 (like a crafter's kit), or I can create a new item if you have another need.

I was actually thinking just a normal, everyday tool kit - I completely forgot the bonuses the Starfinder tool kit provides. For the extraterrestrial concept I'm considering, I'm grabbing the Crash-Landed Ancestry Feat out of the Player's Guide, and I mostly just wanted him to have the tool kit needed to repair his spaceship - even though he doesn't necessarily have the parts. Artisan's Tools would probably cover it.

Two initial concepts I'm mulling to submit:

Magnus Freysson, Asgardian son of Frey and a frost giantess, banished to Earth by his father Frey to learn humility and prove his worthiness to wield the dwarf-forged magic sword that is his birthright. He'd be a barbarian or a fighter. Asgardian ancestry could be a reskinned existing ancestry, even elf would work.

Subject 86, a NY subway rat mutated by an experimental super drug a la Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, becoming a 5-foot bipedal intelligent albino rat-humanoid that is trained in ninjutsu lol...

Phntm888 wrote:
GM Mustache wrote:
Phntm888 wrote:
How much would a Tool Kit (Starfinder, 20 credits) be?

Those items seem to be quite a bit better than what PF2 offers in terms of tools. (like getting a +4 to survival skill would be a super amazing item in PF2 and probably cost 1000 gold).

What in particular do you want your tool kit to be used for? It might already exist in PF2 (like a crafter's kit), or I can create a new item if you have another need.

I was actually thinking just a normal, everyday tool kit - I completely forgot the bonuses the Starfinder tool kit provides. For the extraterrestrial concept I'm considering, I'm grabbing the Crash-Landed Ancestry Feat out of the Player's Guide, and I mostly just wanted him to have the tool kit needed to repair his spaceship - even though he doesn't necessarily have the parts. Artisan's Tools would probably cover it.

Absolutely those work for your goals then.

And for everyone, remember that just like the Avengers, most of the team should be human (or altered like mutants). The Avengers only had room for 1 alien (Thor). The game is meant to be grounded in real world struggles and relationships so not everyone can be an alien. I just got a little worried as the last three people are talkng about aliens but I will probably only take 1 alien. You can totally do that but the competition might be tougher. The teenage ninja.. Er...rat... sounds like a good concept as a mutant type, MJ.. The Asgardian concept is a good too, but of course both ideas are highly based on known characters so be sure to give them your own spin.

Lab Rat aka Subject 86 would be a mutated rat monk. He would likely use unarmed attacks mainly, but might carry some simple weapons as well. A staff would be too much of a ripoff of Shredder. Actually, a mutated rat monk is already too big a nod, isn't it? Maybe instead, a mutated gecko monk that uses sais?

As for Magnus, he'd be a barbarian. What ancestry would work best for an Asgardian son of Frey and a frost giant?

Another possibility would be a human teenager who is given superpowers after eating a super rare relative of peyote in a remote location he was lost in. He almost dies from the powerful trip, which unlocks latent mutant powers in his brain and modifies his biology drastically. His codename would be Psychonaut or Vision Quest or something like that.

MJ, you'll definitely want to get the CRB and the new advanced players guide, or at least start a lot of learning on Archives of Nethys.

There is a ratfolk ancestry for PF2 now, in the APG.

As for the Asgardian idea, that sounds like a "reskin an ancestry idea" as an alien. It would have to be something pretty martial. My initial thought is a hobgoblin, orc, or lizardfolk which are all newish PF2 ancestries.

How much Starfinder material are you using?

Another possibility:

Fan Kwan, a.k.a. Mad Monkey, a Chinese-American teenager raised in NY's China-town, and a devout student of Chinese kung fu. Kwan grew up watching Shaw Brothers kung fu flicks and training in Shao Lin kung fu under his uncle, a Taoist monk. At age 14, his latent mutant powers began to develop, awakened by his training in traditional kung fu, giving him ki powers that are supernatural/superhuman in nature.

He would be ancestry human, background martial disciple, class monk, with Dragon Stance, plus however many other feats a 1st level human martial disciple monk gets.

