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Hey everyone,
For a potential upcoming PBP game (jade regent), I was thinking of making a melee oracle with the battle mystery. The entire group composition is currently unknown. The character creation rules are 20 pt buy. No ability scores are allowed below 9 post racial modifyers, so stat dumping is pretty much out. Due to the nature of the path, where romance (apparently?) plays a large part, it would help if the character was compatible with elves and/or humans. I wanted to try going for a 2h reach variant of the battle oracle and play him like a reach cleric but to try and take advantage of the oracle mystery revelations.
What I keep running into when making this character is that his saving throws are incredibly bad. A str/cha build on a class that only has 1 good innate saving throw (will) and without any real room to raise other ability scores seems like a huge liability to the party; he'd be extremely vulnerable to any sort of magic and fail just about all his saves. (imo, it runs into the 3.5 problem of dex, wis and con being vastly superior stats over the others since str, int and cha don't give any defensive benefits, among other reasons).
Does anyone have any advice on how to fix this? I am aware of traits that add a +1 bonus and feats for +2 to one stat. I've considered just accepting a 2 level paladin dip as required or trying dwarf, though dwarf runs into the romance problem.

avr |

Buff spells could help. Unbreakable heart and remove fear for example. Alchemy like antipoison and antiplague vials too. Resist energy mitigates the effects of many failed reflex saves.
Also look at ways of adding Cha to things like the irrepressible trait or the steadfast personality feat. I know there's more, that's just what I can remember.

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Toughness feat, put your favored class bonuses to HP, retrain HP (if allowed in your campaign). Steadfast Personality (add your charisma instead of Wisdom to mind-affecting) is hugely helpful for some of the worst situations.
Bad Will saving throws can doom you instantly, but bad Reflex and Fort saves usually just mean you need to be able to take a bit more damage.
If you play an elf, you can use the Elven Branched Spear a bit easier, with just the Skill at Arms revelation. It's a Finessable Reach weapon, so you can focus on Dex instead of Str. You still want a bit of strength so you can Power Attack and don't get encumbered. A half-elf has an even easier time - just use the Ancestral Arms alternate racial feat to trade your Skill Focus feat for proficiency in Elven Branched Spear.

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There's also the Irrepressible trait (similar to Steadfast Personality, but a trait instead of a feat — add charisma instead of wisdom to will saves vs charm and compulsion).
The Resilient trait adds +1 to fort saves.