His costume would be the traditional Shao Lin robe, trousers, leg wraps, leather bracers, and a stylized Chinese theater mask representing Sun Wukong, the Monkey King.

He becomes a costumed vigilante after his family's Asian food emporium is trashed by Triad gangsters for refusing to pay protection money.

That's my favorite idea of yours so far, MJ.
In this game, if you want to be a classic Mutant (with altered DNA) ala the X-Men, you'll have to take a non-human ancestry like elf or halfling for example. If you want to be a human ancestry, then you aren't a mutant but rather your power comes from a different source like mystical or accidental. But you nailed it in that the altered DNA usually manifests itself by early teenage years.

As far as Starfinder goes, true sci-fi stuff will happen in the later parts of the campaign and I haven't planned it yet. The early stuff will be street fighter level.

But we will pull inspiration from Starfinder equipment to make it feel more modern.

Okay, been reading the ancestries and backgrounds. I will see if I can find a nonhuman ancestry that mimics some mutant powers I'd like for Mad Monkey, and if not, he will be a human whose powers come from training in a mystical style of kung fu, and maybe exposure to some rare magical herb given to him by his Taoist uncle to save him from death after the Triad attacked his family's business, Fan Imports in Chinatown.

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:
Okay, been reading the ancestries and backgrounds. I will see if I can find a nonhuman ancestry that mimics some mutant powers I'd like for Mad Monkey, and if not, he will be a human whose powers come from training in a mystical style of kung fu, and maybe exposure to some rare magical herb given to him by his Taoist uncle to save him from death after the Triad attacked his family's business, Fan Imports in Chinatown.

If this is the Marvel Universe, instead of just the Chinese Triads, it could be the Hand that tried to extort Fan Imports. So eventually, Mad Monkey would try to avenge his family by taking on the Hand ninjas. But not until he knew he and his allies were powerful enough...

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:
Michael Johnson 66 wrote:
Okay, been reading the ancestries and backgrounds. I will see if I can find a nonhuman ancestry that mimics some mutant powers I'd like for Mad Monkey, and if not, he will be a human whose powers come from training in a mystical style of kung fu, and maybe exposure to some rare magical herb given to him by his Taoist uncle to save him from death after the Triad attacked his family's business, Fan Imports in Chinatown.
If this is the Marvel Universe, instead of just the Chinese Triads, it could be the Hand that tried to extort Fan Imports. So eventually, Mad Monkey would try to avenge his family by taking on the Hand ninjas. But not until he knew he and his allies were powerful enough...

roger that. I will definitely incorporate player storylines... i hope to give it the feel that each of you have your own solo comic series as well as your team series...

I have three different concepts so far, and only one is extraterrestrial.

Concept 1: A stranded Kree scientist who sabotaged a biological weapons project on Hala, then stole a Kree strike shuttle to flee while being pursued for his arrest. His shuttle was struck just as he reached the jump point, causing his jump drive to malfunction and causing him to crash land on Planet C-53 (a.k.a. Earth) in the Hudson River. His crash went unnoticed because there happened to be a Chitauri army fighting in the city overhead, so he was able to use what power he had left to stow his ship in an abandoned warehouse. Terran security systems being as inferior to Kree security systems as they are, he was easily able to figure out how to alter ownership records of the warehouse so it looks like he owns it. Mechanically, he's a re-skinned Hold-Scarred Orc Outwit Ranger with the Monster Hunter feat. I figured that would be a good way to reflect the toughness and strength of the Kree population in general. This is the character with a laser rifle.

Concept 2: An egyptologist and lecturer at NYU finds a bronze sun amulet on a dig in what was once Kush (now Sudan). Upon discovery of this amulet, it bonds to him, and allows him to transform into the Chosen of Ra, bringer of justice and vanquisher of evil. He's a Human Champion (Paladin) of Ra. The easy part about going this route is that Pathfinder already has stats for Ra as a deity. He'll wear heavy armor and fight with spear and shield.

Concept 3: A former soldier and ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent who now works as a bodyguard for hire. Following the revelation that Hydra had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., he was one of those who found himself without work. Not trusting that Hydra hadn't infiltrated other agencies, he decided to branch out for himself and become a bodyguard for hire who doubles as the hero Vanguard, protecting the streets and citizens from criminals. Mechanically, he's a Ruffian Rogue with the Martial Artist archetype.

I've also got a couple of others rattling around in my head. I noticed, GM, that the player's guide didn't say anything about Inhumans. Would you prefer we avoid that option, or is there a way you'd like us to handle them?

I love all those ideas, Phntm. I bet it is hard for you to pick just one! I could definitely come up with storylines for any of those concepts.

Inhumans are a legitimate choice for the marvel universe, and I suppose I just didn't think about them because I haven't read much of those storylines. So they would essentially be aliens who are very human looking then? For those you could pick any ancestry you wanted and have them look human.

It kind of depends on the Inhuman - every one is unique in appearance and the form their powers take. Their genetics are largely the result of Kree scientists meddling with the genetics of humans.

They aren't all that different from Mutants, I suppose, save their powers come about through the Terrigenesis process as opposed to manifesting at puberty.

Fan Kwan, AKA Mad Monkey, is a Chinese-American mutant (re-skinned orc ancestry with deep orc heritage). 18 years old and just graduated from High School when the campaign starts, he's been raised on kung fu movies, anime and comic books, and was trained in Shao Lin kung fu by his uncle, a Taoist monk.

At the age of 14, he began to manifest mutant powers associated with his ability to channel chi or ki, granting him abilities exceeding those of a normal human martial artist. When he was 16, these powers would be put to the test when his family's Asian food emporium, Fan Imports, was targeted for extortion by the mysterious clan of assassins known as the Hand. His family refused to join the Hand or pay them protection money, so they sent Hand ninja assassins to murder the family.

Most of Fan Kwan's family were slain by the Hand, but his uncle (and kung fu instructor) survived, and found Fan Kwan mortally wounded and dying. He retrieved a magical herb known only to the masters of the style of kung fu practiced by Fan Kwan and his uncle, and treated the dying mutant teenager with a potion brewed from this herb. Not only did the potion save Fan Kwan's life, it fully healed him, and amplified his mutant ki-channeling power.

Fan Kwan's uncle continues to train the teenager in the way of Shao Lin kung fu, and both keep a low profile, always looking over their shoulders in search of the next attack by the Hand. Fan Kwan swears he will avenge his family, but he must first find allies and become mighty enough to survive such a perilous mission...

Phntm888 wrote:

It kind of depends on the Inhuman - every one is unique in appearance and the form their powers take. Their genetics are largely the result of Kree scientists meddling with the genetics of humans.

They aren't all that different from Mutants, I suppose, save their powers come about through the Terrigenesis process as opposed to manifesting at puberty.

Sounds good. If you are interested in an inhuman you could treat it more like a mutant category. You could go half-elf to be a very human like inhuman.

...Okay, I really need to stop coming up with new ideas and start writing complete backstories for the ones that I have. I now have an entire team of 6 on my own.

How about Jamal Mohammad, Sorceror Subpar.

Basically lives in a small apartment in a rapidly gentrifying Harlem. He was a good student in high school which was an accomplishment in an impoverished public school system and would have probably gone on to college for sports medicine or journalism or something of that nature but when he was close to graduating in 2010 he discovered he had... powers.

Freaked out, he started researching online and found out about Kamar-Taj. Scraping together some cash and taking out some loans he traveled there, was accepted into the school of the Ancient One and... was kicked out after a few years but not before gaining some skill as a wizard. He doesn't really understand why he wasn't able to concentrate and excel as he had been a good student before.

Finding his way home he discovers his parents have died since he was gone and both his Wall Street banker older sister and activist younger sister are, to put it mildly, displeased about their wayward brother suddenly reappearing in their lives.

Worse than broke he's in debt to loansharks (not so different from student loan debt really) and so he bums about finding work here and there with his tricks to keep his head above water. Dr Strange is vaguely aware of him as is Luke Cage but, generally exhausted and demoralized, he avoids both of them.. and the cops of course. 25 in 2017.

It's kinda impossible to avoid politics in a modern setting and I'm of the opinion that things have been spiraling to the hellscape that is 2020 for a while now. Can I know how are you going to be dealing with issues like racism and police brutality in the game?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Geez well you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. I'm not going to touch either subject very strongly at all. Will there be corrupt police? Yes, some. They will not be doing any on screen police brutality but will be more like "in it for the money" types. Will there be racism against players who want to play minorities? Well I can't ignore their experience and pretend like racism doesn't exist because that is wrong but I wouldn't want to hit anyone over the head with it either. It will be a light touch on both I guess. They won't be central themes in any case.

That's cool GM. I know the feeling as I've been struggling myself to figure out how I'd like to run either War for the Crown in racist Taldor or Agents Of Edgewatch since I absolutely love the first and am real intrigued by the setup of the second. Mentioning issues but keeping a light touch is as good a compromise as any I think.

I've got two ideas that share the same concept but would be slightly different mechanically.

Concept - Hank Wilcroft, oracle with the ancestor mystery. He's a PI as a day job but is annoyed that most of his clients only want him to chase down cheating husbands. He lives above a pharmacy in South Harlem with no family and few friends except for the Hungarian couple that run the pharmacy. Maybe he's got an ex-wife out there somewhere. Haven't decided on that yet. By night, he fights supernatural crime with the help of his mostly-well-intentioned-but-sometimes-misguided ancestor spirits. He received his powers after finding the cricket bat and a series of old journals in his grandma's attic after witnessing her being murdered by a couple of demons.

Option 1 - No secret identity
He puts on a leather trench coat and carries a cricket bat when he goes out but he's not really well known enough to worry about a secret identity. People he helps might not recognize him but his mom would. He's a superhero in the same way that Buffy Summers is. She's Buffy Summers at school and Buffy the Vampire Slayer when she's fighting the undead. No real secret identity here, but it's not as if Hank advertises either.

Option 2 - Secret identity
Something visibly happens to Hank when he puts on his coat and grabs his cricket bat. The influence his ancestors exert on him during that time changes his appearance way, almost on the level of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde but without the mental block and personality changes. In this form (need a cool name) Hank rids the world of the supernatural forces of evil

Liberty's Edge

I'm kicking around this concept.

He is a very reluctant superhero. He's a casual heroin user, foul-mouthed Scottish guy living and working illegally in NY. He was raised in a remote commune on a Scottish island where he and others were being groomed to undertake a ritual to become the physical embodiment of Gaia, and bring about an area on earth that was a literal Eden. Through a series of events the authorities came to know about this and the commune was disbanded, people arrested for abuse and the children put into foster care. He bounced around that system for a long time. Whether there was any truth to what they were doing there, or if they were just religious nuts, he doesn't know.

But as a result of his teachings and the rituals he undertook he has been able to tap into the spiritual and primal energies of everything around him and manipulate that energy to cause physical and mental effects. Which he used exclusively to travel and score drugs.

Eventually he found out that some of the leaders of the commune escaped prosecution and were looking for him so he decided to disappear, travelling to every corner of the world with just a few meagre belongings. Eventually he ended up in NY and has taken a job as a janitor in a hospital. There he often works the night shift and when it is very quiet he sits and talks with the patients, especially in the emergency room and oncology. He either uses his powers to heal them and make them better or to ease their long suffering painlessly using other powers (especially old patients in oncology or with dementia or whatever, he is doing it out of kindness). He's rough, angry, bratty and argumentative but he has a heart of gold and is looking for some meaning to his life.

Because the patients in the hospital that he helps pass in the night without seemingly any cause, or miraculously their conditions improve, there is a superstition around the hospital. They don't know if it is an actual person intervening, or just pure fortune, but they call the phenomena Midnight Mercy. That's the name I'm going to take.

Ok, loving the concepts. As far as secret identities, I am happy to have a mix in the party. In a perfect world I would take 4 players with a secret identity and 2 without, because I think secret identities are more interesting to play around with in a story, but public identities have their place as well and you tell a different type of story with that, so I am very flexible on that breakdown.

So, I've ruled out a couple of concepts. I was writing the backstory for my Kree scientist when I realized he was more of an antihero that either leaves the bad guys' bodies in the streets or chucks them in the river and less of a "leave them hanging from a lamp post for the cops" hero. I don't quite think that's the tone you're looking for, GM, so I'm gonna put him on the back burner.

I'm also moving the Wizard concept I came up with to the back burner, as well, since a few people are working on those kinds of ideas and I've got enough other ideas to work with.

Phntm888 wrote:

So, I've ruled out a couple of concepts. I was writing the backstory for my Kree scientist when I realized he was more of an antihero that either leaves the bad guys' bodies in the streets or chucks them in the river and less of a "leave them hanging from a lamp post for the cops" hero. I don't quite think that's the tone you're looking for, GM, so I'm gonna put him on the back burner.

I'm also moving the Wizard concept I came up with to the back burner, as well, since a few people are working on those kinds of ideas and I've got enough other ideas to work with.

The paladin idea would be a good fit, based on other entries so far.

If I can get 6 solid characters I am not opposed to starting the game sooner than the deadline of October 1. I'll give anyone who has expressed interest time to get their character in order though. So if anyone is just lurking out there, you should at least give a post saying you want to submit something.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I will be l looking through the guide and submitting soon, I expect.

Ok my concept is a human who is currently in an insane asylum who leaves through his power projecting himself as a hero. In the asylum he says he can move through walls because he has teleportation(lv 2 travel ability)
He will be human with versatile heritage and tough as hell as one of the feats he takes. He will use the archtype to have a secret identity so he can leave and return. For class I am considering what class to make this guy right now but silent image would sure be handy to provide a to have him two places at once and am looking at the amnesiac background as well

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

When reskinning races for mutant/inhumankind, can we alter some of the aspects of the race, specifically appearance (based on previous answers I think mutants using another race have to have some features that mark them as mutants, but can we change the features to something other than pointy ears or whatever) and size if we're using a small race for our abilities and feats, can we change this to medium?

Reckless wrote:

When reskinning races for mutant/inhumankind, can we alter some of the aspects of the race, specifically appearance (based on previous answers I think mutants using another race have to have some features that mark them as mutants, but can we change the features to something other than pointy ears or whatever) and size if we're using a small race for our abilities and feats, can we change this to medium?

So don't change size; if you want a halfling or gnome you are going to have to be small. I really don't want to mess with anything in the rules that would be considered mechanical in anyway, and size would be one of those.

As for physical features, you can change those slightly to look a little more human, to help you fit a little bit into society. Like a rat folk could be reall hairy and rodent like teeth and stuff but still look a little more human. A dwarf is a fat, short man. An elf would be a really good looking human perhaps but with almost fairy like facial features. I think pointy ears are important to an elf, so you should have pointy ears but you could always go around in a hat. Lots of mutants in marvel wear hats and trenchcoats and what not to just hide themselves a little but people know the truth if they get a good look at them.

All of you, especially you 2e newbs... Consider 2e Pathbuilder app. It is a great character creation step-by-step app. It is free. Only problem is that it is only released for Android.

If you have an Apple phone you will have to put an Android emulator on your computer. That's what I did. (called Bluestacks).

It lets you export PDF character sheets and handles correct calculations for skills and HP, etc.


For a new system I like doing things by hand at the start. Do you guys mind if I use this thread for rough notes as I work through the process? Don't want to mess up the thread, or be presumtive that I'm actually picked! lol.

GM Stargin wrote:
For a new system I like doing things by hand at the start. Do you guys mind if I use this thread for rough notes as I work through the process? Don't want to mess up the thread, or be presumtive that I'm actually picked! lol.

Well it isn't a very active recruitment thread thus far so I am okay with your extra activity. It shouldn't make things too confusing.

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